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New Direction excon 11/01/06

    Hello politicos:

    Time to put it on the line. I predict a Democratic landslide. They will take over BOTH houses of congress.

    I also predict, that Santorum will be chosen the new Defense Secretary. Nahhh. I'm joking.... At least, I hope I am.


Answered By Answered On
ETWolverine 11/01/06
I predict that the Republicans will hold the Senate, and probably the House as well. The Dem's words are coming home to rooste now... as is the fact that they have not communicated to the public what it is they would do that is different from the Republicans.

There's also the fact that in order for the Dems to win, the Republicans would have to stay home in much larger numbers than historically shown. Dems have a history of staying home in protest, but Republicans have a better record of showing up at the polls, even when they have disagreements with the candidates.

There is also the point that, in a recent poll over 60% of Americans identified themselves as "conservative" in their political views. That means that twice as many Conservatives would have to stay home from the polls as Liberals in order for the liberals to take control of Congress. I just don't see that happeneing.

And finally, if Republicans are upset with their party leaders for not being conservative enough, why would they deliberately allow even more liberal candidates to win Congress? How does that help them get Republicans to act like Conservatives? It doesn't. In my opinion, if there is a backlash against Republican incumbants, it will take place in the 2008 Republican primaries, not in the general election. In the primaries, conservatives can replace moderate Republicans that they dislike with more conservative Republicans that they agree with more. I don't think that the "backlash" that the Dems are counting on is going to take place in next weeks election.

And it would seem that Rove agrees with me... he's so optomistic over the Republican party's chances next week, he's practically giddy, according to all reports. Obviously, he knows something the public pollsters and the MSM don't. And frankly, Rove's got a better prognostication record than the pollsters and the MSM does.


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