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It had to happen Itsdb 09/19/05
    Since the president accepted responsibility last week for the poor Katrina response the next logical thing would be for the left to call on him to start accepting blame for every other problem in this country, beginning with Iraq. Here we go...

    John Kerry sent an email inviting us to preview the speech he plans on giving at Brown University today, in which he plans on saying:

    "I know the President went on national television last week and accepted responsibility for Washington's poor response to Katrina. That's admirable. And it's a first. As they say, the first step towards recovery is to get out of denial. But don't hold your breath hoping acceptance of responsibility will become a habit for this administration. On the other hand, if they are up to another "accountability moment" they ought to start by admitting one or two of the countless mistakes in conceiving, "selling", planning and executing their war of choice in Iraq."

    I say just like the sharks they are, the left smells blood in the water and they're going in for the kill...just as some of us predicted would happen if Bush ever admitted to a mistake. And you?


      Clarification/Follow-up by Choux on 09/19/05 4:15 pm:
      It:: Why didn't you just say that then??

      It is not the job of the party out of power to lead, that is the President's job!! If he isn't leading, then he is going to have serious problems. Bush has not been leading on the following issues:

      Iraq War-He Looks like a liar.
      Hurrican Damage/New Orleans
      Domestic programs/Social SecurityReform-dead in the water
      Mending fences with our allies

      We all would appreciate it if Bush would LEAD.


      Clarification/Follow-up by tomder55 on 09/20/05 9:11 am:
      I do not understand why the Republicans are walking around in a funk . They won the last election round and will probably do as well in the next if they get their heads out of their asses.

      In reference to "dead agenda" Eight months into the President's second term they are whining about a dead agenda? Why can't they get to work on Social Security reform and tax reform ? Do they remember all of us who voted for them, expecting them to carry through the reforms they espoused and we wanted? What will it take to put some spine in these people?

      Just because we had a devastating hurricane with the braying hatred for Bush from the press and Democrats doesn't mean the world stopped turning. Look at the good news. The Coast Guard saved thousands of lives around New Orleans. The war in Iraq, contrary to accepted opinion, is going well.Sorry that it wasn't the cake walk that everyone expected . Afghanistan just held another successful election. Iraq will vote in a couple of weeks . North Korea has been 'talked " out of continuing it's Nuke program .The best way to help economic recovery on the Gulf is to do more of what's already worked ;cut taxes. It stimulates the economy, creates jobs and revenue.

      Mend fences ? Hah ! It looke like Gerhard Schroeder in Germany will either lose power or be severly weakened by the latest election results .Angela Merkel may very well be the next leader of Germany . Chirac is just waiting out his time . He laost all legitimacy when France rejected the EU constitution. Nicolas Sarkozy will hopefully be the next French President .He admires Tony Blair and will mend relations with both the Brits and the US .

      Social Security reform must not be abandoned .If I was in my 20s I'd storm Congress demanding it.

      Clarification/Follow-up by Itsdb on 09/20/05 9:11 am:

      Why do you keep answering questions that weren't asked? Who asked the Democrats to lead? Not me, I only suggested they work for the greater good of the country - which is what they were elected to do. I realize they believe destroying Republicans is for the greater good of the country, but it would be refreshing for a change if the usual suspects, Kennedy, Durbin, Reid, Kerry and company could find the courage and fortitude to stand up and say enough already, let's work together.

      >>Iraq War-He Looks like a liar.<<

      Why? Because the left has said he's a liar for 3 years - regardless of the facts. Bush exists therefore he is a liar.

      >>Hurrican Damage/New Orleans<<

      Yeah he fumbled on this, but the bottom line remains the responsibility fell on Blanco and Nagin, and they are still fumbling and bumbling. And if things were so rosy in the welfare state of Louisiana that Democrats have created over the past century or so, why have over half of evacuees interviewed in a poll last week said they had no plans to return? When evacuees came to uor city one of the first comments we heard was from a family that said they were going to stay - they've been looking for a way out.

      >>Domestic programs/Social SecurityReform-dead in the water<<

      What domestic programs? Federal education spending was raised 65 percent during Bush's first term. His 2006 budget sets a record for entitlement programs at $368 billion. He's spending like a democrat. Social Security reforms? Dead before it got out of the gate, but he had the guts to at least touch that third rail.

      >>Mending fences with our allies<<

      Please, explain to us which fences need to be mended with whom.


      Clarification/Follow-up by excon on 09/20/05 3:37 pm:

      Hello Steve:

      Nahh. I believe in his heart he cares for black people. He just hasn't done anything for them.

      Look, their own party haven't done anything either, so I didn't expect Bush to.

      But, the fact of the matter is, he could have.....


Summary of Answers Received Answered On Answered By Average Rating
1. Since when is the **party out of power** supposed to keep sh...
09/19/05 ChouxExcellent or Above Average Answer
2. Would the Republicans "start working for the greater good...
09/19/05 CeeBee2Excellent or Above Average Answer
3. It seems evident that since the president will not be up for...
09/19/05 purplewingsExcellent or Above Average Answer
4. Not only that but the Democrats are saying that the only way...
09/19/05 drgadeExcellent or Above Average Answer
5. that is why I argued recently on the Expert Forum that it wo...
09/20/05 tomder55Excellent or Above Average Answer
6. Itsdb - I remember watching impeachment hearings on tv....
09/20/05 CeeBee2Excellent or Above Average Answer
7. Hello Steve: Well, of course he's responsible for Iraq....
09/20/05 exconExcellent or Above Average Answer
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