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He Just Couldn't Help Himself? paraclete 04/03/09
    Barack Obama is on the nose for bowing the the Saudi King, particularly as he didn't show the same deference to the Queen(UK). Someone should instruct this "boy" on the correct protocol or keep the Obama's on a leash as Mr's Obama's snuggle with the Queen didn't go unnoticed. The American President is either the equal of any head of state or he is not, but he lowers the status of the US Presidency by forelock tugging with a foreign monarch, particularly a Muslim princeling.

    The British people should rightly feel insulted by this turn of events and the American people feel demeened by them. The US is now a third class power. After eight years of Bush's gaffe's surely they could hope for better?

      Clarification/Follow-up by bal317 on 04/07/09 4:27 pm:
      I'm sorry and many will definately throw tomatoes at me :-), But, Obama is a different culture than the last Presidents period. Which means different up-bringing. And how one address people in general.
      Why can't he bow, stand up, shake hands or any friendly gesture's of courteous behaviour period? As long as the greeting was exstending in kindness. I feel speaking of such is very foolish. What sincerely matters is what transcribes out of those meetings, and that in some mysterious way our Country finds a way of peace,among Nations. What we see as Wal Mart gifts. Many areas don't have and can't get. And those gifts he took and whom he took them to. They are rich enough to buy what they want if they could get them. So, what do you buy or give someone that is in that state of life? What would you want him to give? Surely not something many right here in the USA can't obtain, and specially those who make up the percentage of middle class. What's wrong with that? It means to me,we're all being represented in kind. If good enough for the majority. Why not them?
      At least he didn't stand up there like some dim-wit and try to immitate a ritual dance like Bush did in Africa. And he has no Companies like Channey to put in place so they make zillion of dollars. Even though the people you represent die fighting. And he hasn't caused us any inmoral reasons to be ashamed of like Clinton. He hasn't held any people as slaves. Like those Presidents have done up to Lincoln. He's man enough to try and make up for all the mistakes financially that the past Presidents allowed other's in the upper financial way, to keep doing so. Knowing well out the countless people who were suffering all over. But he's ridiculed for showing a kind gesture. And not what's coming for the good out of his mouth and visit.
      I guess I don't understand petty nit-picking, when theres so much more at stake.
      If we can't show our President respect. How can you blame him when he does respect other's?

      Clarification/Follow-up by tomder55 on 04/07/09 5:35 pm:
      see that's the problem . He is not from a "different Culture" he is American and should represent American culture. Instead of trying to show the world how different he is and apologizing for what America is , he should be proudly representing America.

      American Presidents do NOT bow to Royalty . He is at the very least their equal and in the case of that slave holding ,women abusing scum from Saudi Arabia he should not prostate himself .

      Jackie Kennedy understood the importance of protocol.

      Angier Biddle Duke, President Kennedy's Chief of Protocol told this very poignant story...

      Before the Kennedy's first state visit to England, Jacqueline Kennedy asked Duke whether she should curtsy to the Queen. He told her no because she was the wife of the head of state and heads of state and their wives do not go around bowing and curtsying to one another.

      Three years later, after her husband's funeral, Mrs. Kennedy received guests in the White House family quarters. When Prince Philip greeted her, she curtsied to him. Duke was surprised because Mrs. Kennedy was a stickler for protocol and had a steel trap memory for such things. Noting his surprise, Mrs. Kennedy whispered to him:

      "Angie, I'm no longer the wife of a head of state."

      Duke said he immediately left the room and wept.

      Clarification/Follow-up by bal317 on 04/07/09 7:34 pm:
      His Black influence is a part of American Culture. Rarely do you see black youths calling their parents or adults by their first names. In many Bowing shows just that respect, not lowering themselves in equality. Since JFK term. Equality has gained where as people don't automatically feel lessor. What ever happened when in another's area do as other's do? Obama was a visitor. Now when they come on our turf, they should repay with same respect? Then what will other's say? To see Them bow to Obama. Will that make it even?
      God for bid if Obama goes to think around them and he stands ever so correct and happens to cross his arms.
      Who are we that we think. Anyone on the face of the earth is too good that we can't bow our heads in greeting to show respect?
      Such as Who's the Queen? You dare not touch.
      She's a human-being, who does each and everything we all do, each and every day.
      If that's all he/wife do wrong, during their stay as Presidential representatives. They deserve a huge Thank You,Appreciation.
      Cause past Presidents wife Barbara made horrid comments about those poor affected people after the water ruins in New Orleans. And was in that awful nasty,people getting raped,Bowl.(Those people are better off now than they were)while she sat enjoying a baseball game in comfort. Is one of the most disrespectfull comments made. Didn't she know better?
      I again say this is all way too petty, with all the important matters at hand.

      Clarification/Follow-up by tomder55 on 04/07/09 10:52 pm:
      Respect would be to follow well recognized protocol. Respect would be to put some thought into a gift rather than sending an aide to Costco to buy a MP3 closeout .

      What did all his bowing and groveling get him in Europe ? He did not convince the Europeans to go along with his crazy economic ideas (thank God least Angie Merkel has some common sense ) ....he did not get the Euroweanies to help out in Afghanistan like he hoped. He made a speech promising to unilaterally disarm America as a the lunatic North Korean fearless leader fired off a missile financed by the Iranians to mock him .He did not get the EU to budge on Turkish admission .

      The only thing he accomplished is to reinforce the notion that he blames America for all the evils in the world . WELL duhh the world already knows he hates his country. Yeah's easy to be well liked in Europe when you are a snivilling apologist for their delusional superiority complex. He went to Europe proclaiming their leadership .I wonder if he comes back suprised that they couldn't lead a platoon up an ant hill. Europe needs American leadership from our President ...not smores and kumbai ya.

      Clarification/Follow-up by paraclete on 04/08/09 1:17 am:
      I agree with tom there is no way one head of state bows to another, this is not the seventeenth century and european or saudi court manners do not apply. The correct mode of conduct is a friendly handshake followed by discussions in which each is seated equally. I called Obama a boy because that is how he behaved, like some servant of the king, so if you think there is a slave mentality here it is on the part of Obama not on my part.

      Look I saw the other day the same sort of offensive behaviour from my own Prime Minister, he hugged the Brazilian head of state while he was talking to Obama. Just no idea of protocol, even if it was light hearted moment, but then that's Krudd, you never know what he will do, but it was offensive both to Brazil and the US that he should show such little respect. You can't blame him though after all he is following Obama's lead into this new method of international diplomacy where you break all the rules and still expect respect.

      Krudd has been running around addressing the Chinese leader in Mandarin in his own nation, injecting himself into international discussions and why, to big note himself back at home, well I for one am unimpressed and I am similarly unimpressed by Obama's performance on the world stage, too subsrviant by half

      Clarification/Follow-up by labman on 04/08/09 1:58 am:
      Well, Bush is gone. This thread reminds me of ''Be carefulw what you wish for, you may get it.''

      Clarification/Follow-up by bal317 on 04/08/09 2:48 am:
      No one should ever disrespect a grown man by calling him a boy. Off subject, but there were mentally challenged males being mistreated by those in charge. With their living conditions/working/etc.. Those men's ages were 30-60's yrs. old. Starting out the whole small town would call them "the boys". When the News hit TV and started with, "the boys". Immediate replacement was demanded by the public. They're men.
      None of us are hidden behind closed doors to hear what is being fully said. We only know what is reported and that too can be misleading, unless one hears the comments directly said, like Mrs. Bush did.
      How do we know the presents were not requested? Why not buy from discounted retailer's? We are in a financial crunch.
      It's not time to showboat.
      Again, until Obama puts us behind in all counts of life, like all the past Presidents have done and that's why we are here today barely making it. No one should voice a harsh word. Tell it to the ones that put us in this position.
      Hate the game that's put us here. Not the player,who's at least trying to help.

Summary of Answers Received Answered On Answered By Average Rating
1. It goes to show that the powerful don't have all the punc...
04/03/09 MathatmacoatExcellent or Above Average Answer
2. I didn't vote for the idiot. Some damage can't be und...
04/03/09 labmanExcellent or Above Average Answer
3. For 1. You want Obama to show your kind of respect towards a...
04/07/09 bal317Excellent or Above Average Answer
4. Presidents do not bow to Royalty PERIOD !!!! He is a disgra...
04/07/09 tomder55Excellent or Above Average Answer
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