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Got time for a small rant? kindj 06/06/06
    So I'm sitting in my office, recovering (slowly) from a long night of tending to my sick wife, who was up all hours of the night with some stomach thing. My secretary beeps me to tell me my 9 o'clock appointment is here. Stifling the urge to swear out loud, I push my personal fatigue and concerns aside to tend to the business at hand.

    In walks a young "gentleman" (a term I use very loosely), who happens to be African-American. I use that term simply because it's the current PC term of the hour. Whether or not the young man has ever even been to Africa is unknown to me, though after three minutes of conversation with him, I would be profoundly shocked if he could even locate Africa on a globe. But I digress. What really caught my attention was his T-shirt, which stated boldly with very well-done background graphics: "If you see the cops, warn a brother."

    It took every ounce of self-control I possessed to not lay into this obviously misguided young man. By wearing statements such as these, aren't members of the black community advertising themselves as someone who NEEDS to be warned if the police are around? If I, a white American (oh, I could say "Irish-American," but never having lived in or even visited Ireland, that would be just silly) wore such a shirt or made such a statement, I would be immediately crucified by virtually everyone for being "racist." If I were conversing with this young man about the missing baby from our town (who has been found and is safe and healthy, thank God), and said something like "it was probably some black person that took her," would I not be labeled a racist? Sure I would, and rightfully so.

    So is it just me, or does it seem like certain ethnic groups are their own worst enemies when it comes to race issues? In the circles where I live and have lived, which include military, blue collar, farming and ranching, law enforcement, faith communities, the "for profit" world, education, and institutes of higher learning, most of the white people I've ever talked to say that race is pretty much irrelevant to them, it's the quality of the person and their actions that matter. WHich sounds to me an awful lot like what Dr. King said in his most famous speech.

    I personally think Dr. King would literally vomit if he saw how a great many black people were conducting themselves today while at the same time praising him and his actions, and continually shooting themselves in the foot.

    Love me, hate me, disregard me. I don't care. That's what I have to say for the moment.


      Clarification/Follow-up by kindj on 06/06/06 4:12 pm:

      Yes, she did have stupid written all over her, which is exactly why the perp picked her.

      I don't want to come down too hard on the mom, though. I've known many a teenage mom (heck, I even married one) who is just so exhausted and overwhelmed with what's gone on, and has no experience on what to expect, that they are ripe for just this sort of scum.

      The perp did it right. UMC has those sensor things that enable them to know exactly where in the hospital any given newborn is. Therefore, the scumbagette used the hospital environment to befriend the mom and dad, learn their address (which told her that they were not wealthy by any means, and therefore possibly not well educated and thus more vulnerable). Then after they are released, she visits the home. Again, not unusual, as either UMC or the local health department will do a couple or three home visits on teenage or young moms to ensure that the baby will be safe and also to give some education to the mom on how to take care of the baby on her own. So when this broad shows up, it's not entirely unexpected. The best thing the mom did was to say that she would accompany the perp to the "sister's" house. Had her little boy not distracted her, I can't help but wonder what the perp might've done. As it was, the little boy offered her the opportunity to take the baby and run. Actually, I get frightened thinking about what might've happened had the mom gone with the perp to the "sister's" house. We know that there was at least one male involved in the crime, and quite possibly two other people as well. Was there a trap of some sort waiting at this house? Or someone around the corner ready to knock out mom and take the baby and maybe the boy as well?

      Regardless, I'm relieved beyond words that the baby was recovered and is still in good health.

      Plus, I always knew that Amarillo folks was good folks, calling in that tip like someone did. Just wonder where and what's the connection between there and here.

      Oh, btw, I'll be working a bit closer to your locale on a day-to-day basis starting in August. Be the new 7th grade English teacher in Plainview.


      Clarification/Follow-up by CeeBee2 on 06/06/06 4:24 pm:
      Plainview??? Wow!! The director of the public library there is a friend of mine, has helped me with research on TX history. Their website is terrific, and I get their monthly newsletter. Wow!!! Plainview is cool!!

      Clarification/Follow-up by Itsdb on 06/06/06 4:38 pm:
      I was wondering what the connection to Amarillo was, too. Regardless, everything's good now and hopefully these parents - and others - learned an immensely valuable lesson. Gonna tackle teaching and Plainview, eh? My prayers are with you, neighbor :)

      Clarification/Follow-up by kindj on 06/06/06 5:16 pm:
      OK, Jack/Choux/whatever your name is, I'm calling you out:

      Post, if you will, point by point what exactly is offensive


      what in my post justifies you labeling me a racist.

      I'll post this here and as a follow up. I think everyone needs to see your justification (or lack thereof) to back up your statement.

      Clarification/Follow-up by jackreade on 06/06/06 5:21 pm:
      You are a racist and a hater.

      ***Your words speak for themselves.***

      Clarification/Follow-up by kindj on 06/06/06 5:24 pm:
      Your repetition of previously stated allegations reek of ignorance.

      State your case, if you have one.

      Clarification/Follow-up by jackreade on 06/06/06 5:28 pm:
      YOU AND your buddies who like to bash black people;;;keep your racism off ***the Public Board***.

      Clarification/Follow-up by kindj on 06/06/06 5:32 pm:
      Prove anything I've said is racist and I will.

      You see, it's a little difficult to place much merit in your opinion of a post, when by your own admission, you don't read the whole thing to get context, intent, conclusions, etc. I quote:
      >>I give excellent answers considering I don't read the cr*p *some* post here. Reading one sentence is usually enough!<<

      So, you don't read entire posts, you hurl allegations at anything you think you don't agree with, and refuse to clearly state any sort of support for those ridiculous allegations.

      Again, put it up here, and I'll respond.

      For someone who tries to come across as very intelligent and tolerant, you sure have a way of not backing up your claims, and certainly don't want to enter into a discussion or debate of the topic.

      Clarification/Follow-up by kindj on 06/06/06 5:32 pm:
      Prove anything I've said is racist and I will.

      You see, it's a little difficult to place much merit in your opinion of a post, when by your own admission, you don't read the whole thing to get context, intent, conclusions, etc. I quote:
      >>I give excellent answers considering I don't read the cr*p *some* post here. Reading one sentence is usually enough!<<

      So, you don't read entire posts, you hurl allegations at anything you think you don't agree with, and refuse to clearly state any sort of support for those ridiculous allegations.

      Again, put it up here, and I'll respond.

      For someone who tries to come across as very intelligent and tolerant, you sure have a way of not backing up your claims, and certainly don't want to enter into a discussion or debate of the topic.

      Clarification/Follow-up by jackreade on 06/06/06 5:37 pm:
      You and you buddies condemn yourselves by **YOUR OWN WORDS**.

      Enjoy your day. :)


      Clarification/Follow-up by tomder55 on 06/06/06 6:41 pm:
      I once saw a tee shirt that said :

      'So many right wing Christians .so few lions . '

      I wonder if that could be considered hate speech . Nah .

Summary of Answers Received Answered On Answered By Average Rating
1. Dennis, Yes, thank God the baby was found - left alone in 1...
06/06/06 ItsdbExcellent or Above Average Answer
2. Bill Cosby for one has been traveling around the country at ...
06/06/06 tomder55Excellent or Above Average Answer
3. Dennis, That was a good rant... I like it. Keep up the go...
06/06/06 ETWolverineExcellent or Above Average Answer
4. hi dk, when i was growimg up i thought my parents were prett...
06/06/06 sissypantsExcellent or Above Average Answer
5. I think that your racism is very offensive. jack...
06/06/06 jackreadeAverage Answer
6. I agree with you. And those in the press or politics (often...
06/06/06 drgadeExcellent or Above Average Answer
7. I agree. Many of the things that young (and not so young) A...
06/06/06 captainoutrageousExcellent or Above Average Answer
8. Yes, many black people shoot down their whole race by contin...
06/06/06 purplewingsExcellent or Above Average Answer
9. This is of course where this form of PC takes you, now if yo...
06/07/06 paracleteExcellent or Above Average Answer
10. Thanks for sharing. To be perfectly honest I got the jest ab...
06/07/06 BeelzeBUSHExcellent or Above Average Answer
11. I sense your frustration and identify with it and I suppose ...
06/07/06 MathatmacoatExcellent or Above Average Answer
12. Hello Kindj, So here is your rant, and look what good it di...
06/07/06 powderpuffExcellent or Above Average Answer
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