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What is an attack? Itsdb 02/22/07
    White House Stands Behind Cheney’s Attacks On Murtha And Pelosi

    Yesterday, Vice President Cheney attacked House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Rep. John Murtha (D-PA) for supporting Iraq redeployment:

      CHENEY: I think, in fact, if we were to do what Speaker Pelosi and Congressman Murtha are suggesting, all we’ll do is validate the al Qaeda strategy. … I think that’s exactly the wrong course to go on. I think that’s the course of action that Speaker Pelosi and Jack Murtha support. I think it would be a huge mistake for the country.

      Q Is that policy that we hear from the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi — from other Democrats, is that a policy of defeat?

      CHENEY: Yes.

    CBS reports Pelosi's response thusly:

      Vice President Dick Cheney on Wednesday harshly criticized Democrats' attempts to thwart President Bush's troop buildup in Iraq, saying their approach would "validate the al Qaeda strategy." House Speaker Nancy Pelosi fired back that Cheney was questioning critics' patriotism.

      "I hope the president will repudiate and distance himself from the vice president's remarks," Pelosi said.

    Pelosi went further, "You cannot say as the president of the United States, 'I welcome disagreement in a time of war,' and then have the vice president of the United States go out of the country and mischaracterize a position of the speaker of the House and in a manner that says that person in that position of authority is acting against the national security of our country."

    Try as I might I can't quite figure out the left. Either that or I know them better than they know themselves. In this case I'd have to say they're way too sensitive (which would explain all their sensitivity issues), yet they're so hypocritical and condescending at the same time. They've demanded the "Bush regime" come clean for years and yet they have a serious aversion to the truth.

    Seeing as how Pelosi and Murtha have made their intentions 'vaguely clear' as we've already demonstrated on this board, Cheney was simply telling the truth. So, naturally that offends Madame Armani Speaker.

    Contrast Cheney's 'attack' with Bill Maher on Leno Tuesday:

      “Joe Scarborough did a whole week of panel discussions on whether he was an idiot. The people who were defending him were saying, 'well, he's just inarticulate.' But inarticulate doesn't explain foreign policy. I mean, it's not that complicated. The man is a rube. He is a dolt. He is a yokel on the world stage. He is a Gilligan who cannot find his ass with two hands. He is a vain half-wit who interrupts one incoherent sentence with another incoherent sentence.

    Now THAT's an attack.


      Clarification/Follow-up by Itsdb on 02/23/07 10:18 pm:
      Seems they aren't through with this...Howard the Dean has sent out an email quoting a letter by Tom McMahon, saying in part:

        According to House Minority Leader John Boehner, I'm a "terrorist sympathizer," and you probably are too.

        Just days ago on the floor of the House of Representatives, the Republican leader claimed that "al Qaeda and terrorist sympathizers around the world are trying to divide us here at home. Over the next few days, we have an opportunity to show our enemies that we will not take the bait."

        This isn't the first time Republicans have linked Democrats with terrorists at the time of an important vote. In fact, it's become the norm...

        Put a stop to the slander. Help the Democrats pass the House Iraq resolution, and help wavering Republicans stand up to this rhetoric:

        The "bait" that Boehner refers to is the House Democrats' war resolution that Governor Dean emailed you about on Tuesday -- a vote of no-confidence in the president's plan to escalate the war in Iraq.

        You see, with 70% of the public opposing escalation and potentially 60 Republicans crossing party lines, the Republican leadership is resorting to desperate measures to try to fool the American people and stop this damning vote.

      There we go, telling the truth - even without mentioning any individual or party - is slander. I guess those slandered Dems have never read anything about terrorist tactics, including trying to influence American public opinion and the election.
Answered By Answered On
paraclete 02/22/07
I think Cheney is right, Pelosi is acting against the interests of the country, she is trying to dictate to the President

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