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Let the hand wringing begin Itsdb 06/16/06
    House passes politically charged Iraq resolution

    By Vicki Allen

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In a vote charged with election-year politics, the U.S. House of Representatives on Friday passed a symbolic resolution that wrapped the Iraq conflict into the war on terrorism and rejected a deadline for U.S. troop withdrawal.

    The House voted 256-153 for the resolution that sparked two days of emotional debate as Republicans sought to depict Democrats as weak on terrorism while Democrats decried President George W. Bush's policies that they said led to chaos in Iraq and detracted from the fight against al Qaeda.

    "Will we fight or will we retreat? That's the question that's posed to us," said House Majority Leader John Boehner, an Ohio Republican. "Defeating repressive radical terrorists and their allies is our defining task of the 21st century."

    But in impassioned debate, Rep. John Murtha, a Pennsylvania Democrat, erupted in anger at Republicans who talked about continuing the fight in Iraq.

    Murtha, a Vietnam veteran and defense hawk who rocked the Congress last year when he turned against the war, said it was "easy to stay in an air-conditioned office and say I'm going to stay the course." He added, "That's why I get so upset when they stand here sanctimoniously and say we're fighting this thing. It's the troops that are doing the fighting."

    © Reuters 2006. All Rights Reserved.


    Senate Rejects U.S. Troop Pullout in Iraq


    WASHINGTON - Congress plunged into divisive election-year debate on the Iraq war Thursday as the U.S. military death toll reached 2,500. The Senate soundly rejected a call to withdraw combat troops by year's end, and House Republicans laid the groundwork for their own vote.

    In a move Democrats criticized as gamesmanship, Senate Republicans brought up the withdrawal measure and quickly dispatched it for now on a 93-6 vote.

    The proposal would have allowed "only forces that are critical to completing the mission of standing up Iraqi security forces" to remain in Iraq in 2007.



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tomder55 06/16/06
Here are the 6 moonbats in the Senate

Kerry ,Boxer ,Byrd ,Feingold ,Harkin ,Kennedy

as if that's a suprise .

This is funny because Kerry was pontificating saying that he was going to craft legislation that would have a US pull-out by the end of 2006 . But Mitch McConnell beat him to the punch .

The House vote was more Party line but none of them are going to be major players in the 2008 election. The rest of the Senate Democrat Presidential hopefulls are still sitting on the fence ;at least Hillary is out front in being opposed to a time-table .

Hey Murtha ! Take that vote "over the horizon"!! I wonder how prominent Murtha's name was on Zarqawi's Thumb-drive ?

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