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Now that the Dems will control both the House and the Senate... ETWolverine 11/10/06
    ...I guess we can expect an improvement in all the problems they have complained about, through the implementation of their policies.

    I guess we can expect a pullout from Iraq, which will, of course, result in the terrorists no longer hating us and trying to destroy us, an end to sectarian violence in Iraq, and the establishment of a strong, capable Democratic Iraqi government.

    I guess we can expect higher taxes, which will, of course, eliminate the budget deficit, increase emplyment, put more money in the pockets of the poor, save the social security system, keep inflation low and keep the economy healthy.

    I guess we can expect "windfall profits" to be taxed, which will, of course, keep the price of oil and medicines low and affordable to the poor and middle classes and the retired.

    I guess we can expect open borders and illegal immigrants being granted the rights of legal citizens, which will, of course, stop the flow of illegal immigrants into the United States, keep illegals from taking American jobs, keep medical and education costs low, assure us that only legal citizens have the right to vote, and secure our borders against incursions by terrorists.

    Or not.

    Just how these policies will work remains to be seen. As does America's reactions to them.


      Clarification/Follow-up by Choux... on 11/10/06 5:17 pm:

      Now he will have ***ACCOUNTABILITY*** which was the intent of the founding fathers when they constructed a government WITH THREE BRANCHES!!!!!!!!They didn't want an imperial presidency like the European Kings they LEFT BEHIND AND REBLLED AGAINST!!!!!!!!

      Bush's failures::

      Endless Iraq War
      Failing occupation of Afghanistan
      Katrina Debit card giveaway
      Medicare Part D giveaway
      No immigration policy; America Swamped

      Massive increase in debt

      Cronyism-incompetents in high positions
      Corruption and scandal

      You know the rest. :)

      Clarification/Follow-up by ETWolverine on 11/10/06 5:37 pm:
      Have you ever actually read the Federalist Papers Chou?

      No, the Founding Fathers didn't want an imperial presidency. That is why they built the government with three branches, each with checks and balances over the other. And those checks and balances have been in place from day one. Nothing eliminated those checks and balances.

      However, the founding fathers never intended for that system to cause government to stagnate and be unable to operate or make decisions. And they especially never intended for Congress to have the power to stop the President from conducting a war, once war has been declared.

      But the Dems seem to think that the 2-party system is the check-and-balance. They seem to think that Congress should be MORE POWERFUL than the President. And they feel that ONLY THEY should have that power, because only they are smart enough to use it.

      Well, now they have it. Let's see what they do with it. I'm not expecting much...

      As for your list of "mistakes"...

      "Endless Iraq War" --- it is only endless because the liberal sillyvillians and desk-warriors are demanding a politically correct war, with no casualties (on either side), POWs treated like honored guests rather than prisoners, and a quick end to hostilities. If not for the PC bull$h!t the war would have already been over. Well, welcome to reality... in war the other side doesn't give up after 57 minutes to let the credits roll like on TV. Wars take time to win, and they take effort, and they take lives, and they may take YEARS or even DECADES to resolve. By electing the Dems to Congress, the American people have proven that they don't have the nuts to stay in the fight for the long haul... and your precious Dems led the way.

      "Failing occupation of Afghanistan" - See my comments on Iraq.

      "Katrina Debit card giveaway" - you mean as opposed to the federal money the Dems have been giving away to New Orleans in the form of welfare for the past 70 years? And every other state, for that matter? Since 1965, the federal government, led by the Dems, have spent over $8.29 trillion (with a "T"). It was over $434 billion in 2000 alone.... mostly on programs that don't work and keep people poor. (Source: The Heritage Foundation.) The amount spent by the government on Katrina is merely a drop in the bucket by comparison.

      "Medicare Part D giveaway" - gee and I thought most people didn't think that Medicare Part D was giving away ENOUGH. So which is it?

      "No immigration policy; America Swamped" - Yes. American became swamped long before Bush ever came to power. 11 million illegal immigrants didn't come to the United States in 6 years. Illegal immigration has been an issue for decades... and the open border policies that caused the problem were created by DEMOCRATS. Not to mention that the people who most want to eliminate illegal immigration through border enforcement and prosecution/expultion are the REPUBLICANS. The Dems are against that.

      "Massive increase in debt" - remember the $8.29 trillion in welfare spending I mentioned above? It matches the national debt pretty closely, doesn't it. Think that's a coincidence?

      "Iraq War costing $7-8 BILLION A MO. AND ENDLESS ENDLESS ENDLESS" - So what you are saying is that you want to protect the security of the USA, as long as it doesn't take too long or cost too much. Well I hate to tell you this, but the Cold War took over 50 years, and cost much more money than the $8 trillion of national debt.

      "Cronyism-incompetents in high positions" - You mean like Jim McGreevy and Golan Cipel? Oh, wait... he's a Democrat.

      "Corruption and scandal" - you mean like Harry Reid and Alan Hevesi? Oh, wait... they're Democrats too.


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