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Ever heard anything like this? Itsdb 01/23/07
    This may be a bit long, but...

      "The puppeteers who pull Bush's strings are pulling the strings of the evangelicals, as well as the rest of the homophobic, xenophobic scum who listen to Rush and Sean, looking for somebody to be better than." -AlreadyRaptured

      "Bob...everything you wrote was valid..except the part where you opine that one day W could tell the truth..he lives in a constructed world..he IS Pinnochio and his nose reaches well into the innards of the neo-cons who pull his strings." -halsey

      "The thing about the Bush presidency is that it governs for the benefit of very narrow group of family and friends. These folks who are the power behind the Bush presidency don't give a rip about the rest of us or the future of the nation." -Carol Davidek-Waller

      "The agenda is to occupy Iraq as a staging area for invasion and occupation of other middle-eastern countries such as Iran and Syria. This is not news, and this is not a secret. This is the published plan of the PNAC, which pulls the strings on most of Bush the Fool's foreign policy." -Natureboy

      "What we know for sure is that Bush is beholden to the Christian right..." -Katha Pollitt

      "it’s not fiscal conservatives to whom Bush is beholden, but the religious right who seem to forgive all other sins against the movement this president makes as long as he pays lip service to their pet causes." -Derek Phillips

    Get the point? Good...

      New Coalition Aims To Keep Democrats Loyal to Populist Issues

      Associated Press
      January 23, 2007

      WASHINGTON — Looking to instill discipline among Democrats, a coalition of labor, trial lawyers, and liberal groups is launching lobbying and campaign organizations this week to keep Democratic lawmakers from straying on populist issues.

      Democrats who don't hew to this agenda could find themselves facing well-funded primary opponents — an aggressive strategy to counter moderate and conservative blocs within the party.

      The groups have organized as two entities — a lobbying wing called They Work For Us and a campaign arm called Working for Us PAC.

      "Our PAC will encourage Democrats to act like Democrats — and if they don't — they better get out of the way," Steve Rosenthal, one of the coalition's main organizers, wrote in a memorandum describing the organization.

      The new effort is emerging as House Democrats conclude the first stage of their legislative agenda — a two-week rush of legislation that had wide appeal within the party and even among Republicans.

      "Now, we move into issues like improving access to health care, fighting jobs moving overseas, protecting rights of workers to organize," Mr. Rosenthal, who is a leading labor political strategist, said in an interview. "It's really going to take a very strong effort for Democrats to keep people in line."

      Mr. Rosenthal founded America Coming Together, a political organization that mobilized Democratic voters in the 2004 presidential election.

      In addition to Mr. Rosenthal, the two groups are led by some of the most influential organizers in labor and liberal politics, including the secretary-treasurer of the Service Employees International Union, Anna Burger; the executive director of Political Action, Eli Pariser, and a senior vice president at the American Association for Justice, formerly the American Trial Lawyers Association, Linda Lipsen.

      The lobbying arm is organized as a nonprofit organization and already has raised $200,000 toward a goal of more than $3 million for the next two years, Mr. Rosenthal said. It would concentrate on certain key congressional districts to pressure moderate or conservative Democrats to vote with the party's leadership.

      The labor wing of the Democratic Party has been especially frustrated by Democrats who have voted in favor of trade deals that union leaders said hurt American workers by driving jobs overseas. The new political action committee, Mr. Rosenthal said, would be ready to recruit more liberal Democrats to run against them.

      "If Democrats in Congress don't stand strong and fight for the goals we are supposed to share, then progressives need to agitate so they will, or work hard to replace them," said Donna Edwards, a member of the They Work for Us board who unsuccessfully challenged Democrat Al Wynn, a 14-year House veteran from Maryland, in last year's Democratic primary.

      Keeping the party unified won't be easy for the House speaker, Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California, as she moves ahead with the rest of the Democratic agenda. Many of the new Democratic lawmakers elected in November replaced incumbents in typically Republican districts. That could make it difficult for many to support some of the party's stances on economic and social issues.

      Mr. Rosenthal said the new coalition would not single out members with moderate to conservative constituencies. Instead, it will target lawmakers who coalition organizers believe are out of step with their voters.

      "We're not trying to force people to the left of their districts," he said. "We want to make sure that Democrats primarily represent their districts."

    Let me get this straight, Bush is just a puppet whose strings are pulled by, take your pick; big business, insurance & drug companies, neocons, the religous right, PNAC, etc., but it's critical that someone pull the Democrats' strings? It's outrageous for Bush to listen to an evangelical but MoveOn, ACT, and co. can beat straying Democrats into submission for the liberal cause? How much have we heard about "the Bush regime" and its silencing dissent, or as one blogger put it about Republicans, "they will walk in lockstep right off the cliff, taking the country down with them?"

    So much for bipartisanship and open minds, eh?

      Clarification/Follow-up by tomder55 on 01/23/07 6:15 pm:
      Soros is hedging his bets . But Hillary will eat Obama and spit him out. John Fund of Opinion Journal was on the radio talk show circuit last week. He joked that in Chicago Barak is known as O'Bambi and that Hillary is Hillzilla .

      What is more disturbing is the continued Rupurt Murdoch support of Evita .He has hosted Hillary fundraisers this year and even better ....his daughter-in-law who is married to the heir apparent James Murdoch;is employed by the 'Clinton
      Foundation ' working with old time Clintonista ,Ira Magaziner . One has to be concerned that Murdoch will muffle and refrain his news organizations Fox News and NY Post this election . AND

      with in the Murdoch owned London Time ,a conservative reporter tried to make the case that Hillary is to be portrayed (get this ) as the American Margaret Thatcher (gag).

      This whole thing is bizzare . The campaign started at least a year too early . We may just as well change the format of our campaigns reality show format.

Summary of Answers Received Answered On Answered By Average Rating
1. Well I think you nailed it . This was the relevent part of...
01/23/07 tomder55Excellent or Above Average Answer
2. To those who care enough to expend a little energy for resea...
01/23/07 kindjExcellent or Above Average Answer
3. I get the point... the hatred of President Bush by the heath...
01/23/07 drgadeExcellent or Above Average Answer
4. Steve, I wonder if the Dems ever think about the fact that ...
01/24/07 ETWolverineExcellent or Above Average Answer
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