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 Sunday 2nd June 2024 02:42:19 PM




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    1. I'd bring all of our guys and gals home from Iraq no later than December 1st. (As of this evening, some 2,737 of our troops have been killed in a war that's going nowhere. This does NOT include Afghanistan)

    2. I'd bring almost all of our guys and gals home from Afghanistan no later than December 1st.

    3. I'd suggest to all private citizens to vote out all the trash in Congress on November 7th.

    4. I'd send ALL illegals back to where they came from.

    5. I'd commend Wal-Mart for taking the lead in making prescription drugs (generic) affordable for all citizens. (I sure wish Sam was still with us!)

    6. I'd author a Constitution of Morality for ALL local, State and Federal employees. This applies to all Congressman as well.

    7. I'd increase the minimum wage to at least $9.40 an hour.

    8. I'd tell Iran to go to Hell.

    9. I'd tell North Korea to go to Hell.

    10. I'd consider isolation for our Country after all of the above materialized.

    That's it! I'm mad as hell about many things that are going on at this time in our small World. If I'm not making any sense, tell me! Even the homeless need a program to get back on their feet. That can be #11.


      Clarification/Follow-up by HANK1 on 10/07/06 3:33 pm:

      Excon: You know it's OK with me, my man. Maybe more Experts will see this and give us their wish lists. Have a good weekend.

Answered By Answered On
tomder55 10/07/06
as I've told you many times we cannot solve our problems by retreating to fortress America . We tried it before and we got drageed into world affairs and it cost us much more for waiting. That takes care of point 1 and 2

I have no problem with 3 as long as you mean ALL the trash

4 cannot be done. We have to secure the border (or make it as secure as we can) and then concurently find a way to absorb and intigrate who is here, and to figure a more sensible way to get workers here legally . If the jobs were not here they would not be coming in .

5. I love Walmart but you are misreading what they are doing in this case . Number one it is political. The left has been bashing Walmart for a long time and all indications were that they were going to make Walmart a campaign issue. Go to many towns in America and you will find a well-organised group of activists whose primary motive for existence lies in preventing Walmart from building a store within in their town so that their poorer citizens can access cheap goods and entry-level jobs requiring few skills.They are mostly the lefties

"Walmart the campaign issue "fell apart when Walmart made their announcement that they would cut the drug prices ;so far exclusively in the Tampa Fla.area , where many of their patrons are already on a new Fed. guaranteed drug entitlement program. Retired people are an enormously powerful voting block.Bush was suckered into signing that rediculous entitlement by pressure from them and Walmart will now use them to diffuse some of the political pressure they have had come down on them .

That's fine with me . Let's see Walmart go national with this plan . Progressives hate Walmart, because the company is living proof that capitalism, not socialism, delivers affordable goods to the poor. Walmart helps keeps inflation down in this country, by forcing vendors to find ways to keep prices low in order to have access to Walmart's huge market.

But Hank ,in your fortress America Walmart would not have access to foreign supplies where drugs are produced cheaper (or most of the products they sell for that matter ).What happens when the only way they can make their plan affordable is by buying cheaper drugs produced in China ? What happens to your America first rhetoric then ?

6.Most public officials have ethics rules already .

7.Already market forces in my area has increased the real min.wage to almost that point . I certainly cannot hire entry level workers at that min wage . They would not show up to apply. The workers who would be hurt by that are the teens doing part time work . Maybe in some places Walmart workers would get an increase also but Walmart makes a profit by keeping tight margins . What happens then to your cheap drugs ?

8 and 9 I have no problem with but what does in mean ? Does it mean taking action or is it just empty rhetoric? Neither country is going away . They are an issue because they are a threat.

10 . see my comments above about isolation

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