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You gotta love her... Itsdb 03/30/07
    Fresh off her sparring match with the Donald, Rosie O'Donnell sides with Iran and talks up the 9/11 conspiracy. From The View yesterday...

      ROSIE O’DONNELL: Alright we’re going to take a break and come back and talk about the situation in Iran with the soldiers, the British soldiers who were in international waters. The British say they were in the right waters and the Iranians say no they were in our waters, and so it begins.

      JOY BEHAR: Do you think people are now clicking us off because you promoed that?

      O’DONNELL: Well, I don’t know, but we're going to talk about it and I'm sure it will make the news.

      O’DONNELL: Here’s the problem with what you just said, "us," because it's now Britain and the United States pretty much against the rest of the world. How did this happen?

      O’DONNELL: It's just it’s very hard in America when anyone from the mid-east has been so demonized that no matter what, it's impossible for some people to believe that the Iranians in any way could ever do anything ethical in any capacity. They are not people. They have somehow been dehumanized to the point where they’re not people who they’re just the enemy, the terrorists.

      MARCIA GAY HARDEN: That digresses from what the real issues are. You worded a war on terror, personally that is propaganda.

      O’DONNELL: Exactly, Marcia. Thank you.

      HARDEN: I don't like the wording of it.

      O’DONNELL: Right, because it makes people into evil and good.

      BEHAR: This guy Amanidajaja (sic), whatever his name is. He is a bad guy, he is a very bad guy. He stated explicitly he wants to wipe Israel off the map. This guy is a bad guy.

      O’DONNELL: I'm not saying he's a good guy and I want him over for breakfast. No I’m not. I’m saying that in America we are fed propaganda and if you want to know what's happening in the world go outside of the U.S. media because it's owned by four corporations one of them is this one. And you know what, go outside of the country to find out what's going on in our country because it's frightening. It’s frightening.

      HASSELBECK: So you think we're being brainwashed as a whole country? I think not. I think it’s a media

      O’DONNELL: Democracy is threatened in a way it hasn't been in 200 years and if America doesn't stand up we're in big trouble.

      HASSELBECK: Do you believe that the government had anything to do with the attack of 9/11? Do you believe in a conspiracy in terms of the attack of 9/11?

      O’DONNELL: No. But I do believe the first time in history that fire has ever melted steel. I do believe that it defies physics for the World Trade Center Tower Seven, building seven, which collapsed in on itself, it is impossible for a building to fall the way it fell without explosives being involved, World Trade Center Seven. World Trade Center one and Two got hit by plains. Seven, miraculously, for the first time in history, steel was melted by fire. It is physically impossible.

      HASSELBECK: And who do you think is responsible for that?

      O’DONNELL: I have no idea. But to say that we don't know it was imploded, that there was implosion in the demolition, is beyond ignorant. Look at the film. Get a physics expert here from Yale, from Harvard. Pick the school. It defies reason.

    So according to Rosie, it's the US and Britian against the rest of the world, which means 'we' have no standing in the current Iranian/UK standoff, we've 'demonized' everyone in the mideast - they're not human - just terrorists ("Don't fear the terrorists. They’re mothers and fathers"). We would also have to go outside of the US to learn about all the 'frightening' things happening here (which might explain why she has "no idea" who attacked us on 9/11).

    Rosie also accuses the British of instigating this whole hostage affair on her blog:

      False flag operations are covert operations conducted by governments, corporations, or other organizations, which are designed to appear as if they are being carried out by other entities.

      the british did it on purpose
      into iranian waters

      we will be in iran
      before summer
      as planned

      come on people
      u have 2 c
      i know u can

    Why give this woman any attention? She's dangerous, so here's hoping more people will 'click her off.' She could use some time off to work on juvenile poetry anyway.

      Clarification/Follow-up by kindj on 03/30/07 4:21 pm:
      Yeah, I know what you mean. That's the main reason I don't show up as much over there anymore. It's too much like trying to teach that proverbial pig to sing.

      For whatever reason, I get along OK with the one over there that most folks dislike. I think it's because somewhere along the way we just decided that we disagree on some things, but left it at that, each having at least a degree of respect for the other's position. I can work with that.

      What I can't--and won't--work with is the purely obstinate: Those that base their comments/ratings/whatever on WHO posted it, rather than WHAT they've posted. Many is the time that I've been e-slammed by someone when I AGREED WITH THEM!! But they don't know that, because they never read what was posted.

      But WE'RE "closed minded?" Gimme a break.

      That same kind of BS goes on between political divisions, as well. And it's truly tragic, because however much I disagree with most of the liberal philosophy, I have seen things from it that I do truly like and support. There are those, however, who reject anything by someone whose name is followed by (R).

      But I'M closed minded.

      Clarification/Follow-up by PrinceHassim on 04/02/07 5:33 am:
      If you watch O'Donnell you deserve all you get! At least it has taken the spotlight of Alberto's lies to Congress.

      Clarification/Follow-up by Itsdb on 04/02/07 1:54 pm:
      Trust me Prince, I let other people do the watching for me.

Summary of Answers Received Answered On Answered By Average Rating
1. I can't wait for Rosie to go to Iran and meet with Ahmadi...
03/30/07 ETWolverineExcellent or Above Average Answer
2. There is not enough tin foil in the world to cover her big h...
03/30/07 tomder55Excellent or Above Average Answer
3. This is only my opinion, but I have this feeling that if Bil...
03/30/07 kindjExcellent or Above Average Answer
4. I didn't waste my time reading all her garbage, but I did...
03/31/07 labmanExcellent or Above Average Answer
5. She's wrong for sure about the Towers. They imploded and ...
04/01/07 CeeBee2Excellent or Above Average Answer
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