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A Gift To Be Shared. ROLCAM 07/18/06

    YESTERDAY I met a stranger…Today this stranger is my friend. Had I not taken the time to say “hello” or return a smile, or shake a hand, or
    listen, I would not have known this person. Yesterday would have turned into today and our chance of meeting would be gone.

    YESTERDAY I hugged someone very dear to me. Today they are gone…and tomorrow will not bring them back. Wouldn’t it be nice if we all knew TOMORROW we would all be here? But this is not to be, so take the time TODAY to give a hug, a smile and “I Care”.

    JUST FOR TODAY, Smile at a stranger; Listen to someone’s heart; drop a coin where a child can find it; Learn something new then teach it to someone; tell someone you’re thinking of them; hug a loved one; don’t hold a grudge; don’t be afraid to say “I’m Sorry”; look a child in the eye and tell them how great they are.

    Don’t kill that spider in your house, he’s just lost so show him the way
    out; look beyond the face of a person into their heart; make a promise and keep it; call someone for no reason than to just say “hi”; show kindness to an animal; stand up for what you believe in; smell the rain, feel the breeze, listen to the wind; use all your senses to their fullest;

    Cherish all your TODAYS.

    Today I thought about you.
    Send this to your friends and let them know
    they were also thought about TODAY.
    As each day is a GIFT to be shared . . .


      Clarification/Follow-up by uhmlanga on 07/18/06 11:02 am:
      Rolcam :

      "YESTERDAY I met a stranger…Today this stranger is my friend. Had I not taken the time to say “hello” or return a smile, or shake a hand, or
      listen, I would not have known this person. Yesterday would have turned into today and our chance of meeting would be gone"

      But you stated that "today" this stranger is my friend". So than it did not matter if you said "hello" or returned a smile, isn't it?


      "YESTERDAY I hugged someone very dear to me. Today they are gone…and tomorrow will not bring them back. Wouldn’t it be nice if we all knew TOMORROW we would all be here? But this is not to be, so take the time TODAY to give a hug, a smile and “I Care”."

      One day that will be true, indeed.
      But your advice "so take the time TODAY to give a hug, a smile and “I Care”." is one day too late, as "Today they are gone…and tomorrow will not bring them back." !


      "JUST FOR TODAY, Smile at a stranger; Listen to someone’s heart; drop a coin where a child can find it; Learn something new then teach it to someone; tell someone you’re thinking of them; hug a loved one; don’t hold a grudge; don’t be afraid to say “I’m Sorry”; look a child in the eye and tell them how great they are."

      Is that all for just today?

      When I tried to listen to that blond high heeled mini-coated sized 106-34-106 lady's heart in the elevator ride to the 122' floor, she ....................................

      (258 following lines censored !)


      "Don’t kill that spider in your house, he’s just lost so show him the way out; look beyond the face of a person into their heart; make a promise and keep it; call someone for no reason than to just say “hi”; show kindness to an animal; stand up for what you believe in; smell the rain, feel the breeze, listen to the wind; use all your senses to their fullest;"

      "make a promise and keep it" :
      JJD : you see this ?

      "stand up for what you believe in"
      All AW members : listen and learn !


      "As each day is a GIFT to be shared ..."

      Now, with THAT I can agree 100 % !!!!!


Summary of Answers Received Answered On Answered By Average Rating
1. today I said goodbye to a dog. you might wonder at that stat...
07/18/06 paracleteExcellent or Above Average Answer
2. A beautiful post, but I wish we could do this everyday, than...
07/18/06 whitefawn_Excellent or Above Average Answer
07/18/06 STONYExcellent or Above Average Answer
4. Did you just land on this planet? All decent adults do the...
07/18/06 jackreadeExcellent or Above Average Answer
5. I cherish every minute of each day and each night, ROLC...
07/18/06 HANK1Excellent or Above Average Answer
6. That is a very beautiful post. It is sad that some can not s...
07/19/06 arcuraExcellent or Above Average Answer
7. We do too often miss the important things in this life. And...
07/20/06 drgadeExcellent or Above Average Answer
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