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Stranger oder, what can it mean?.... taffy 12/17/05
    Hi, to whom it may concern,
    This past summer, my husband and I went to Galena,IL for the day. The weather was beautiful! As soon as we drove through the downtown area though, I sensed something, hard to explain this, but I'll try.. I felt intimitated. I'm not sure if it was the tall buildings or what. But it almost felt like I was not supposed to be there! Well, we parked the suv and got out. There was an oder coming from one of the factories down there. As soon as I smelt it, I instantly backed up and stopped. I tryed to smell it again, but as soon as I would try, I'd stop again. It was strange! I felt threatened by the smell somehow, and not letting myself smell it, I was protecting myself from, I guess, Of what I'd remember: perhaps?.. The smell did'nt really stink or anything. It smelt like melting rubber. But it frightened me! I've thought about it alot since we got back from there. There's a big part of me that would like to go back, although, I feel funny about it. What if anything, does this mean? There's another part to this question....
    Ever since I was in my 20's, I have had this re-occurring dream, every once in awhile. In the dream, I am 20 something, and my hair is long and down, with on single braid in it. I'm sitting on a stoop in front of my appt. it's late at night, and I'm feeling very sad. I believe (from my dream) that it might have taken place around th 1960's time frame.
    Anyway, this girl gets up and goes for a walk alone. And that's where the dream ends. Always!
    While we were in Galena, there's a back alley you can take. As we were driving through it, I noticed that the appartments back in there reminded me of the ones from my dreams! And low and behold! There were front stoops too! Do you think any of this means anything? I't been haunting my mind ever since the trip! Please help.. I could really to hear what you have to say.
    Thaks alot for your time,

      Clarification/Follow-up by taffy on 12/17/05 6:23 pm:
      Thanks so much for your quick response. My birthdate is:Feb. 18,1972. This is eerie!!!
      I'm going back to Galena this coming Wed. Do you have any sugestions for me? I'm a little nervouse about going, you know, since it bothered me so much the last time. It's weird though, because there's been a part of me that's been wanting to return. It's so confusing!
      Anyway, any help you could give would be very much appreciated!
      Thanks again,

      Clarification/Follow-up by taffy on 12/17/05 6:31 pm:
      Thanks so much Hank for your quick response. I'm confused as to what you meant by, a sensitive memory. If you could explain that a little further for me I'd appreciate it. I'm going back to Galena this coming Wed. I have mixed emotions on this. Have any other suggestions or thoughts?
      Thanks again, I'll be anticipating to hear from you again.

      Clarification/Follow-up by pj331 on 12/18/05 12:37 pm:
      hey :}
      it really isnt as strange as you think ,i feel you are going to learn something important about yourself allow yourself to be open and like i suggested perhaps do a little bit of research into the history of the town .
      remember too that a past life is just that the PAST and often times we are reminded or given a small clue as to a phobia we have in the now related to a past life and it can be revealed to you and in a sense this is trying to help you understand yourslef and possibly eliviate any fears you carry over in this lifetime ,so give it some thought [what are your fears ] and seeif this is somehow connected to it ,you possibly lived there in a past life maybe even died there ?
      but the point is not so much about the discovery of a past life but the fact in some way something is trying to get your attention ,
      usually it is a helpful sort of thing .
      be open ,think about fears and phobias and TRY to connect the dots :}
      good luck and happy holidays to you :}

      Clarification/Follow-up by taffy on 12/20/05 6:21 pm:
      Thanks so much for your input!

      Clarification/Follow-up by pj331 on 12/27/05 4:15 pm:
      have you made it back yet >have you discovered anything new ???
      very curious and interested to know how you made out ,
      peggy :}:}:}

      Clarification/Follow-up by taffy on 12/27/05 5:40 pm:
      Happy Holidays! Peggy!!!
      No, I was supposed to go last Wed., but the weather was iffy, and my friend's husband hurt his foot. So she had to stay home with her kids that day. We're going tomorrow. The weather's supposed to be ok.
      I will definintly let you know how it goes. Still feeling a little nervous...
      I had been thinking about the dreams alot. I've also had other dreams, (that had repeated themself once or twice), I'm always driving around the city trying to find a specific store. All the dreams that I have about cities, always seem to have one thing in common, That corner building. They have one in Galena, and in New York City! You know the one I'm talking about, The one that's in the middle of the city, where traffic drives around it??? I've never been to New York, but I'm going there this fall. Maybe it's there? All that I know is it's very strange whatever it is and I just remember a feeling that I was not supposed to be there that day. Everyone was really nice too?? So why should I feel like that? Well, I'll try to get back with you tomorrow, otherwise it'll be Thurs.
      I hope you have a great New Year!
      Thanks so much for caring...
      I hope together we can figure this out.

      Clarification/Follow-up by taffy on 12/29/05 9:02 am:
      Goodmorning Peggy!
      I went back to Galena yesterday, with a good friend of mine named Missy. She too knows what happened to me the last time I came down there.
      Anyway, When we arrived there, I felt nothing out of the ordinary. We ate breakfast and proceeded to shop. Halfway through the day, we were about to walk into one of my favorite stores, they sell really unique purses. We walked in, and there was that smell!!!!
      I froze with fear!! But I knew that what ever it was I needed to find out this time! So, I continued to smell, even though it itimidated me. I did have my friend there, and that helped alot, because I was able to tell her how I was feeling. The smell was really different. It didn't come from a factory like I first thought. It came from inside 3 of the old buildings that day. Missy said that she couldn't smell anything unusuall. I asked her how that was possible, because the oder was so strong??? She told me she didn't know, all she knew was that she couldn't smell anything different, and thinking back to when my husband and I went there, he couldn't smell anything either! Yes, I'm a little freaked out! I still cannot place the smell. But when I was in one of the old hotels there, I could feel spirits around me. So when we were up at the front desk, we asked the girls if she had any good ghost stories, and she said that, she too from time to time could feel spirits, although the manager of the hotel told her that he nor anyone else who'd worked there had ever experienced any hauntings. I didn't see anything either, but I felt like I was being watched!
      Maybe I'm just looney, what do you think???
      Thanks so much for your quick reponses.
      By the way, I was not able to make it to the library there. I'll have to go on line and do alittle research.
      Thaks again,

      Clarification/Follow-up by taffy on 01/02/06 11:05 am:
      Not sure if my message went through to you. I hope so. Let me know if you didn't get it. Once again, my birthday is: Feb. 18, 1972.
      Happy New Year!!!!

      Clarification/Follow-up by taffy on 01/03/06 12:47 pm:
      Hi Peggy!
      Yes, I would love that reading done! My birthdate is: feb. 18, 1972.
      When I went to Galena, it smelt "musty" in 3 or 4 different stores. I would ask my friend if she could smell it? and she said no. All that she could smell was leather, at 2 of the stores, different candle scents at another, and nothing at the last store. I'm telling you it's strange! I hope you can find out what it all means, because I'm dumbfounded by all this....
      Thankyou for all your help!
      Let me know what you thought about the other message I posted. Interesting huh? Have you dreamt of you dad since??
      have a good day!

      Clarification/Follow-up by taffy on 01/06/06 8:29 am:
      Thank you very much for your respose. It makes alot of sense to me. I will try and look deeper into this for myself. I'll keep posted if new info. arises.
      Have a great day!!

      Clarification/Follow-up by taffy on 01/15/06 10:20 am:
      Hi Peggy! I hope you feel better soon!
      Thanks so much for the reading!! Very interesting stuff! If you do have more...feel free to share!
      The girl had long wavey dark blonde hair, all one length, that came down to mid-section of her back, also she had a single braid on one side that hung down. She had on blue jeans, moccasin type shoes, a long sleeve shirt (dark) with wide arms, and a leather jacket w/fringe. She had no purse, but she sat on the stoop, I feel that she was waiting for someone who was never gonna show. I felt a great deal of loneliness for her. She may have had on make-up, but I'm not sure of it.... I hope this helps you...
      Have any more questions, just let me know.
      I would deffinently like to hear more of what you've found out for me....and can you see my future this time around???
      Thanks for everything, I feel is though you are turning into a dear friend, Peggy!
      You have yourself a great day...
      Taffy, (if this is easier for ya!!!)

      Clarification/Follow-up by taffy on 01/21/06 3:08 pm:
      Hi Peggy!
      Thanks so much!! I'd love more readings!! It's alot of fun and very interesting too!
      I had another dream about that girl again the other night!! She was walking home from somewhere, it was night time...and still the city, or town. The houses were old and big, with wooden fences around them. A side walk along the side of the houses, maybe a side walk in front, I don't know. I didn't feel any emotions from her this time, just that she had to get home. It was a little windy, and she was chilled. She had on a dark jacket that wasn't fastened, but she wrapped it around her to block the wind. This I find eerie, because when I was her age, I did them same thing with all my jackets, and when I think back to the other dream...where she sat on the stoop, her jacket was wrapped once again! not fastened!!! What do you make of this?? Do you think that I might be making something out of nothing? Or do you think I might have something here?
      Also, did you happen to notice that I listed myself to help others who have small animals? I'm really excited about it! I'm not a dr. but I'm very knowlaged in this feild...If you have any small animal questions for me, I'll be happy to help, just a thought!
      Have a great day!! write back soon please, and good luck with work! Hopefully it won't be as bad as you think!
      all my best, Taffy

      Clarification/Follow-up by taffy on 01/23/06 3:20 pm:
      Hi Peggy!
      When I was younger, actually until I was about 25yrs. old I had goraphobia, I would have horrible panic attacks, and just feel sick all over! I used to have terrible migranes too!!! I decided then, that I would see a counselor about that and I had to see her for over a year, to talk out my problems and learned how to cope with the disease. Also, my doctor put me on Effexor to help with the anxiety. Now, I love getting out going places!! Even though I've flown before...I much rather drive! I love the back and country roads! Such gorgious scenery! It's soo peaceful too. I'm loving being the driving too!! I never used to! I hated to drive before, would do anything not to get in the car...Now I can't wait to drive a long distance!! I'm more of a summer road trip kinda girl, though, because winter is just too depressing, and everything is black and white!! boring!!
      I would be in 7th heaven with all them animals!! How fun!!
      Take care, and contact soon!
      ps. have anymore readings on me???
      I had a weird dream last night, I'll have think about it....

      Clarification/Follow-up by taffy on 02/04/06 9:51 pm:
      Hi Peggy,
      I would also like more readings done, if you could?? That is so fun, I really enjoy them.. Maybe you could teach me how to do them, that would be fun, huh.....
      Something happened to me the other day...
      My friend's house was broken into, and the took 75 percent of their stuff... A few days before that, I was there visiting her, and I had noticed that she did not have a dead bolt on her front door. I noticed her door because I had let her dog back in from him going potty. I was going to tell her about that, but she was on the phone, and by the time she got off the phone, I forgot about it.. Now I regret that!!
      Have a good evening...feel free to leave comments..

Summary of Answers Received Answered On Answered By Average Rating
1. hi :} i totally think this is a past life remembrance ,i tru...
12/17/05 pj331Excellent or Above Average Answer
2. Rsearchers learned that everyone dreams. People who cla...
12/17/05 HANK1Excellent or Above Average Answer
3. It sounds to me that you have experianced memories that are ...
12/17/05 FormerJesusHelper76Excellent or Above Average Answer
4. I would follow the girl in the dream; get up and walk away. ...
12/18/05 drgadeExcellent or Above Average Answer
5. Good morning Taffy, Our dreams often bring us hidden messag...
12/18/05 purplewingsExcellent or Above Average Answer
6. Odors are a trigger for memories. You are definitely ready ...
12/18/05 keenuExcellent or Above Average Answer
7. http://serendip.brynmaw...
12/19/05 sapphire630Excellent or Above Average Answer
8. Hi Taffy Tuck! Maybe you should also consider the possibili...
12/20/05 OldstillwildExcellent or Above Average Answer
9. hey :} well smells are definelty memory triggers,you know yo...
01/02/06 pj331Excellent or Above Average Answer
10. hi :} well i got this one with your birthday ? did you send ...
01/03/06 pj331Excellent or Above Average Answer
11. Hi, taffy. I saw your question just now and the first thing ...
01/05/06 madimaExcellent or Above Average Answer
12. hey taffy :} had a touch of flu past week but did the readin...
01/11/06 pj331Excellent or Above Average Answer
13. hey :} well glad you thought it was interesting ,i can try t...
01/21/06 pj331Excellent or Above Average Answer
14. hey :} well good luck with helping others with their animals...
01/23/06 pj331Excellent or Above Average Answer
15. hey :} i found it interesting about your phobia that you suf...
02/04/06 pj331Excellent or Above Average Answer
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