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From a white, Christian conservative... Itsdb 06/08/05
    Howard Dean continues unhinged...and I love it.

    "You know, the Republicans are not very friendly to different kinds of people. They're a pretty monolithic party. Pretty much, they all behave the same, and they all look the same. ... It's pretty much a white Christian party,'' the former Vermont governor told a San Francisco roundtable Monday in reaction to a question about the lack of outreach to minority communities by political parties.

    "Our folks have got to spend time in the communities,'' he said. "We want a very diverse group of people running for office -- African Americans, Asian Americans, Latinos.''

    He defended his comments with, "This is a diversion from the issues that really matter: Social Security, and adequate job opportunity, strong public schools, a strong defense."

    GOP Chairman Ken Mehlman joked, "a lot of folks who attended my Bar Mitzvah would be surprised" he heads a Christian party.

    "We gotta get ourselves beyond this point where when we disagree about politics, we call the other guy names."


    While I love to hammer away at people like Dean and the insulting, idiotic, intolerant things they say about me, there's more to my concerns here.

    Diversion is a tactic used by both sides, but how does one justify such obvious hypocritical tactics? Dean is going around the country saying he "hates Republicans," they're "pretty much a white, Christian party," have "never made an honest living in their lives," but holding him accountable for these insults is "a diversion from the issues"?

    Speaking of those issues, hasn't Bush been traveling the country trying to address Social Security? Isn't a "strong military" a cornerstone of the GOP?

    Liberals are constantly ranting that the "Republican controlled congress" is avoiding "the issues that matter" while focusing on abortion, gay marriage and conservative judges.

    Let me ask, are these issues that Republicans raised or were they forced on us?

    Is it conceivable that the left has forced these issues to divert attention from "the issues that matter" that they don't have an answer for, or just stalling for the day they regain power?

    How can Dean say "We want a very diverse group of people running for office -- African Americans, Asian Americans, Latinos" while the Bush administration has held one of, if not the most diverse cabinet in American history?

    How can he say that while his party has whined about and obstructed the nominations of a number of blacks and hispanics?

    How can he say that while his own are warning a black judicial nominee wants to take us back to the days of the civil war?

    Can someone help this white, Christian conservative understand the liberal mindset?


      Clarification/Follow-up by Choux on 06/08/05 2:56 pm:
      Howard Dean is going to get all kinds of hard hitting rhetoric on the evening news and cable too, great stuff that will be for the Dems what Rush L's is to the Radical Right.

      To answer your question, you can't really understand anything. You're intentionally dumb and too biased.

      Clarification/Follow-up by Itsdb on 06/08/05 3:01 pm:
      Choux, are you and Dean related?

      Clarification/Follow-up by kindj on 06/08/05 3:23 pm:

      Read my answer first, then come back to this. You ain't gonna sleep at all tonight!

      Who's Being 'Extremist,' Black Conservative Asks
      Susan Jones
      Senior Editor

      ( - Members of the Congressional Black Caucus reportedly plan to march into the Senate on Wednesday to show their opposition to California Supreme Court Justice Janice Rogers Brown.

      The Senate is expected to confirm Brown's nomination to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, following a two-year filibuster by Democrats.

      One black conservative says Senate Democrats are behaving like extremists: "They should stop blocking the courthouse door and vote to confirm Judge Janice Rogers Brown," said the Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, founder and president of BOND, the Brotherhood Organization of A New Destiny.

      Peterson said Democrats' opposition to Brown is another example of their "deep-seated hostility towards black conservative nominees."

      He called Brown a highly qualified nominee who has earned her position and a good role model for all Americans.

      "To label her as 'unqualified' or 'ideologically extreme' is simply a smokescreen," Peterson said in a press release.

      "This is not the era of George Wallace and the segregationist Democrats. So when will Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, Senators Edward Kennedy, Barbra Boxer, and other Democrats stop blocking qualified blacks from advancing? When will the Congressional Black Caucus stand up for clear-thinking black people?

      "Judge Brown deserves confirmation without any further delay," Peterson concluded.

      A report in Wednesday's Washington Post says some liberals are "questioning the wisdom" of the deal that allowed a confirmation vote on Brown and two other controversial nominees - in exchange for Republicans agreeing not to invoke the "nuclear option."

      "Our problem with the compromise is the price that was paid," the Post quoted Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.) as saying on Tuesday.

      Liberals accuse Brown of being "hostile" to civil rights and many other elements of the liberal agenda.

      Clarification/Follow-up by Choux on 06/09/05 6:05 pm:
      Tom:: Each a mouthpiece!

      Getting the propaganda out into the people's minds. :) Now the Dems will have first rate media coverage. :)

      But, Rush is still only radio. :)

      Clarification/Follow-up by Itsdb on 06/10/05 7:16 am:
      Choux, if "Rush is still only radio," why was the left so orgasmic over Airhead Air America?

Summary of Answers Received Answered On Answered By Average Rating
1. and people thought that the scream was an aberation . clearl...
06/08/05 tomder55Excellent or Above Average Answer
2. He is to the Dems as Rush Limbaugh is to Repubs. :)...
06/08/05 ChouxAverage Answer
3. Steve, I think the answer may be found in a response to som...
06/08/05 kindjExcellent or Above Average Answer
4. Fox News (who else would) pointed out this evening that in t...
06/08/05 drgadeExcellent or Above Average Answer
5. I heard talk show guhys play what he said. If a republic, ch...
06/09/05 sapphire630Excellent or Above Average Answer
6. ''How can Dean say "We want a very diverse group of...
06/09/05 labmanExcellent or Above Average Answer
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