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Faux News Now Racist TV Network jackreade 05/18/06
    Faux news is now officially a racist network. The radical right is desperate to hold together the coalition of the radical Christians, traditional Republicans, and angry white guys---a coalition which is breaking down rapidly. Dobson of Focus on the Family issued a warning to Bush-none of the religious rights pet issues have been taken care of as promised, so don't expect votes from his group in the fall elections.

    Gibson, a talking head on Faux news, gave an op-ed piece begging Americans to reproduce more rapidly because now half the babies born in America are of Hispanic(minority) heritage. (Yeah, white people, get it on!) It won't be very long(a few decades) BEFORE IN AMERICA WHITE PEOPLE WILL BE A MINORITY.

    Several other talking heads have echoed Gibson's worries by repeating overtly race baiting comments and fear tactics toward the racist element in the Republican Party.


      Clarification/Follow-up by jackreade on 05/19/06 8:16 pm:
      Different kinds of lies:

      Big lies
      Small lies
      Lies of Omission

      Clarification/Follow-up by ETWolverine on 05/19/06 8:21 pm:
      Overt racism? Jack, you haven't seen overt racism. You haven't a clue as to what overt racism actually is. You think that the words "tar baby" indicate racism, when even the American Heritage Dictionary says otherwise. You think that anyone who demands strong borders is anti-Mexican. You think that people who show facts that disagree with the claims of so-called balck leaders is racism.

      This isn't racism, it's a statement of facts. You just don't like how those facts have been presented. That doesn't make it racism.

      Now... if Gibson had said that we should pour contraceptive into the drinkig water used by Mexicans, or force abortions of all black babies, that would be racism. But calling for whites to do their part to increase world population? That's not racism, that's a conclusion based on current trends in population growth and shrinkage worldwide. In other words, its a conclusion reached based on facts.


Answered By Answered On
ETWolverine 05/19/06
You mean as opposed to the Washington Compost, NY Slimes, Communist Broadcasting Station, Communist Network News and Politburo Broadcasting Station, who evince the opinion that White Americans are too lazy to do blue collar work, and Mexicans are too stupid to do white collar work? That's not racist, is it?

Could it be, Jack, that people on BOTH sides of the issue are just giving their opinions of what they feel is best for America, and are not being racist? Could it be that the conservatives feel that a secure border is necessary for a secure country and strong economy, while liberals feel that an open border is good fo diversity? Could it be that there are no racist agendas on EITHER side?

Nah... if we don't trump out the race card, how will we ever be able to belittle the opposition, and avoid a discussion of the issues themselves.


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