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Disaster Everywhere One Looks, Thanks Bush Crime Family! .Choux. 07/06/06
    "From deteriorating security in Afghanistan and Somalia to mayhem in the Middle East, confrontation with Iran and eroding relations with Russia, the White House suddenly sees crisis in every direction.

    North Korea's long-range missile test Tuesday, although unsuccessful, was another reminder of the bleak foreign policy landscape that faces President Bush even outside of Iraq. Few foreign policy experts foresee the reclusive Stalinist state giving up the nuclear weapons it appears to have acquired, making it another in a long list of world problems that threaten to cloud the closing years of the Bush administration, according to foreign policy experts in both parties.

    "I am hard-pressed to think of any other moment in modern times where there have been so many challenges facing this country simultaneously," said Richard N. Haass, a **former senior Bush administration official** who heads the Council on Foreign Relations. "The danger is that Mr. Bush will hand over a White House to a successor that will face a far messier world, with far fewer resources left to cope with it."
    Washington Post dot com.


    What a mess Bush has created in foreign affairs!

    Let's see, perhaps things are better at home...

    illegal immigration, they are flooding over our southern border

    federal deficit, Oy!

    government spending, plan D Medicare, what a fiasco!

    Price of gasoline, sky high!

    pollution of all kinds, *cough*

    approval of the president, about 30%

    on and on and on....

Answered By Answered On
labman 07/07/06
As I recently pointed out, our economy is booming thanks to Bushes tax cuts. His security measures have held off further terrorist attacks in the United States. His No child Left Behind Act is bringing pressure on our chronically under performing public schools to do something. It may break the stranglehold the educational establishment and teachers' unions have on are schools and allow real education.

No he hasn't fixed a number of long term problems, but he has defined the problem and proposed solutions.

Yes the world is a mess. Six years isn't enough to fix the problems left behind by the father of the North Korean atomic bomb, Bill Clinton. He has taken out 2 of the most repressive regimes in the world. His successor will face far less of a mess than Bush did. Setting up stable democracies is all the more difficult due to you and all the other liberals screaming for us to bug out. You have the blood of our solders and people all over the world on your hands.

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