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Your promise ScottGem 01/23/05
    Gee how quickly you forget. The following is from a note you posted in the Experts Forum:

    Author: fredg
    Date: 01-12-05 06:29

    Hi, John,
    My part in all this is finished....through....quit....surrender...fed up. I have no intentions of rating any of ScottGems answers, one way or another, and have made no posts here recently.
    Just wanted to let you know; I am through with this.

    Yet, today, you rate an answer of mine (here). What happened to this promise? Did you get your nose out of joint because I (correctly) gave you a bad rating on your answer to the same question? Is this another example of your ratings out of spite, something you falsely accused me of?

    As for the accuracy of your rating. You make a valid point. I should have indicated that, if any references were found they should be unchecked. However, that doesn't make my answer bad, just incomplete. You also don't take into account that gtoman is somewhat of a regular here and I felt he would know what to do, if not he could have easily asked a followup.

    This is just another example of how you fall flat in your vain attempts to attack me. I've proven here that you make promises you don't keep, that rate out of spite, not accuracy and that you are continuing your campaign of harassment.


      Clarification/Follow-up by fredg on 01/24/05 6:19 am:
      Here is your direct quote:

      "As for the accuracy of your rating. You make a valid point. I should have indicated that, if any references were found they should be unchecked. However, that doesn't make my answer bad, just incomplete."

      That is the quote you made for me rating you; for a change!!
      You seem to be all out of shape because someone would dare rate the great ScottGem. However, it doesn't make your answer bad? Just incomplete?
      I don't see any rating associated with "answer just incomplete"....or am I blind as well.
      Again, as you have said many, many times, this is a matter of opinion....yours, and the rest of the world's!
      In my opinion, leaving out important information in an answer is bad, simply cause the Asker doesn't know what to do next.
      As for my "promise", it was based on you leaving me alone, too. However, that didn't last long!!
      Ignoring you is compared to ignoring 3 feet of snow!
      As I have said time and time again, "you leave me alone, I leave you alone"...except, when you critize others in public. There is no need for your complete inconsideration for others.

      Clarification/Follow-up by ScottGem on 01/24/05 7:46 am:
      Ahh, but Fred, I made no promises. In fact I specifically stated that I would continue to rate questions as I see fit. On the other hand, the note I quoted made no such qualification. You simply said you were through.

      But you are missing the point. The point is, as you have proven again by your response, that you rate me primarily out of revenge, spite, etc. not from merit. This is a violation of Answerway's guidelines.

      I also find your justification for the rating to be typical of your hypocrisy. You did the EXACT same thing on PA today. An asker was posting about a problem with a CD drive staying closed. Your response was:
      You probably have a bad cd burner drive.
      Best wishes,

      No information about what to do about replacing it. Should I have rated that answer as bad?

      Also, in justifying your rating, you ignore the point I made about my recognizing the asker and trusting to his knowledge. As you usually ignore my points when you can't counter them.

      Again, Fred, this is not about rating each others posts. I have no problem if you rate my posts as long as the ratings are justified. This is about your continued harassment. This is about your continued violation of Answerway's guidelines to attempt to get back at me for some imagined slight.


      Clarification/Follow-up by ScottGem on 01/25/05 7:38 am:
      One other thing to add here. At times you have falsely accused me of never admitting to being wrong.

      I'm trying to recall if I've ever seen you you admit an error and I just don't recall any. Lets look at the note that started this round. I rated you poorly on an answer where you mistook MOffice for MSOffice. Typical of you to not read the question cartefully. Yet you never admitted that you had made a mistake there.

      This is just another example of what I've been saying. That you are the one doing the things you falsely accuse me of.


Summary of Answers Received Answered On Answered By Average Rating
1. Hello, again, You make no promises, but do what you like. Th...
01/24/05 fredgVery Poor or Inappropiate Answer
2. Hello, Scott, Forget it, buddy. You are impossible. fredg...
01/25/05 fredgPoor or Incomplete Answer
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