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Chinese facing shortage of wives Itsdb 01/12/07
    China will have 30 million more men of marriageable age than women by 2020, making it difficult for them to find wives, according to a national report.

    The gender imbalance could lead to social instability, the report by the State Population and Family Planning Commission warned.

    It found that around 118 boys were born to every 100 girls in 2005.

    A traditional preference for boys, in a country with a one-child policy, is the root of the problem, the report says.

    Abortions on female foetuses are believed to be widespread as couples, particularly in rural areas, hope for a son who will look after them in their old age.

    There is also suspected under-reporting of female births.

    'Embrace girls'

    The report said the 118 to 100 ratio of newborn boys to girls had jumped from 110 to 100 recorded in 2000.

    In some areas of southern China, such as Guangdong and Hainan, the figure was 130 boys to 100 girls in 2005.


    China fears bachelor future

    Nationwide this means there will be 30 million more men than women by 2020, making it difficult for those particularly with low income or little education to find a wife, the report said.

    "The increasing difficulties men face finding wives may lead to social instability," the report said.

    The report went on: "We need to develop a 'movement to embrace girls'... and effectively contain the trend towards greater gender imbalances..."

    Tell me, who didn't see that coming? If Americans were to embrace gender-selection techniques, or gay marriage on a large scale would we eventually face similar problems?

Answered By Answered On
tomder55 01/12/07
Just what the world needs ,a 3.25 million man army looking for wives ! There's a recipe for an aggressive military if I've ever seen one . If they weren't wacking the Falun Gong women so they could harvest body parts maybe there would be more women available.

The book Bare Branches: The Security Implications of Asia's Surplus Male Population discusses the implications of this imbalance .According to the authors, history, biology, and sociology all suggest that these "surplus males" will generate high levels of crime and social disorder .They predict that China and India may build up their armed forces further just to create a safety valve.

Without the military ,many of them could seek to emigrate seeking mates or get into the mail order bride industry which impacts North Korea due to human traffickers smuggling N.Korean brides into China which I'm sure makes NORK men thrilled .The shortage of women in China may end up posing an existential threat to the Kim Jong mentally Il regime worse than anything US policy makers are planning .

But to further complicate the matter ,the culture in Taiwan is simular and to make up for the short-fall ,they import brides from the mainland . These women however are outnumbered by those smuggled into the country illegally, who, in exchange for $10,000, can legalize their status with marriages of convenience, then head for the brothels to earn real money. These bogus nuptials are difficult to detect since many Taiwanese men hop between marriages until they find a woman who can bear them a son.

The US ? we are equal opportunity abortionists. We don't make a distinction which gender of babies we snuff. The article you reference mentions China's aging population . WE have a simular one that is not as noticeable because we supplement our population with immigrants .

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