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It seems Superman ain't dead yet paraclete 11/02/06
    he's just hiding out in Australia?

    Mystery man in daring rescue

    By Lincoln Archer

    November 02, 2006 02:30pm
    Article from:

    THE hunt is on for a mystery motorist who jumped onto a moving semi-trailer and slammed on the handbrake after seeing the vehicle swerving across the road with the driver unconscious at the wheel.

    The man was driving along a main road outside Cessnock in New South Wales at about 6.50am (AEDT) when he saw the truck driver slumped over the wheel of his semi, which was heading in the opposite direction, the NSW ambulance service has said.

    The driver immediately did a U-turn, then drove past the truck and parked ahead of it. He then ran towards the out-of-control semi and leapt aboard.

    "He climbed into the cab, pushed the driver aside and pulled on the handbrake," an ambulance spokesman has said.

    The man called an ambulance and waited with the ailing truckie, a middle-aged diabetic who had fallen unconscious because of low blood sugar levels, until it arrived.

    The spokesman has said the driver's action probably saved the truckie's life. "It was a huge semi so who knows what could have happened," he has said.

    Without medical attention, an injection of glucose into a muscle, the truckie may have lapsed into a potentially fatal diabetic coma.

    But despite his heroics, the Good Samaritan's identity remains unknown.

    "He told the paramedics what had happened, then drove off. He didn't stick around," the spokesman has said.

    It is believed the man is a miner and that he may have driven straight to work after his daring deeds.

    "A lot of people are trying to contact him," the spokesman has said.

    The driver was treated at the scene and had partially regained consciousness by the time he reached Cessnock Hospital.

    However a hospital spokeswoman later said the man is in a serious condition in a "high dependency" unit, which she has described as "one step away from intensive care".

    The ambulance service has said it is possible the truckie will not remember the actions of his mystery saviour.

    He has said diabetics who have lapsed into unconsciousness are often "a little vague and disorientated" when they wake up.

    He has said that even though ambulance officers had probably told him what had happened as he was regaining consciousness, "I doubt if he would remember anything about it".

Answered By Answered On
excon 11/02/06

Hello clete:

Yeah. I had to get to work. G'day, mate.


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