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A lesson for George and Condi paraclete 06/22/07
    on how to deal with the Iranians

    'Robust' Aussies fend off Iranians

    June 22, 2007 08:38am
    Article from: AAP

    * Colourful language helps Aussies avoid capture
    * Aussies react quickly, Brits caught at most vulnerable
    * Video: 'You can't take us, we're Aussies'

    AN Australian Navy boarding crew in the Gulf of Persia repelled an Iranian gunboat that threatened them a matter of weeks before 15 British sailors were captured in a similar incident, it was reported today.

    The capture of the British crew in March developed into a major diplomatic incident before their release was negotiated.

    But BBC reporter Frank Gardner, a security specialist, reported the Australians managed to avoid a similar incident - pointing their guns at the Iranians and used "colourful language" before a gunboat withdrew.


    "What I've been told by several sources, military sources, (is that) there was a similar encounter, in this case between the Royal Australian Navy and Iranian gunboats, some months ago, or at least some months prior to the seizing of the British sailors," Gardner said on ABC radio.

    "The Australians escaped capture by climbing back on board the ship they'd just searched. I'm told that they set up their weapons.

    "No shots were exchanged but the Iranians backed off and the Australians were able to get helicoptered off that ship and they didn't get captured."

    Robust attitude

    He did not mention the name of the Australian ship.

    Australians ships rotate through duties in the Gulf, chiefly searching ships.

    "What I'm hearing is that it was a pretty robust attitude by the Australians," Gardner said.

    "The words that somebody said to me was that they used pretty colourful language but I'm sure that alone didn't make the Iranians back off.

    "They reacted, I'm told, incredibly quickly, whereas the Brits were caught at their most vulnerable moment climbing down off the ship (and) getting into their boats."

    Gardner said the British should be embarrassed about the incident, but the issue was whether military intelligence had been passed on.


    "The point of this story is not that the Aussies were fantastically brave and the Brits were a bunch of cowards, although I'm sure some people will interpret (it that way)," he said.

    "Lessons should have been drawn from what happened to the Australian crew."

    He said he had not been able to find out whether the information on the Australian incident had been passed on to the British.

    Prime Minister John Howard said today he was not in a position to confirm the report, but told Channel 7: "I'll be getting some further advice on it later this morning.

    "The only thing I can say is that the people we have in the Gulf are engaged in very dangerous work and the RAN has done a fantastic job and a very courageous job.

    "As to the particulars of that claim, I'm not advised."

Answered By Answered On
Itsdb 06/25/07
Clete, what does this have to do with George and Condi? Sounds like a lesson for the Brits and an example for the rest of us. Good job, guys.


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