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Blog responses to reporters of the Iraqi war. purplewings 03/24/06

    Do you trust the media or the Bush administration more when it comes to information about the war?
    - How much does the media influence your views on the war?

    Tell us, below.

    dailypulseblog at 10:08:00 AM EST Link to this entry | Blog about this entry | Notify AOL

    This entry has 500 comments: (Add your own)

    I think the media is very much biased against anything the current administration does or will do. If there were a democrat president in office with the very same current world and national events, everything you see or read in the national news media would be slanted as very positive for him (president).
    There will have to be some drastic changes in the national media before I will ever believe anything they say again.
    Comment from bellrngr - 3/23/06 7:05 PM

    It doesn't matter whether you are talking about the war in Iraq, Social Security, cleanliness of hotels, or the price of pickles, the media has no vested interest in presenting a fair, unbiased report. There's no ratings, and therefore no prime commercial time, in unbiased reporting. I'd like to believe that journalists enter the field with the altruistic goal of reporting and presenting the news fairly and accurately, but that is probably soon dashed by the demands of editors and producers whose salaries and bonuses depend on ratings shares. Sad commentary, if you ask me. But I truly believed in justice before I became a practicing lawyer. How dumb is that? I guess all "professionals" feel the same way about their professions.
    Comment from beboesq - 3/23/06 7:05 PM

    The media is interested in it's own personal gain. The media is biased. The media grandstands for money and ratings. The media is arrogant, self centered, ill informed, and sensational. they use sex as their marquee and they exagerate.
    I have quit watching because the media is a scandall. May God have mercy on them.
    Kathleen Shelton
    Wichita, Kansas
    Comment from resort1987 - 3/23/06 7:05 PM

    The media is overwhelmed with itself in reporting all the negative aspects of our conflict in Iraq. We are helping the Iraqis get their feet back on the ground and get their new government set up. Our troops are doing a fabulous job! We should welcome them home as heros and true patriots. God bless them and God bless America. The media needs to bring the heartening news of boys and girls getting back to school in Iraq. We have done immense work in rebuilding the infrastructure of Iraqi's cities. The media always paints the most gruesome picture of Iraq and nothing about the great accomplishments there. What makes news? Shouldn't it be fair and equitably done?
    Comment from myronp6464 - 3/23/06 7:05 PM

    Quite frankly, I believe that most of the media should be charged in FEDERAL COURT for aiding the enemy! With these parasites clinging to your ass, it's no way to fight a war!
    Comment from dpr36regal - 3/23/06 7:05 PM

    As long as can remember the media has been one sided. If they always take the liberal (anti-war) point of view, how can ANYONE trust the to tell the truth. I know they have news to "SELL" but I think the American people are smart enough to determine the truth if the CORRECT facts are given.
    Who knows how our present press would have reported WWII? By present standards the Nazi and Japanese was machines would have been "misunderstood freedom fighters".
    Hey press, JUST BE HONEST
    Comment from dd823 - 3/23/06 7:05 PM

    I believe that the vast majority of the media would like to see us fail in Iraq. They are motivated mostly by hatred of the Bush administration. They would rather see us fail, simply because it would make the President look bad. This is more important to them than seeing our efforts succeed.


    Comment from mcdclc - 3/23/06 7:05 PM

    War is never nice. I do believe the media only shows what will get attention.
    When I travel I have meet many soliders returning home. They are glad to come home to their familys, but have said we are their for a good reason. And when the people in Iraq say Thank You. It makes them very happy knowing that they are helping people to someday be able to live like we do. And how the soliders appreciate what we have here that other places don't.
    Comment from klr376 - 3/23/06 7:05 PM

    There is an old saying among journalist, "If it bleeds, it leads!" and that was never more true than when it comes to the media's reporting of the war in Iraq. I have spoken with a large number of veterans who have returned from Iraq, who speak of all the progress that has been made, schools built, roads built or rebuilt, and you never hear a word about it in the press. You don't see stories about people having clean water and electricity for the first time.

    I read reports coming in from Iraq reporting how well our service men and women are doing and how high morale is, and I see pictures of Iraqi civilians thanking soldiers and displaying signs thanking our President and America for helping them. Why don't we see that on the news? Journalists seem to excel in selling out our men on the ground and our President at home. They did it in Vietnam and they are trying to do again in this war. Thank God for the internet because I've lost all faith in the media.

    John E. Touchton Sr. M.Ed., Ph.D.
    Former Captain, U.S.A.R. , Handicapped Veteran
    Comment from johntouchton - 3/23/06 7:04 PM

    A note of sanity in what it means for the media to cover a war. A war is sanctioned violence. A war involves armies, not just the threat but the use of deadly force. A war is not giving candy to children or paying a shopkeeper $200 for destroying his means of livlihood. It's a war folks, not a picture show. Actually, the media is not being negative enough if negative means showing what happens in a real war. If they were really doing their job, the public would be totally traumatized. It is not the task of the press to sanitize a war, any war.

    Comment from steager - 3/23/06 7:04 PM

    The media pushes the 1st ammendment toooo far. They print what looks good to them whether it's right, wrong or in the middle. I feel the media is a big bag of wind and should report and not make up what they feel is their opinion. They should let the opinion reporting to the EXPERTS. MOST of the media people aren't anywhere close to being an expert.
    One of the comments was that the media is leftist. They're just on the bandwagon against President Bush, because there are people that listen to them. The more people react to their comments the more they put out out to read or listen. That fuels the fire. That's a shame. I think the radicals that protest are not doing all their homework and are believeing everything the media puts out. (Maybe they aren't smart enough to do their own homework)
    It's like the Eagles hit "Dirty Laundry", the media reports with a gleam in their eye. I check out more news sources than the American media. After Rather had 2 minutes of silence on national TV for the death of Jim Brady when Pres Reagan was shot, I lost ALL confidence in the American media. It just race to see who can get the "ratings". Ratings and polls are like sports announcer's predictions of how a game will come out. They have a 50/50 chance of getting it right or predicting the future.
    Comment from osudave99 - 3/23/06 7:04 PM

    The media just reports the bad stuff, why are they so negative, we need positivness spoken about too. Like when you see the soldiers with the children, those soldiers don't want to be killing peole and risk being killed too, but you don't see the compassion the soldiers have for the Iraq's you ar only told the bad and negative stuff. The media needs to wake up and smell the roses, and believe they are out ther to smell and talkl about.
    Comment from ukusa65 - 3/23/06 7:04 PM

    The media complains that 60 of it's personnel have been killed and many other kidnapped while reporting 'on the street.' So they have chosen to hide and show the daily 'car bombing' instead. Does anyone think that perhaps the terrorists are killing the press for exactly that reason? Isn't better for the terrorist cause to have the press muzzled and running scared? Instead of showing what is really going on throughout the country, the good and the bad, the press runs nightly footage of whatever car bomb went off and how many were killed. Looks like the big bad press ended up looking through the peep-hole of their door instead of getting out on the street. If you expect all the other agencies of the government to provide 'transparent' access to the power of the press. Then perhaps you should admit what has happened in Iraq and quit pretending the only thing that happens everday in the whole country is another car bomb or IED. Why is there nothing about the people in the new government? Why is there nothing about the schools, the repair to infa-structure and commerce? Stop being the shill of the terrorists and get out and do your job, or admit you're not.
    Comment from lscbc - 3/23/06 7:04 PM

    Coverage may be OK, but the actual reporting by the media is obviously filtered, slanted, and biased; that is to say, awful.

    I trust Bush more than the media. He may at times have incorrect information, but he does not try to deceive, which can't be said about the media. The "major" media are laughable.

    If the club - NBC,CBS,ABC,PBS, NY Times, Washington Post, LA Times, and CNN, and their leader BBC - are against what's transpiring, I know we are doing the right thing. In short, the Media don't influence me much.
    Comment from jeanlaw - 3/23/06 7:04 PM

    I think the media is doing as fair a job as they can, reporting on a war that never should have happened in the first place--I'm neither a Democrat, or liberal, and I agree that Saddam Hussein is evil, and should have been driven out--but I feel that over 2,000 young American lives lost, and BILLIONS spent on the war will one day show this to be one of the worst mistakes ever made by a U.S. Pres.--
    Mr. Bush took some unreliable information, jumped prematurely into a war, when he should have explored other ways to rid the world of Hussein--America CANNOT be the savior of the entire world--our FIRST obligation is to the United States--I pray God will be with our troops, and bring ALL of them home soon.
    Roy Parks e-mail
    Comment from beecherhillart - 3/23/06 7:04 PM

    I concider myself a news junky. However, I have to critisize the media not only the war, but in all news in general. Part of the problem in this country is that when something big happens or down to general crime. The media always has to sugar coat the story, afraid of stepping on someones toes or insulting someones race or culture. Then we have the news talk shows. Again, a handful of professional people sitting around talking about the problem. Is that really fixing the problem?
    This country is based of freedom of speech. I suggest the media get with it, and start saying things like it is.

    David H.
    Comment from dwh12562 - 3/23/06 7:04 PM

    The media shows us what they want, you can never fully understand what it's like over there and what the soldiers endure every day regardless of politics. I spent 10 months in Baghdad until injured. Support the troops!
    Comment from harrylampus - 3/23/06 7:04 PM

    Since Bush is so unpopular, the reporters take advantage by reporting only negatives. I know positives exist in Iraq because I've seen photos of the new parks, roads and school buildings, and the children hugging the soldiers while their parents smile. Otherwise I'd think America had taken it's troops into pure hell without a reason.

    I'm really tired of biased, politcally based reporting that negates any good achieved by this administration, and in fact this country.

    I'm glad we have a president who's shown strength to the Islam Fundamentalists. Otherwise we'd probably all be dead by now. War is always hell, but sometimes the only answer to stop a life of hell for others.
    Comment from lororow921 - 3/23/06 7:03 PM

    I got so sick of negative only reporting from the local news. NBC being the very worst. I now only watch the fox station, where I can get balanced reporting. It's a shame everyone doesn't have cable or satelite, so they could see fair reporting,and not be kept ignorant by the Bush hating main stream.
    Comment from peacefrogzzz - 3/23/06 7:03 PM

    I feel that the journalist have slanted the news. You can watch CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and you can tell all most all are Democrats. Listeing newspeople bad mouth Bush on all channels. I never voted for him, but...... every channel sounds degradeing of our President. All I can say is God Bless America and all the other countries and bring peace. KYCRAFT

    Comment from kycraft - 3/23/06 7:03 PM

    Imagine if these reporters were covering the AMERICAN REVOLUTION ??

    "things are spiraling out of control"
    "there's no consenus"
    "the british are coming"
    "general washington has failed again"
    "washington has no army"
    "washington's troops deserting"
    "congress split into factions"
    "consitution not in sight"
    Comment from mrjoeamato - 3/23/06 7:03 PM

    We only get fair and balanced news from internet blogs such as and and from the FOX news channel. Radio talk shows are a mixed bag, but the network news is pathetic. They are damned and determined to find some way to help impeach President Bush because their favorite, Bill Clinton, was impeached. It is the don't get mad, get even mind set.
    No good news on the networks, because if it bleeds, it leads.
    Comment from lubyagain - 3/23/06 7:03 PM

    Ah, blame it on the media, bombs going off, soldiers fighting insurgents, children dying and being dismissed as collateral damage, yeah, must be actors and movies scenes the media shows us.
    Bush would have us believe that before the war Iraq had no commerce, no schools, no oil production, no electricity and no children playing in the streets, which was certainly not the case.
    Blaming it on the media is just a last ditch to hold onto less than erudite supporters of the war and Bush.
    Simply put, no matter what adancements have been made, if any, nothing matters unless civility and sanity

    What would your response be?

      Clarification/Follow-up by tomder55 on 03/24/06 6:08 pm:
      can't resist ;

      here is proof positive about how an ABC Executive feels about Bush ....the blackberry don't lie :

      John Green, currently executive producer of the weekend edition of GOOD MORNING AMERICA, unloaded on the president in an ABC company email obtained by the DRUDGE REPORT.

      "If he uses the 'mixed messages' line one more time, I'm going to puke," Green complained.

      The blunt comments by Green, along with other emails obtained by the DRUDGE REPORT, further reveal the inner workings of the nation's news outlets.

      The only question remaining is it possible for a producer in his position to keep his obvious biases from affecting the integrity of the news he produces ......I doubt it.

      Clarification/Follow-up by purplewings on 03/24/06 6:21 pm:
      Since we're only human, is it ever possible to be completly separated from your own biases? Even reporters on a newspaper, which is designed to report the events accurately.

Summary of Answers Received Answered On Answered By Average Rating
1. My opinion is that the media and the Bush administration eac...
03/24/06 HerrAirhornExcellent or Above Average Answer
2. HI, The Administration leaves out a lot of the "negatives...
03/24/06 fredgExcellent or Above Average Answer
3. I note that recently on ABC Nightly News they are becoming s...
03/24/06 tomder55Excellent or Above Average Answer
4. I see you have no interest in following the rules...
03/27/06 MathatmacoatBad/Wrong Answer
5. I can't remember the number of times that I have posted m...
03/29/06 ETWolverineExcellent or Above Average Answer
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