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A Tall Scary Man! Anonymous 06/03/05
    A man who No one else sees except for two people. They told him to go away and went away. Now he is back. He appears to an young boy. Holding his hand over the face, cursing and swearing at this boy. What to do. What kind of entity could it be. Help.

      Clarification/Follow-up by HANK1 on 06/05/05 12:37 pm:

      Anonymous: I should have said, "People should manage their own fantasies." Anyway, I apologize.

      Clarification/Follow-up by Anonymous on 06/05/05 12:54 pm:
      Apology excepted.

      Clarification/Follow-up by tarot10 on 06/05/05 9:02 pm:
      Hello anonymous

      There was a time in my life where I was so sensitive to these beings that I was constantly praying for them. A friend gave me a book called the Unquiet Dead. I followed the advice which is along the same line as pj333's advice and it worked 99% of the time.

      I do believe most of them are people who are stuck here.

      Sometimes you need to be careful not to mention the word God because sometimes they don't go to be with God because they have been taught to be afraid of God and that God will punish them. Sometimes they won't go home to God because they think that God will punish them.

      First ask for their relatives to come and take him home and ask the entity to go with his loving relatives. I had better success doing all of this with my eyes closed in a meditative or prayer state.

      If that doesn't work, then ask God to send angels to come and take them home and tell the entity to go to the white light.

      Lighting essence and white candles helps also.

      Sleeping with the white candles or a light on will help keep them away from you. Or by visualizing a white light around you, will keep them away from you also.

      Clarification/Follow-up by tarot10 on 06/05/05 9:15 pm:
      Please remember that these entities are afraid. That is how I learned to identify them because I could feel their fear.

      Praying the Lords prayer after asking their relatives to come for them or the angels to come for them helps also.

      Later I will write back and teach you another exericise to help with this situation.

      Clarification/Follow-up by tarot10 on 06/05/05 9:44 pm:
      avoid being specific about any relatives because you might summon a relative the entity does not like and it will refuse to leave. Stick to the words loving relatives.

      Check out or for a used copy of the book that has some of these techniques: The Unquiet Dead : A Psychologist Treats Spirit Possession
      by Dr. Edith Fiore

      I'll write some more later.

      Clarification/Follow-up by tarot10 on 06/06/05 5:29 am:
      I agree totally with purplewings that this spirit may be trying to weaken the little boy to take over his body by scaring him.

      In my experience depression, fear and anger among another things like drinking, drug abuse, health problems both psychological and physical can make us prone to attract these dead people and sometimes evil spirits.

      It is important to make sure the people who can see this spirit remain calm and at peace and in good health. Getting involved in pleasant acitivities (sports, dogs, funny films) and getting exposed to nature (trees are very helpful) can help them. Prayer, joy, and fun are important.

      Lighting white candles also help. Those religious white candles are very good because they last a while. They should last 7 days. If not, another one needs to be lit.

      Some people get so used to living with other beings that after a while they're not even aware of them.

      Let me know if you have any other questions.

Summary of Answers Received Answered On Answered By Average Rating
1. So,the boy sees nothing,but is hearing swearing and cursing....
06/03/05 OldstillwildPoor or Incomplete Answer
2. Perhaps it's a ghost intended to have gone to the other s...
06/03/05 purplewingsExcellent or Above Average Answer
3. Don't forget that we create our own reality. ANY appariti...
06/03/05 keenuExcellent or Above Average Answer
4. Maybe an angel....from somewhere....
06/03/05 drgadeExcellent or Above Average Answer
5. I am just curious as to who the two people who can see it ar...
06/03/05 Gabby1Excellent or Above Average Answer
6. You manage your own fantasies. In this case, it's fan...
06/04/05 HANK1Poor or Incomplete Answer
7. hi , i have to agree with purplewings ,sounds like it might ...
06/05/05 pj333Excellent or Above Average Answer
8. How old is the young boy?...
06/27/05 mytfinemamaExcellent or Above Average Answer
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