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A good and happy Divali to all of you !!! praecipio 10/21/06
    To all peacefull Hindu friends here and all over the world : A good and happy Divali to all of you !!!

      Clarification/Follow-up by peddler7118 on 10/21/06 7:07 pm:
      A happy spontaneous generation day to you PO.!

      Clarification/Follow-up by praecipio on 10/21/06 7:27 pm:


      Divali / Deepavali (in English) has nothing to do with spontaneous generation.
      But thanks you for your wishes on behalf of millions of Hindi !


      Clarification/Follow-up by peddler7118 on 10/21/06 8:25 pm:
      Hindis believe the entire universe spontaneously generates itself every billion years or so.
      You really are ignorant of religion and science aren't you?

      Clarification/Follow-up by arcura on 10/21/06 8:25 pm:
      Diwali (Divali, Dewali, Deepavali)
      Diwali is a five day Hindu festival which occurs on the fifteenth day of Kartika. Diwali means "rows of lighted lamps" and the celebration is often referred to as the Festival of Lights. During this time, homes are thoroughly cleaned and windows are opened to welcome Laksmi, goddess of wealth. Candles and lamps are lit as a greeting to Laksmi. Gifts are exchanged and festive meals are prepared during Diwali. The celebration means as much to Hindus as Christmas does to Christians.
      Because there are many regions in India, there are many manifestations of the Diwali festival. In at least one area, the festival begins with Dhanteras, a day set aside to worship Laksmi. In the Indian culture, wealth is not viewed as a corruptive power. Instead, a wealthy person is considered to have been rewarded for good deeds of a past life.
      On the second day Kali, the goddess of Strength, is worshipped. This day also focuses on abolishing laziness and evil.
      On the third day (the last day of the year in the lunar calendar), lamps are lighted and shine brightly in every home. The lamp symbolizes knowledge and encourages reflection upon the purpose of each day in the festival. The goal is to remember the purpose throughout the year.
      The fourth day of Diwali falls on the first day of the lunar New Year. At this time, old business accounts are settled and new books are opened. The books are worshipped in a special ceremony and participants are encouraged to remove anger, hate, and jealousy from their lives.
      On the final day (Balipratipada) of the festival, Bali, an ancient Indian king, is recalled. Bali destroyed the centuries old philosophies of the society. However, in addition to this, he is remembered for being a generous person. Thus, the focus of this day is to see the good in others, including enemies.
      Because there is no one universally accepted Hindu calendar, this holiday may be celebrated on a different date in some parts of India, but it always falls in the months of October or November.
      praecipio, I hope you have a nice, safe trip to India to worship that.

      Clarification/Follow-up by praecipio on 10/21/06 8:30 pm:


      Have been there, have seen it, did not worship it, but enjoyed it anyway.

      Rather peaceful and tolerant people, these Hindi !!!


      Clarification/Follow-up by arcura on 10/21/06 9:33 pm:
      My that sounds so nice.
      You must hurry to get there and enjoying again.
      Bon Voyage!!!!

      Clarification/Follow-up by peddler7118 on 10/21/06 10:07 pm:
      Maybe it is your karma?

      Clarification/Follow-up by peddler7118 on 10/21/06 10:08 pm:
      I think Fred is right. After all they believe in evolution! You will be happy there , bring great joy to all the world, and your nose is already brown.

      Clarification/Follow-up by revdauphinee on 10/22/06 12:40 pm:
      i am not at all small minded however other faiths is not why I come here why not post on the religion board ?answerway has enough boards for all !My sole purpose in comming here is for Christian nfo not other faiths ,not science postings nor many of the other stuff we keep having I do think we have all gotten away from the purpose of this forum!sory you dont approve of me however we cant please everyone!

      Clarification/Follow-up by praecipio on 10/22/06 2:43 pm:


      This Q&A board (not a forum) is called the Christianity Board, where it is supposed to ask and reply to questions that are in any way related to Christianity.

      As there is cross pollination between all religious boards a post like the one on Divali has it's place on this board too, if not directly for Hindu's than at least for informing and educating Christians about a celebration at one of their religious brothers and sisters.

      Just as in the case of Islam, you also show in this case of Hinduism your intolerance.

      What a poor reverent you are - and were.


      Clarification/Follow-up by peddler7118 on 10/23/06 6:26 pm:

      Hindus are not my religious brothers and sisters any more you or the Mormons or JW's are. They were created in the image of God so they are related but physically but not spiritually. They ,like you , are Pagans.

      Clarification/Follow-up by peddler7118 on 10/23/06 6:30 pm:
      The science post are directly related to Christianity. The reason you object is science is reality and you have disconnected the Bible from reality .

      Joh 3:12 If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?

Summary of Answers Received Answered On Answered By Average Rating
1. You won't find many lurking about here John but thanks fo...
10/21/06 SarunamExcellent or Above Average Answer
2. An explanation of the picture would be nice!! Happy days f...
10/21/06 MarySusanExcellent or Above Average Answer
3. I read how it is celebrated, but not about its origin or rea...
10/21/06 drgadeExcellent or Above Average Answer
4. nothing against the hindus however this is not the religion ...
10/21/06 revdauphineePoor or Incomplete Answer
5. From the research I have found, "This is a celebration o...
10/22/06 whitefawn_Excellent or Above Average Answer
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