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Pot is GOOD for you excon 05/24/06

    Hello drugwarriors:

    Dr. Donald Tashkin, a professor at the David Gefin School of Medicine at the University of California, conducted a study funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. It says that “even heavy marijuana smokers were NO more likely to develop lung, head or neck cancer than non users, in contrast with tobacco users.”

    The finding are a surprise (to them) because marijuana smoke has some of the same cancer causing substances as tobacco smoke, often in higher concentrations. One possible explanation, Tashkin said, is that THC, a key ingredient in marijuana, may inhibit tumor growth.

    Funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, Taskin states that his study was intended to confirm “our suspicions that marijuana might be a risk factor for lung, head and neck cancer. We haven’t been able to confirm that.”

    Hmmmm, whoda thunk it?


    PS> The one thing they didn’t study is whether white women, under the influence of marijuana, fall uncontrollably, under the spell of and into the clutches of dark skinned males.

      Clarification/Follow-up by excon on 05/24/06 4:59 pm:

      Hello again:

      Sure. There are downsides. Certainly, ingesting smoke, no matter what its makeup, can't be good for your lungs.

      However, the serious health risks to the user are few, as the study shows. He faces a much stiffer LEGAL risk, for no apparent reason, in anyone's mind. Nonetheless, the pot carnage continues. US marijuana arrests by year follows:

      2004 - 771,608
      2003 - 755,187
      2002 - 697,082
      2001 - 723,627
      2000 - 734,498
      1999 - 704,812
      1998 - 682,885
      1997 - 695,200
      1996 - 641,642
      1995 - 588,963
      1994 - 499,122
      1993 - 380,689

      People like the Wolverine think that nobody is being busted these days for pot. Just like they believe we’re winning in Iraq. Yeah, right. However, I digress....

      Most of our social endeavors are not without risk. But, as long as they don't kill you, they certainly ought to be legal.

      In terms of "why" we engage in social behavior in the first place, I suggest that we do it because we "like" it. It's "good" to us. If it's good "to" you, it's good "for" you. That may be a bit hedonistic for you church going men, but it’s my title, and I'm sticking to it.

      Plus, the study made an oblique hint (that I believe wholeheartedly), that POT is the CURE for cancer. Wouldn’t that be a hoot?


Answered By Answered On
sissypants 05/24/06
hi excon, well, i do believe that pot is good for me but that is a personal choice based on a medical condition that i have. i have RA and have been on all kinds of more toxic medications than pot. i have been on cemo therapy, gold injections, prednisone, and more and many strong pain relievers such as hydrocodone, darvon, oxycodone, ibuprofen 800, soma, ect. and for me they all had very bad side effects that were not good for me. so then i tried pot. and now i have a prescription for the medical use of marijuana. the drug mariuana has (for me)the least bad side effects of all the drugs i have been prescribed for my continuing illness. there is no cure for what i have. there is only very toxic medications to help control the i am grateful to have a choice of a medication that hurts me less than some more traditional medications used for treatment of RA. i am in traction everyday, and have so far in the last 10 years had 6 surgeries on my bones in my right foot, my left wrist and hand and my neck. like i said there is no cure yet, only meds to help control the pain and damage being done to the bones and other organs from this terrible disease so pleazzzz don't take all my dignity away and tell me i have no choice in my health care decisions when most all the other meds offered to me had very harsh side effects compared to pot and more important even than that they didn't help me as much as pot either. darlene

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