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Lebanon dimwit 07/25/06

    Everybody wants a peackeeping force installed between Israel and Hezbollah, but nobody wants THEIR soldiers in it. Hmmmm.

    Could it be that they realize that Hezbollah will attack them too? I think it is!


      Clarification/Follow-up by dimwit on 07/25/06 5:10 pm:

      Hello again:

      As a group, the ideological Left rejects the notion of victory in this war for Western forces (although it is fine for jihadists). They reject the notion that there are enemies that are impossible to appease; and they specifically reject the idea that Israel has a right to defend itself against its enemies, let alone vanquish them.

      Therefore, it occurs to me, that those offering to send a peacekeeping force, are doing so to protect Hezbollah/Lebanon from the Israeli’s, not the Israeli’s from Hezbollah.


      They’ll surly wind up with an army deployed between two forces, with no idea which way to point its guns.

      For if one takes the ideology of appeasing unappeasable foes to its logical conclusion, appeasing states will eventually join forces with their enemies against themselves.


Answered By Answered On
ETWolverine 07/25/06
Well, that is certainly one thought.

I personally think it is because they know that Hizbollah can't be trusted to keep the cease-fire, and they don't believe in their ability to enforce the cease-fire. Since they don't want to be the responsible parties that are accused of ineptness when a cease-fire inevitably falls apart, they don't want their people there. Which in turn means that they don't believe that a cease-fire can last. Gee, I wonder what gives them that idea.

Everyone wants Israel to make sacrifices for "peace", but none of those countries want to put their money or their military where their mouths are and make sacrifices of their own for peace. Especially when they know that any such sacrifices will end up being wasted.


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