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Why are there so many clear lies here on this board ? Pericles 02/05/07

    And why are there so many people consistently lying here?

    Just one example out of too many :


    Topic : "Is secular humanism a religion?" by peddler7118 dated 02/03/07

    Peddler claimed in her topic : "Secular humanists don’t want to be called religious.
    That’s because they don’t want to admit that teaching materialistic evolution is really a religious point of view

    So I commented that Humanism is no religion. That a religion requires a deity as focal point.
    And that although Religious Humanism CAN have a focal point that MAY include a deity (Note : Can have, May include), Secular Humanism (the topic there) has no deity what-so-ever. It is focussed on the interest of the human being itself.

    To which peddler replied : "No it does not. The belief that there is no God and no creator is as religious as a person get get. There is no way to know there is no creator and no explanation for the existence of intelligence without one. It takes tremendous faith to deny God. Atheists have always claimed to be neutral but as your actions cleary show you are very religious and in fact zealous in your chosen faith"

    So I posted : Secular Humanism does not have anything to say about any deity, nor it's existence, nor it's qualities. Nowhere does Secular Humanism state that "there is no God". Get your act together and your argument supported by facts!

    Peddler replied : ""The first word in the Humanist Manifesto describes it as a religion and that is repeated 9 more times in the articles of faith."

    So I first posted the first two chapters of the Religious Humanist Manifesto, clearly proving that ""The first words in the Humanist Manifesto do NOTdescribe it as a religion.

    After I got a second similar LIE back from her I posted BOTH the entire Religious Humanist Manifesto and the Secular Humanist Declaration.

    Still a similar worded LIE and several other false accusations came back from her.
    Further requests from my side to support her claims were ignored and replaced by CHILDISH statements on the use of Vaseline and the problems of diaper rash.

    However : peddler did not redrew her LIES on the wording of the Humanist Manifesto. while the proof was in front of her, for all to see


    The above shows perfectly what too many here on this board seem to assume : that they can post clear lies without being found out.

    To them I say : forget it : you will be asked to SHOW precise details on what you accuse others off, and to SUPPORT these accusations with evidence.

    So don't babble and sidestep here as so many do, but SUPPORT YOUR OWN STATEMENTS !!!

    And provide supporting evidence upon request (though you should already have provided that with your accusations!)

    But most important : if you think that you can sidestep the request for supporting evidence think again : I will make it one of my targets to show you what you are in that case : A LIAR !!!!!!!

    A scout may be always prepared. But if you lie here, you better also be prepared, because I will put you in the pillory as a liar !


    My first pillory convicted : Peddler


    Of course there is also one for the males


      Clarification/Follow-up by peddler7118 on 02/05/07 2:50 pm:
      I know in your diseased mind any statement you make is gospel truth and anyone egardless of the facts they present that contradict your version of the "truth" are evil liars but that is only your opinion because you have no source of truth. In your world truth does not exist so how could there be lies?

      re·li·gion /rɪˈlɪdʒən/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ri-lij-uhn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
      –noun 1. a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
      { Note: The first article of YOUR faith, your belirfs about the universe..
      FIRST: Religious humanists regard the universe as self-existing and not created.

      2. a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion.

      3. the body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices: a world council of religions.
      {Note: American Humanist Associations etc. }
      4. the life or state of a monk, nun, etc.: to enter religion.
      5. the practice of religious beliefs; ritual observance of faith.
      6. something one believes in and follows devotedly; a point or matter of ethics or conscience: to make a religion of fighting prejudice.
      7. religions, Archaic. religious rites.
      8. Archaic. strict faithfulness; devotion: a religion to one's vow.
      {note: the vow in your case is the Humanist Manifesto}

      —Idiom9. get religion, Informal. a. to acquire a deep conviction of the validity of religious beliefs and practices.
      b. to resolve to mend one's errant ways: The company got religion and stopped making dangerous products.

      Sorry to confuse you with facts but your whining is getting worse as you get more frustrated trying to convince people you are not just a crying baby who did not get his way . Perhaps this will help.

      A surprising number of different entities fall under the label of diaper rash:

      Friction rash. This is the most common form of diaper rash, and affects almost all babies at some time. It is most common on areas where friction is most pronounced, such as the inner thighs, or under the elastic of diapers that are too tight. It comes and goes quickly, and responds well to frequent diaper changes, airing out, and protective barriers.
      Irritant rash. This is most conspicuous on the exposed areas, such as the round part of the buttocks. It tends to spare skin folds and creases. It's generally the result of contact with stool enzymes or irritants such as harsh soaps, baby wipes, detergents, or topical medicines.
      Allergic rash. This may occur in combination with an irritant rash or by itself. It is also more common on exposed areas. The skin looks like poison oak.
      Intertrigo. Moist heat causes this common type of diaper rash that occurs deep in the skin folds. The involved skin looks thin, as if it has lost several layers.
      Seborrhea rash. A salmon-colored, greasy rash with yellowish scales characterizes this diaper rash that is also worse in the skin folds.
      Psoriasis. This stubborn rash doesn't necessarily look distinctive. Other signs of psoriasis usually accompany the diaper rash, though, such as pitting of the nails or dark red areas with sharp borders and fine silvery scales on the trunk, face, or scalp.
      A number of rare diseases such as congenital syphilis, histiocytosis X, zinc deficiency, Wiscott-Aldrich syndrome, acrodermatitis enteropathica, or Jacquet's dermatitis all cause characteristic diaper rashes. These are extremely uncommon, but should be considered in prolonged, severe rashes that are unresponsive to the appropriate therapy.

      Clarification/Follow-up by arcura on 02/05/07 3:47 pm:
      Court rules atheism a religion

      Posted: August 20, 2005
      1:00 a.m. Eastern © 2005
      A federal court of appeals ruled yesterday Wisconsin prison officials violated an inmate's rights because they did not treat atheism as a religion.
      "Atheism is [the inmate's] religion, and the group that he wanted to start was religious in nature even though it expressly rejects a belief in a supreme being," the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals said.
      The court decided the inmate's First Amendment rights were violated because the prison refused to allow him to create a study group for atheists.
      Brian Fahling, senior trial attorney for the American Family Association Center for Law & Policy, called the court's ruling "a sort of Alice in Wonderland jurisprudence."
      "Up is down, and atheism, the antithesis of religion, is religion," said Fahling.
      The Supreme Court has said a religion need not be based on a belief in the existence of a supreme being. In the 1961 case of Torcaso v. Watkins, the court described "secular humanism" as a religion.
      Fahling said today's ruling was "further evidence of the incoherence of Establishment Clause jurisprudence."
      "It is difficult not to be somewhat jaundiced about our courts when they take clauses especially designed to protect religion from the state and turn them on their head by giving protective cover to a belief system, that, by every known definition other than the courts' is not a religion, while simultaneously declaring public expressions of true religious faith to be prohibited," Fahling said.
      Other reasons to know that atheism is a religion…..
      They BELIEVE in atheism = it's a religion.
      They BELIEVE that there is no good reason to BELIEVE there is a God = atheism is a religion.
      There exists a church of atheism called “North Texas Church of Freethought” (NTCOF) with a variety of believers. On Sunday the seated congregation is of atheists, agnostics, secular humanists, doubters, skeptics and freethinkers = it is a religion.
      Their favorite hymn or saying is "I'm just WITHOUT GOD" = atheism is a religion
      They have repeated rituals telling people over and over about the different denominations of weak and strong atheism = it's a religion.
      Another ritual (or is it a ceremony) they sign up as Christian experts (LOL) to play god and judge Christians = atheism is a religion.

      Clarification/Follow-up by domino on 02/05/07 4:29 pm:
      Stop being so damned HYPER-critical...Dark Crow's response was as much of an 'answer' as any other you have received.
      I'm not asking you to try to use 'honey' to catch flies, but if you keep planting 'skunk cabbage' in your garden, don't be surprised when people tell you your garden stinks. You have a lot to say, and you add a certain level of logic to this board that is essential in any dialogue...but your hyper-criticism is crapping all over your intent. MELLOW, DUDE, MELLOW!!!! Save your scorn for those who REALLY deserve it.

      Clarification/Follow-up by tropicalstorm on 02/05/07 4:33 pm:
      LOOK it up in Wikapedia!
      Wikapedia has a break down of MANY different types of atheism since atheists can not even agree. There is such a broad range of atheism that both are accepted so therefore both are right.
      American understanding for the most part many believe that everybody has a belief in something that becomes their own personal god, or religion, since they are making the object what they believe in, what they put their trust and what they live for. It is considered what they replace God with.
      So if you don't believe this you are not disagreeing with me, but disagreeing with wikapedia and other established sources.

      Conclusion: Since there are different types of atheism SOME are considered a religion and SOME do not consider themselves a religion so BOTH PERC AND PEDDLER ARE RIGHT!!!!!!!!

      Clarification/Follow-up by domino on 02/05/07 4:43 pm:
      It is enriching to know that you are so intimately aquainted with 'congenital syphllis'..but you forget to note.."Cerebral rash" which is the result of the kind of mental masturbation to which you are addicted. And the sad thing is, you mental self abusers end up 'shooting blanks' every time :) :) :)

      ATHEISM....the belief that there is no GOD!
      Theism.....the belief that there is a God!

      Neither atheism nor theism is a RELIGION...but a belief. Only THEISM leads to religion.

      I'm really sorry that you cannot understand such simple concepts, it speaks volumes about your close mindedness, intolerance and invincible ignorance.

      But jeeezzzzzz, that Great Roman CAtholic theologian, ARCURA agrees with THAT should be a feather in your cap!


      Now, the least you can do is STOP telling him his ass is going to fry in Hell for all eternity. That shows a complete lack of gratitude on YOUR part.

      Isn't it funny how shared hatreds create such really, really, really, STRANGE Bedfellows.

      Have to take a break....I'm laughing too hard to type......

      Clarification/Follow-up by arcura on 02/05/07 4:51 pm:
      Get it right for once OK?
      The court also agrees with Peddler on this.
      Also I am not a theologian. I have no BS, MS or PhD in the field.

      Clarification/Follow-up by tropicalstorm on 02/05/07 5:06 pm:
      The argument is as valid as asking if the glass is falf full or half empty.
      As Arcura has pointed put out the court has IF they WANT to consider their ATHEIST group a religion they can. Yet strict atheists do not want to be associated with a belief or classified as a religion. So leave the atheists alone the majority of them probably don't even want to be classified one way or the other anyway.

      Clarification/Follow-up by tropicalstorm on 02/05/07 5:38 pm:
      I think you could call it freedom OF atheisism!

      Clarification/Follow-up by Itsdb on 02/05/07 5:52 pm:
      Now see there Pericles, you wonder why so many lies here and arguments not supported by facts, yet when I post verbatim the Humanist Manifesto I, which clearly and irrefutably defines the religion of humanism you say "Wrong."

      Are you really that blind or is it just "smarter" to ignore the meaning of a document which affirms the need to "reconstitute" traditional religion and establish in its place the "vital, fearless, and frank religion capable of furnishing adequate social goals and personal satisfactions," the religion of humanism.

      This document may not represent the worldview of every type of humanism, but it is entirely at odds with your contention that "Humanism is no religion." Clearly some adherents believe it is and have defined it as such. That is a fact you cannot dismiss with any credibility.


      Clarification/Follow-up by Pericles on 02/05/07 5:54 pm:



      No advice on Vaseline and nappy rash this time?


      Clarification/Follow-up by Pericles on 02/05/07 5:57 pm:



      Why do you think I would be interested what any judge in your religious-mad country decides on atheism? Specially as the legal system in your MacDonalds banana republic is not especially wellknown for it's fairness and real independence ???


      Clarification/Follow-up by Pericles on 02/05/07 5:57 pm:



      Get Real, babbling Betsy !


      Clarification/Follow-up by tropicalstorm on 02/05/07 5:59 pm:
      Pearl S. Buck:
      When men destroy their old gods they will find new ones to take their place

      In some awful, strange, paradoxical way, atheists tend to take religion more seriously than the practitioners. --Jonathon Miller

      Atheists express their rage against God although in their view He does not exist. --C. S. Lewis

      If atheism spread, it would become a religion as intolerable as the ancient ones. --Gustave le Bon

      If there were no God, there would be no atheists. --G.K. Chesterton

      A disbelief in God does not result in a belief in nothing; disbelief in God usually results in a belief in anything.—unknown

      Clarification/Follow-up by tropicalstorm on 02/05/07 5:59 pm:
      Okay amelia bedelia

      tell wikapedia to get real

      Clarification/Follow-up by Pericles on 02/05/07 6:09 pm:



      Get Real, babbling Betsy !


      Clarification/Follow-up by Itsdb on 02/05/07 6:54 pm:
      Dom, I have no dog in Peddler's pony show, but it doesn't take anything more than a 'surface reading' to understand what was said here. Am I to conclude that this brand of humanism is so much gobbledy-gook open to interpretation as to not be able to comprehend "To establish such a religion is a major necessity of the present. It is a responsibility which rests upon this generation. We therefore affirm the following?"

      It don't get any plainer than that my friend.

      Clarification/Follow-up by tropicalstorm on 02/05/07 6:58 pm:
      WHY? IT makes no difference to you ANYWAY!

      Clarification/Follow-up by tropicalstorm on 02/05/07 7:06 pm:
      K PerK
      Got real! Narcissists are not religious so I guess you are right 100% Peddler 0%

      Clarification/Follow-up by tropicalstorm on 02/05/07 7:35 pm:
      I suspect now that the THEORY that everybody worships something was a FALSE religion after all!

      Clarification/Follow-up by Pericles on 02/06/07 1:41 am:



      Who cares what you are babbling all over this board. But feel free to do in my topics : no problems : it's your privilege to post whatever you want. But than don't complain if I react critical at times.


      Clarification/Follow-up by jjgoss on 02/08/07 6:14 pm:
      ...Pericles/CozyRosy.....If you are so crazy that you believe I am JJD, that is your business!!!!!!...It just proves that whatever you believe is just wrong!!!!!!....and that includes your opinions on religions!!!!!!!!.........Open your eyes wide, and use your brain too!!!!! Johnny!!!!!........

      Clarification/Follow-up by Pericles on 02/08/07 6:31 pm:



      With this action you just PROVED you are JackyJesseJamesDupree/Goss

      One more post by you and I post a photograph I have of fatso Jacky .... It's YOUR CHOICE !!!

      Hereby you're warned.



      That is your conclusion
      But you co-cause that with your use of "CozyRosy"

      I told you before that I NEVER used that handle.
      Why do you insists calling me that way?

      Unless you are the same as JackyJamesJessseDupree/Goss your behaviour makes no sense.

      Clarification/Follow-up by jjgoss on 02/08/07 6:32 pm:
      ...Pericles/CozyRosy.....If you are so crazy that you believe I am JJD, that is your business!!!!!!...It just proves that whatever you believe is just wrong!!!!!!....and that includes your opinions on religions!!!!!!!!.........Open your eyes wide, and use your brain too!!!!! Johnny!!!!!........

      Clarification/Follow-up by Pericles on 02/08/07 6:33 pm:



      With this action you just PROVED you are JackyJesseJamesDupree/Goss

      One more post by you and I post a photograph I have of fatso Jacky .... It's YOUR CHOICE !!!

      Hereby you're warned.



      That is your conclusion
      But you co-cause that with your use of "CozyRosy"

      I told you before that I NEVER used that handle.
      Why do you insists calling me that way?

      Unless you are the same as JackyJamesJessseDupree/Goss your behaviour makes no sense.

      Clarification/Follow-up by jjgoss on 02/08/07 6:38 pm:
      ..Pericles/CozyRosy.....If you are so crazy that you believe I am JJD, that is your business!!!!!!...It just proves that whatever you believe is just wrong!!!!!!....and that includes your opinions on religions!!!!!!!!.........Open your eyes wide, and use your brain too!!!!! Johnny!!!!!........
      Go ahead and post whatever photo you like!!!!!!....That's none of my business!!!!! hahahahahaha.....Please post it!!!!!....hahhahahahha............

      Clarification/Follow-up by Pericles on 02/09/07 1:05 pm:


      I have no need to argue any further with you here, Jacky! Just read what I posted earlier.


Summary of Answers Received Answered On Answered By Average Rating
1. Pericles: The greatest liars on this board, unfortunalty,cal...
02/05/07 dominoExcellent or Above Average Answer
2. " ... so many clear lies ..." Who is SO MANY? You...
02/05/07 HANK1Average Answer
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4. Philosophy has a kinder word than lie, because no one can kn...
02/05/07 Dark_CrowAbove Average Answer
5. "Humanism is no religion." -Pericles From America...
02/05/07 ItsdbAbove Average Answer
6. I just realized that uneducated people pretty much have to t...
02/06/07 Choux...Excellent or Above Average Answer
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