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Middle-East Slipping into All Our War Fritzella 07/13/06
    Is this a good thing?


Answered By Answered On
tomder55 07/14/06
The NY Sun has an op ed piece that starts "the war on Iran has begun". It also says: "Years from now, the kidnapping of Corporal Gilad Shalit will be regarded like the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand."

It was inevidable . All you have to do is look at it from the Iranian perspective to find the logic. This week was a deadline by the UN that Iran will fail to meet. Also the G8 is meeting and I'm sure that Iranian defiance will be a major topic (although the idiot Chirac would like to make the meeting a referendum on raising airline taxes so more medicine could be donated to Africa).

Through a series of provocations Hamas and Hezbollah have forced Israel to respond militarily . The usual actors ar parroting the line(unfortunately including Bush [bring back the cowboy PLEASE]....and Rice) that Israel should respond in a "measured way " .But Israel cannot do a measured response anymore . Yesterday's attack on Haifa eliminated that possibilty . It is the equivalent of attacking Chicago . Israel is now forced to go deep into Lebanon and secure Southern Lebanon against future missle attacks on it's major cities . The next missle may have some of Iraq's 'non-existant ' chemical weapons on it . I think the Israeli's have to secure the Bekaa Valley, the seat of Hezbollah power ,and the storage place of much of their munitions .

Meanwhile the delusional clown that runs Iran ;Ahmadinejad ( or is that Ahma Dahma Ding Dong ? ); will proclaim to the world ,and specifically to the ummah ,that "see ..... Israel is the threat we say she is .....that is why we are justified to continue our nuke program ".The Gaza and northern Israel attacks were planned for quite a while, which means that Iran wanted this war, this way. It isn’t just a target of opportunity or a sudden impulse; it’s part of a strategic decision .

The problem is that it makes no sense . If he pushes the envelope too hard he is going down . The only way it makes sense is if you believe his rhetoric about the 12th Immam who will arrive at the last hour to save the Iranians from apocalypse. As I often say ,when someone like him says he's going to do something you best believe he will try .

Look for the puppet ruler of Syria ,Assad ,to provoke Israel into opening a third front soon.He doesn't want to but Iran calls the shots. We may get to see which is the better missle ;the Shahab 3 or the Jherico . I'm placing my bets on the Jherico.

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