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Is environmentalism an anti-social religion? paraclete 11/19/06
    Does environmentalism trap the thirn world in poverty?

    The real question is what do you put first people or the environment.

    Make poverty history: first by getting rid of the greens

    Miranda Devine
    November 19, 2006

    AT U2's Sydney concerts last week, Bono urged the audience to text their names to a Make Poverty History phone number. Later he flashed the names on a big screen and sent a thank you text to all those mobile phones in Telstra Stadium. As an act of charity it doesn't come much easier, unless you count wearing wristbands.

    This is not to sneer at Bono for raising consciousness of the world's poor, or his audience for making a gesture.

    But as protesters and green activists gather in Melbourne this weekend to lay the usual blame for poverty on the greed of developed nations, a powerful new documentary shines light on a different villain.

    Mine Your Own Business, which opens this week, shows that the "powerful group telling the world's poor how to live, how to work, even how to think" are not the world leaders gathered in Melbourne. They're not even wealthy multinational corporations, but wealthy multinational environment groups such as Greenpeace.

    "Upper-class Western environmentalists" are the greatest enemy of the world's poor, says the documentary's maker, self-described left-wing journalist Phelim McAleer, from Northern Ireland.

    He shows how environmental groups opposed to change and economic growth are trying to keep the developing world poor. "Poor but happy", is how they see it.

    Posted to Romania by The Financial Times in 2000, McAleer covered the Greenpeace campaign to prevent the opening of a goldmine in the Transylvanian mountains. It changed his views on environmental activism.

    What he found in Rosia Montana was an impoverished village, with 75 per cent unemployment, little sanitation or running water and people desperate for jobs. It had been a mining town since Roman times but the last state-owned mine was closing and a Canadian company, Gabriel Resources, wanted to take over. It had promised to provide jobs, rebuild infrastructure and clean up pollution from old mines.

    Early on McAleer acknowledges his film was part-funded by Gabriel Resources but says he retained editorial control.

    He interviews Francoise Heidebroek, a Belgian green activist who says villagers are better off being farmers and riding horses. But as the villagers explain, nothing grows except potatoes, and at minus 25 degrees they prefer cars and indoor toilets.

    Gheorghe Lucian, an unemployed miner, tells McAleer: "People have no food to eat. They don't have money for clothes … I know what I need - a job."

    McAleer took Lucian to similar projects around the world, and interviewed activists such as Mark Fenn, World Wide Fund for Nature's American representative in southern Madagascar, who opposes a Rio Tinto mine in the impoverished fishing village of Fort Daupin, which would create 2000 jobs. "The quaintness, the small-town feeling will change," Fenn says.

    Fenn insists that Lucian doesn't really understand poverty. "How do we perceive who's rich, who's poor …" Fenn says. "I could put you with a family and you count how many times in a day that family smile … Then I put you with a family well off, in New York or London, and you count how many times people smile and measure stress … Then you tell me who is rich and who is poor."

    Underlining the hypocrisy, Fenn shows McAleer the luxury house he is building and catamaran he bought for $US30,000 ($39,000) - "a good price". As McAleer says, the average salary in the village is less than $US100 a month.

    But, "the indicators of wellbeing aren't housing, nutrition, health, education", says Fenn, although he sends his own children to school in South Africa.

    The villagers tell McAleer the opposite. One says she wants her children to become "a midwife, a doctor, or an engineer".

    It's the same story in Chile where activists have halted a goldmine in the Andes. A young man tells McAleer: "I'm not asking for much, just a normal job."

    McAleer shows how progressives oppose progress and have become part of an "authoritarian world order", telling people in the developing world how they must live. He hopes his film will show well-meaning Westerners the consequences of their blind faith in the new "religion" of environmentalism.

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ETWolverine 11/20/06
I agree with the point of this article.

It has been my experience that some of the most ardent activists for any cause tend not to realize the reprecussions of their actions to other people. Union activists fail to realize that by demanding higher compensation and more job protection, they are decreasing the number of people who will be employed, thus hurting the very people they wish to help. Ditto on the subject of the minimum wage. Anti-war activists fail to perceive that their actions in trying to stop wars against bad regimes increases the strength of those regimes and hurts those who those regimes rule over. Envronmental activists keep the poor poor. Anti-child-labor activists keep families who rely on the meager income from kids for their survival from being able to feed those kids.

That's not to say that I think that and end to child labor, better wages, conservation, and peace are not causes to fight for. I think that each of those causes are noble ones. But they need to be handled in a way that improves the lives of the people, not a way makes things worse for them. Shutting down businesses that offer honest labor to poor people is NOT the way to help the poor people. Keeping families from being able to feed themselves doesn't improve their lives, it hurts them.


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