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Gas - I've got some excon 04/30/06

    Hello Righty's:

    You say it's a supply and demand problem and then throw up your hands, as though there isn't anything to be done about it. I agree about the supply and demand problem, however I suggest that there are lots of things we can do. It was, after all, politics that affected the supply and demand problem in the first place.

    For example, we got a scare in the 70's. It may have been the first time any of realized that oil is finite. We made a few political changes, but then the crisis was over and it was back to cheap gas. Again, we pretended that it wouldn't run out.

    Well, it's gonna run out, and the closer it gets to that point, the more expensive it's gonna get. That's the REAL supply and demand problem we have.

    Because we stuck our head in the sand in the past (what were we doing - looking for oil?), we allowed some two bit tyrants to get a lot power over us. They still have that power.

    What can we do? Take our head out of the sand. Drill? Sure. Nuclear? Of course. Conserve? Makes sense to me. Ethanol? Yes. Hemp (NOT marijuana)could play a very bit roll (but out head is still in the sand). Are there other things we can do? I'll bet there is: solar, wind, geothermal, hydrogen, fusion....... ad infinitem....

    Uhhh, leadership on this issue is critical. I see none.


    PS> I address the righty's because you're in charge. But the lefty's got nothing either.

      Clarification/Follow-up by Itsdb on 05/01/06 5:42 pm:

      That's a bit much for my eyes to take in on a Monday morning.

      Clarification/Follow-up by Itsdb on 05/01/06 5:47 pm:
      >>untill...they find a way to sell water for big bucks<<

      Seems that's already a fact of life. Check out that Australian SUMMIT Natural Spring Water at 1.98/L. That's roughly $5.71 per gallon U.S., more than twice the average price for gas in my area of about $2.79 per gallon.

Answered By Answered On
Itsdb 05/01/06

>>You say it's a supply and demand problem<<

I really don't think I've expounded on it yet. But get this, I really can't argue with you.

We've got enough wind here to make some serious electricity - if it can ever be harnessed properly without about a jillion giant 231' diameter, 163 ton wind turbines. Nobody seems to want them in their backyard, or near their Hyannis Port home.


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