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Polls, schmolls... Itsdb 01/11/07
    Speaking of polls, the left has begun an all out assault on Bush's plan for Iraq and fully intend on pushing the polls in their favor. On that front the Democrats have furnished a "PartyBuilder Letters to Editors tool," complete with a form letter for you to personalize, additional talking points and a distribution service to the papers of your choice.

    The letter:

      *Subject: Won't work

      *Message: Last night, after much delay, President Bush announced his new strategy for the war in Iraq. Unfortunately, this so-called strategy is actually more of the same thing - only it commits more U.S. troops to a region being devoured by a civil war. It is unconscionable that more American soldiers will lose their lives in a last ditch effort that Bush knows won't work. There is no good reason to escalate the war, unless you're a President whose poll numbers are sagging. Bush needs to explain to the American people how his latest plan differs from his previous stay-the-course policies - all of which have failed. I wholeheartedly support the efforts of Democratic leaders to move towards bringing troops home, and giving responsibility to the Iraqi people for their future."

    Talking points:

      # President Bush’s escalation plan is nothing but “stay the course” with more troops.

      # The President’s escalation plan has failed over and over. It is opposed by top military leaders, the Iraq Study Group, foreign policy experts, and the American people.

      # President Bush has ignored the bipartisan Iraq Study Group, which recommended we begin the phased redeployment of American troops and end our open-ended commitment to Iraq.

      # Congress should continue to exercise its Constitutional authority to hold the president accountable for a change of course that allows for our troops to come home.

    So much for the new bipartisanship. I'm sorry - no I'm not - this is just plain BS, and I'm sick and #$@*&! tired of the left ramming this crap down our throats. They have no plan, other than to surrender and place every one of our lives at risk. This is what you democrat voters voted for, to throw the United States of America under the bus - and for all of you who've bemoaned the loss of Iraqi civilians - as the president said, the result for the Iraqi would be "mass killings on an unimaginable scale."

    So go ahead, turn your backs on the Iraqis, turn your backs on America, turn your backs on your own safety and send those letters.


Answered By Answered On
tomder55 01/12/07
I wonder who will take the initiative and do a nexus search on which democrats over the last couple of years have been loudest about the need to increase troop levels . Do they think we forgot ? I knew already that the Iraq Surrender group would provide cover for the particular and anyone in Congress who wanted to bailout . That is why it was commissioned .

You are right ;this is not about the Iraqi people . It is about our own security .

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