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Amnesty USA once again...... purplewings 06/22/06
    AIR TORTURE - you know what it is.

    But not enough people living in the United States do. They don't realize that the U.S. government is hiding the truth and transporting people to countries like Syria, Jordan and Egypt, where they are tortured in our names.

    Like you, most people oppose torture. And it is critical that we get their attention right now when we have an opportunity to end this practice for good. Air Torture is the stark and shocking campaign we need to focus attention on this critical issue. You can help us get the word out. Your gift will allow us to publish a full-page ad in the New York Times that will increase public awareness around this issue. Click here.

    Right now, our country's values rest on a terrifyingly slippery slope.

    Just last month, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) asked the new CIA director nominee, Michael Hayden, whether "waterboarding" - simulating drowning by strapping a person to a board, tipping the board, and pouring water over a cloth on his mouth and nose or submersing him in water-is an acceptable interrogation
    technique. General Hayden responded, "Let me defer that to a closed session, and I would be happy to discuss it in some detail."

    People living in the United States must take action now to spread the truth about extraordinary rendition. Click here to help us spread our message about grounding Air Torture.

    Here's the plan. With your help and the help of thousands of others:

    1. Amnesty International will launch a media campaign, including a full-page ad in the New York Times, that will draw public attention to the practice of extraordinary rendition. We will also reach out to journalists and bloggers to spread the word about Air Torture around the country.

    2. Amnesty activists will spread our message through protests at airports around the world. Be on the lookout for Air Torture "pilots" and "flight attendants!"

    3. Amnesty International will educate Congress and let our leaders know that we demand that they ground Air Torture.
    Now, if our war prisoners are transported to other countries, are their guards American or not? If it is their own countrymen torturing them, is America to blame? Where should we hold these people?

    Simply asking about waterboarding, does not mean it actually happens - but if so, is this equal to having a giant rat put into a pillowcase and tied over your head as has been done in interrogation by other countries?

    How do these people think we're supposed to find out where our killers are hiding? Do they think all we have to do is ask them?

    And I'd like to point out here that once again, the bottom line is about money. Send your donation......

    Do these people not recognize we are at war and trying to save people's lives by getting rid of the murderers?

Answered By Answered On
jackreade 06/22/06
War is horrible complete butchery; no one can sanely rationalize otherwise or romanticize it. I really don't see how it can be conducted one either side, without torture. Everything in life succeeds on information/intel, most specially warfare of all kinds.

Soldiers or terrorists are *professional killers*; killing for "their side". INtelligence is of prime importance. Everyone knows each side does it, even if there is no publicity whatsoever!

Gotta have intel.


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