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Yeh like that's likely? paraclete 09/18/06
    Having shown it's true colours, Islam is on a collision course with the west

    vow to 'conquer Rome' in Pope backlash

    From correspondents in Basra, Iraq

    September 19, 2006 03:25am
    Article from: Agence France-Presse

    POPE Benedict XVI's apology for remarks seen as critical of Islam failed to quell anger in the Muslim world overnight as Iraqis burned him in effigy and al-Qaeda in Iraq vowed to "smash the cross".

    Despite appeals for calm from Islamic and Western leaders, protests were held from Indonesia to Iraq over the Pope's citing of a medieval text last week that criticised some teachings of the Prophet Mohammed as “evil and inhuman”.

    The leader of the world's 1.1 billion Roman Catholics yesterday said he was “deeply sorry” for the offence caused by his remarks and the Vatican launched a diplomatic offensive to explain to Muslim countries his position on Islam.

    A handful of Muslim groups welcomed the 79-year-old Pope's apology but it failed to stem the tide of anger in many Muslim nations.

    Mohammed Habib of Egypt's opposition Muslim Brotherhood said they considered the apology a retraction of the Pope's statement, but some Egyptian lawmakers demanded diplomatic ties with the Vatican be suspended.

    The powerful All India Muslim Personal Law Board based in the northern city of Lucknow called for an end to protests against the Vatican but demonstrations were held elsewhere.

    In Jakarta, some 100 hardliners rallied outside the Holy See's mission in the Indonesian capital, waving a banner depicting the Vatican as an “axis of Satan”.

    Some 150 protesters from a youth party marched through the Pakistani Kashmiri capital Muzaffarabad chanting “Death to Pope” and burned him in effigy.

    The Pope was also burned in effigy in this southern Iraqi port city where hundreds of Iraqis staged a demonstration today and called for an apology.

    The 500 protesters, followers of Ayatollah Mahmud al-Hassani, a mystical Shiite Muslim cleric, also burned German and American flags and called for the Pope to be tried in an international court.

    Al-Qaeda in Iraq warned in an internet statement it would wage jihad, or holy war, until the West is defeated.

    “We say to the servant of the cross (the Pope): wait for defeat. We say to infidels and tyrants: wait for what will afflict you. We continue our jihad,” said the statement attributed to the Mujahideen consultative council.

    “We will smash the cross,” it added, and “conquer Rome”.

Answered By Answered On
drgade 09/19/06
It does seem like the true Muslim world is being revealed to the whole world. Those who are filled with hatred for us can't seem to hide it any longer. Too bad. Now we know them for what they are.

The wars going on in the Middle East, Far East, Africa, Indonesia show the danger of a complete confusion of church and state wherein hatred of "others" is the primary thing being taught.

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