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Yeah for sensible Laura Bush! She is more tolerant than her husband. Why is that? Erewhon 05/04/06
    Bush's Spanish "not that good"

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House on Thursday disputed an account of President George W. Bush singing the U.S. national anthem in Spanish during the 2000 presidential campaign, saying his Spanish is not that good.

    Critics have accused Bush of hypocrisy for opposing a Spanish language version of the anthem.

    They pointed to a book called "American Dynasty" by Kevin Phillips, who wrote that Bush "would drop in at Hispanic festivals and parties, sometimes joining in singing 'The Star-Spangled Banner' in Spanish."

    White House spokesman Scott McClellan said the assertion did not ring true to him because, "The president speaks Spanish, but not that well."

    "I'm saying that not only was that suggestion absurd, but that he couldn't possibly sing the national anthem in Spanish. He's not that good with his Spanish," McClellan said.

    Bush, a former governor of Texas, sprinkles his speeches with Spanish phrases, as he did during both his presidential campaigns, to show kinship with Hispanics.

    But last week, he said he thought the national anthem should be sung in English, after the "Star-Spangled Banner," or "Nuestro Himno," made its debut with a new Latin beat and Spanish lyrics.

    Bush's wife, Laura, appeared to disagree.

    "I don't think there's anything wrong with singing it in Spanish," said told CNN in an interview on Wednesday.

    She said she thought it should be sung in English, but pointed out that,

    "We are a nation of immigrants. We are a nation of many, many languages, because immigrants come and bring their languages."


    Why do you think Laura is more tolerant that george? Could it be because she is a womand and therefore more nurturing than her right wing conservative husband who has to placate those further to the right of him?

    Or is she just plain stupid?

Answered By Answered On
quixotic_Choux 05/04/06
When Laura Bush takes the opposite stand her husband officially takes, I take it to mean that the real message out of the White House is "no opinion on this subject".

I remember she caused quite a stir with her stance on abortion way back in 2000...she was not totally "pro life".


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