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An add-on to TS's PC post.... kindj 05/03/07
    Please don't misunderstand the meaning of my story. I love the school district where I work, and I love who I work for and with. I'm not exaggerating when I say it's the best place I've ever worked--bar none.

    Earlier this year, we were figuring out how to spend our department budget. We'd spent quite a lot of our allocation on needed supples and stuff, and were really doing quite fine. However, as you know, these budgets are funny--spend every dime this year, or you don't get as much next year. Seems irresponsible to me, but who am I......

    In any event, one of the things that my dept. head was going to order were these metal rods that you use to pull down the screen for overheads and stuff. Well, for four of them, they were going to charge us like sixty dollars. I said, "BS! I'll go to Home Depot and make us some good wooden ones for less than ten bucks." OK, Mr. K., you go and do that.

    So I do. I bring them back, and there was much rejoicing and celebrating over my frugality, brilliance, ingenuity, and raw talent.

    Until one day...

    The principal (who I admire and respect, remember) comes to me and very apologetically said that we couldn't have our pull-down-rod-things. I asked if it was because I made them, to which she said no. I asked if we were supposed to irresponsibly over-spend to get them from the "approved" vendor. Again, no.

    Why couldn't we have them, you ask?

    Because the district (read: spineless, insulated, denying-there's-any-gang, violence, or drug problem school board, who are elected officials who don't know sh!t about education anyway) said they could be used as weapons.

    My reply to my boss?

    "You're damn right they could!"

    You see, while it wasn't their original intent, I did in fact select the one-inch diameter dowel rods for my little project with just that very idea in mind.

    I asked Ms. Principal if she would forward a question to our school board on my--and all the teachers in the school's--behalf: "So let me get this straight: We've had 3 students on 3 different campuses threaten violence in the school on a mss scale JUST IN THE LAST WEEK ALONE. Before that, a darn serious and well thought-out plot was discovered that involved the outright murder of MY principal and a few selected teachers--yours truly among them. There is NOTHING to prevent a student or an adult from strolling onto any campus in the district with heavy firepower and doing as they please.

    Yet I can't even have a STICK? Well, OK. I'll do as I'm told. You see, I abide by the rules and laws that are given to me, unlike the aforementioned folks. The only request I have for you, Mr. School Board Dude, is 'Do you REALLY think that your dumbass and ignorant rules will be ANY comfort to my widow and my fatherless children? My blood--and that of countless other teachers and students--will be on YOUR inept hands."

    She wouldn't relay my question, but did say that there was going to be a special meeting on school security over the summer, and she wanted me to present my plan for security that I had drafted at the beginning of the year to them.

    But A STICK?

    Don't do a damn thing to keep punks with cheap pistols off the campus, that's bad enough. But take away anything that someone can use to defend the students--THAT ARE THEIR RESPONSIBILITY--and themselves.

    Genius. Pure genius.

    See what you get when the inmates run the asylum?


      Clarification/Follow-up by ETWolverine on 05/03/07 6:22 pm:
      I like that plan. Sounds like the type of thing I would try. I don't guarantee success, but it's better than waiting for trouble to come to you. Strategic offense always beats defense. Offense is pro-active, defense is reactive. Offense usually has the element of surprise. Defense waits until they are surprised by an attack. So when you can, always go offensive.

      (Unless you are fighting a superior force... then tactical defense takes over. Prepared fixed defensive positions are a force multiplier of 5:1 in most military handbooks. But we're not talking about fixed defenses in your school.)

      I would also head for the chem lab if your school has one. Lots of fun stuff in chem labs like acids that can do some harm to an enemy.

      The janitor's closet is another good place... you know what happens when you mix bleach and amonia, right? Heck, even amonia alone can cause some damage. A sponge full of amonia thrown in the gunman's face can give you a few second's advantage.

      Thinking out of the box, you could always start carrying a "walking stick" that's a loaded weight. I heard a description of a weapon that was a fancy walking-stick with a hollow, vaccuum-tight shaft filled with a couple of ounces of mercury. The tips of the stick were bronze-plated. What that created was a mace with a punch. The stick alon would be pretty deadly. But if you add the weight of the mercury following up any blow with a second blow coming right behind it, you've got a weapon that can pulp bone into jelly. I don't know where to get enough mercury to pull it off (unless you buy a bunch of thermometers), but it would make one hell of a safety blanket. A nice home-made weapon that isn't illegal and that looks cool too. Just don't talk about it too much around the campus.

      What's the old saying... "Prior preparation prevents piss poor performance." Thinking of these things ahead of time and making appropiate preparations may not guarantee your survival. But not thinking about them guarantees your demise.


      Clarification/Follow-up by kindj on 05/03/07 7:59 pm:
      Ahhh, the old "Rule of P's." Words to live by, ain't they?

      I've thought of the walking stick thing, though not loaded up like that. I mean, I DO have kind of a bum knee these days (and another bum knee, and my hips are kinda f'ed up on occasion).

      Concerning tactical defense: Dead on. We were taught to NEVER assault a building unless we KNEW we had at least a 3:1 advantage, and that just evens the odds a bit. Even with flash-bangs, suppressing fire, and everything else, urban warfare is nasty, nasty, stuff. Especially if you want to use the building for yourself after you take it.

      On the other side of the coin, DEFENDING a structure can be kinda fun. Claymores, Betty's in "debris," horizontally mounted toe-poppers, magnesium flares near flammable substances.....hell, you may not ever even need to fire a shot.

      However, the boss won't let me rig up trip wires and stuff--something about some "district policy" or whatever. Buncha killjoys. I say it solves our security problem AND our discipline problems all at the same time.

      I am, however, following the letter of the law. She said I couldn't USE my stick-puller-downer-thingy. She never actually SAID to put it away or remove it from the room. So it sits rather inconspicuously atop the bulletin board by my desk, which coincidentally enough has about a one inch lip at the top. Funny how things work sometimes. And gosh, I bet if I looked, the three other teachers in my department probably have a similar arrangement (especially since they saw me put mine "away"). Oh, and since I can't use it anymore anyway, I kinda straightened the hook on the end out a little bit.....

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