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Sexual Offender Registry excon 05/21/05

    Hello experts:

    Bal got me to thinking.

    I too, am a citizen who wishes to be left alone. As such, why would I only be interested in the sex offenders who lived by? I don’t have children at home, but I have a car. They should post where all the car thieves live too, shouldn’t they? Why just sex offenders? Because they’re the worst? They’re the sickest, for sure, but not the worst. I have a house, so I’m very interested in where all the burglars live. Wouldn’t you? I walk the streets, so I’d definitely want to know where all the muggers live. Why not? And yes, sometimes I find myself inside a bank lobby. How come I don’t know where all the bank robbers live - so I can protect myself? Drunk drivers??? I’d certainly like to know where they live. Wouldn’t you?

    And, why stop there? Why not tell us where every single bad guy is and what they’re capable of? Don’t you want to know?

    But then, where would we live? At the rate people have been locked up, I’ll bet there’s at least one or two bad guys living on your block. And, where would they live? On the streets? That’s where MOST sex offenders live, because they’ve been driven out of our neighborhoods. That doesn’t make us any safer - maybe even less safe. Maybe we should just round them up and put them in camps.


      Clarification/Follow-up by tarot10 on 05/21/05 10:06 am:
      I think we should all be interested if someone dangerous is living next door to us. These pedafiles kill defenseless little kids.

      If a killer is living next door to you, wouldn't you be interested in knowing? Wouldn't you at least like the opportunity to take steps to protect yourself like getting a dog or two and putting window guards on your house, or an alarm system?

      Parents' fear is of their kids getting killed. Psychological residuals is not the worst of it.

      I have a sign on my gate that says beware of dog. If my dog is considered dangerous, he gets put to death. Why do we single dogs out?

      Most of the men who have done work for me and the police also are terrified of dogs. They appreciciate seeing the sign on my gate and business people always ask if I have a dog before coming over.

      The last time the police came to my house, I was asked to put my dog in one of the bedrooms. One of the officers didn't want to be here unless I put my dog away.

      I think I will remove the sign from my gate and then invite you over.

      When you ask me if I have a dog, I'm going to say no although I do. And if she bites you, don't go complaining to anyone that I should have had a BEWARE OF DOG sign or that I should have let you know I had a dog.

      Clarification/Follow-up by tarot10 on 05/21/05 10:24 am:
      Sex offender registry could lead to other categories as well.

      There are some counties that have a website where you can view men who have been caught soliciting prostitutes.

      Let's take this one step at a time. Just give it time and we might even see your picture on the internet for the crimes you have committed.

      Clarification/Follow-up by excon on 05/21/05 10:29 am:

      Hi tarot:

      Yeah, I would like to know where the killers are. Of course. But why not car thieves too?

      But no! I'm not interested in where johns live. They don't pose a threat to me. And, neither do any people convicted of crimes with no victim.


      Clarification/Follow-up by tarot10 on 05/21/05 10:57 am:
      Just be patient. One day, car thieves will have their own registry also.

      Registries are not a new concept. And they are here to stay and they will grow.

      In the civil world they are called BLACK LISTS. It is my understanding that Erik Estrada and Suzanne Sommers are on Black lists in Hollywood for asking for more money. That hurt their careers permanetly and for at least 20 years now.

      Gossip is also a form of registry/black listing.

      We will always find a way to warn others of "bad" guys legal or not.

      Descrimition is also an old concept and certain kinds of crimminals will always be descriminated again. Afterall even you have you're own prejudices.

      I recently learned of a residential area that houses criminals. The gate is always locked probably to keep the non convincts out and keep the rapists and child molesters safe. LOL.

      Just as we are allowed to keep our dogs, we will also have to find a way to live among crimminals.

      If concentration camps are ever a good thing, this is a case when it is.

      Isn't prison a form of concentration camp anyway? You've been there before. Maybe you would like to do without prisons also so you can go roaming around doing whatever you feel like it without any consequences.

      Do you believe we should do away with prisons too?

      Be glad that all people are asking for is to have registries instead of people taking matters into their own hands like they do in Mexico and other countries.

      In other countries if a man molests his child, the mother of the child gets to beat him until he is either dead or near death while the rest of the parents stand around and watch in delight.

      Clarification/Follow-up by tarot10 on 05/21/05 11:36 am:
      Native Americans have been living in reservation camps/concentration camps for many years so why shouldn't dangerous people?

      This is an easy solution for the government who has had many years of experience in the field of concentration/reservation camps.

      Why does the govt exclude Native Americans and not dangerous criminals?

      Clarification/Follow-up by excon on 05/21/05 11:38 am:

      Hello again:

      Let me see if I can clarify my position.

      Sexual offender registry’s don’t work. They are half measures that don’t protect anybody. They certainly don’t protect society, because I don’t believe a sex offender won’t offend because someone knows his address. And, it certainly doesn’t protect him.

      Why am I worried about protecting him? Here’s why. If he’s ok enough to be on the streets, then we should at least give him the best chance we can of making it on the streets. If he’s not ok enough to be on the streets, then he shouldn’t be there - period. I have no problem with locking up bad people forever!


      Clarification/Follow-up by excon on 05/21/05 11:39 am:

      Hello again tarot:

      It's like I said on the Christianity board, you're off the deep end. Have a nice life.


      Clarification/Follow-up by tarot10 on 05/21/05 11:41 am:
      You're just worried about yourself ending up on some registry.

      Just give it time. We will all get to see your picture on the internet.

      And no one else here agrees with your phylosophy either.

      The only one here who is off the deep end is you.

      You just don't like laws that work against you because you want to be able to do whatever you feel like it without regard for anyone else.

      But when it is done to you then you go around screaming POLICE! POLICE! LAWYER! LAWYER!!

      Clarification/Follow-up by excon on 05/21/05 12:01 pm:


      You don't like my opinion, and aren't smart enough to offer a rebuttal. Instead, you attack me personally.

      Not surprised, though. It shows the level of your intellect.


      Clarification/Follow-up by excon on 05/21/05 12:13 pm:

      Hello again tarot:

      And no, I'm not done with you.

      I couldn't agree with you more - nobody else here shares my philosophy. Nonetheless, I have very cordial relations with those who disagree with me most vehemently. I'm happy to say, they've even become my friends.

      Didn't your mother ever tell you to play nice?


      Clarification/Follow-up by tarot10 on 05/21/05 2:38 pm:
      I'm not attacking you. And I repeat, I am not attacking you.

      I'm just answering your questions. You are the one who is clearly pointing out that you don't agree with our opinions and that you have you're own kind that do.

      Maybe you should go talk to them if you want people to say what you want to hear without feeling attacked.

      Clarification/Follow-up by jocase on 05/21/05 4:04 pm:
      these "clarifications" sure help.
      There should be a registry of all who have never been convicted of a crime. Then we could just guess about all the rest.

      Clarification/Follow-up by excon on 05/21/05 4:12 pm:

      Ok, tarot, one last time:

      Yes, you did attack me. It's plain for all to see. But, I understand what's going on. You don't have the ability to make those distinctions.

      So, why don't you try this? Next time, see if you can talk about the issue without talking about the person who raised the issue. Can you do that? Not too tough. Give it a shot, will ya?


      Clarification/Follow-up by excon on 05/21/05 4:12 pm:

      Ok, tarot, another last time:

      As an example of your inability to read, when did I mention "my own kind" and that they agree with me?


      Clarification/Follow-up by tarot10 on 05/21/05 4:23 pm:
      It was clear to me that you weren't open to other people's opinions and so all I could say is may be it's because you're selfish.

      Clarification/Follow-up by tarot10 on 05/22/05 11:04 am:

      Someone brought up an interesting point. Sorry, I can't find the person who made the comment. He/She reminded us that the USA was founded by crimminals and rebels who didn't want to follow the rules of the English Govt. That is why they came here to escape rules they didn't like. But ironically they figured out that without laws/rules they would end up killing each other. Good thinking whoever it was that wrote that.

      sorry if I said something that made you feel like I was attacking you. Have a nice day.

Summary of Answers Received Answered On Answered By Average Rating
1. You bring up a good, but unpopular, point. Don't expect r...
05/21/05 PennyExcellent or Above Average Answer
2. Excon, PW was the one talking about the alley while I was ta...
05/21/05 CeeBee2Excellent or Above Average Answer
3. I support the identification of some of the sex crimes comit...
05/22/05 tomder55Excellent or Above Average Answer
4. Hello again excon. There are sexual offenders that should b...
05/22/05 purplewingsExcellent or Above Average Answer
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