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Think carefully about this Please? paraclete 03/28/06
    During my recent surjoin in the boonies I came across this. Please think carefully about it's contents and the lie that Islam worships the God of Christianity and Judaism

    Pre-Islamic Arabia

    Ur of the Chaldees is first mentioned in the account of Abraham's journey in Genesis 12:1. The
    spiritual ruler of Ur was the moon-god. This god would ultimately become the supreme deity of the entire Babylonian empire. The root names of many individuals in Babylon preserves links to the gods of the Babylonian pantheon:

    Senacherib, or "Sin Ech-erib" = "Sin multiplies his brothers."

    The god "Sin" was elevated to the top of the Babylonian pantheon by Nabu-na'id (Nabodnidus) in an effort to make Babylonian religion more acceptable to subjects like the Arabians and Aramaeans. The Arabians esteemed the moon god, but had more difficulty identifying with Marduk, the supreme Babylonian deity associated primarily with the city of Babylon.

    The god Sin, "The Controller of the Night," had the crescent moon as his emblem, and the lunar-based calendar, which became the primary religious symbols of Islam, was worshipped in Arabia as AI-Ilah. Mecca became the center of all pagan religions of Arabia before Mohammed. AI-Ilah, the Moon God, was the "Lord of the Ka'aba" ("cube") which was formerly the center of pagan worship, ruling over 360 idols. Lucrative trade routes resulted. The Ka'aba black cube in Mecca is of course the center of Islamic worship today.

    Islam incorporates beliefs in jinns ( which are genies, fairies); in spells, magic stones, fetishes; and animistic beliefs (spirits living in inanimate objects). See: Suras 55; 72; 113, 114.

    Such beliefs are contrary to Biblical injunctions found for example in Deut. 4:19; 17:3; Job 31:26-28. Penalties: Deut. 17:6; 2 Ki 23:5.

    Pagans who lived in Saudi Arabia before Muhammed was born worshipped toward Mecca because Mecca is where their idols were located. Because this pagan worship centered on Mecca was so widespread, a rapid acceptance of Muhammad's new religion was possible. Thus, Islam is a previously heathen religion modified into a monotheistic form by discarding all the other pagan gods except for Al-Ilah.

    The Quran is an amalgam of Hinduism, Buddhism, Mythraism, Greek mystery religions, as well as elements from Judaism and Christianity.

    Order confused, self-contradictions. Perfect Arabic? Claimed in 12:2; 13:37; 41:41,44.
    Over 100 aberrations,5 such as 2:177,192; 3:59; 4:162; 5:69; 7:160; 13:28; 20:66; 63:10, etc.

    Free of error? Claimed in Sura 85:21, 22. Claims to be consistent with the Bible? Sura 7:51 and 10:3 claim 6 days of creation; Sura 41, 8 days of creation; Sura 32-48 disagree with Genesis 7; numerous errors concerning Abraham: Father's name was not Azar (6:74); did not live in Mecca (14:37); did not sacrifice Ishmael (37:100-112); eight sons, not two; three wives, not two; did not build the Ka'aba (2:12~127); was not thrown into a fire by Nimrod (21:68, 69; 9:69), etc. Numerous chronological errors. Flood did not occur in Moses' day (7:136 vs. 7:59ff) (6)

Summary of Answers Received Answered On Answered By Average Rating
1. Interesting. Thanks. I have not had enough interest in Isl...
03/28/06 drgadeExcellent or Above Average Answer
2. I can only answer this from my own Jewish point of view. Ac...
03/29/06 ETWolverineExcellent or Above Average Answer
3. and from a christian point of view do we as christians not w...
05/03/06 revdauphineeExcellent or Above Average Answer
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