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Messages excon 04/27/06

    Hello rightdingers (I mean rightWingers):

    You guy’s have a problem with distinguishing the message from the messenger. As a matter of fact, you have a BIG problem with messages, in and of themselves. You guy’s love to say “what message does this send?” I guess you think people are real malleable. Maybe some are.

    I love my country. I love it because its worthy of my love - not because someone told me to. Do you love it here because you just read a clever bumper sticker? Maybe some of you do.

    I’m a good person because that’s the way I choose to live my life - not because someone told me to. Are you a good person because someone told you to be? Maybe some of you are.

    Do you think our society changes depending on the current message? Or perhaps the LOUDER message (and I’m not talking about fads)? I don’t! I know some of you do.

    If my government behaved, it wouldn’t matter much what the messengers say, because the truth speaks for itself. However, if it doesn’t behave, I want to know about it. That’s the press’s job. That is their ONLY job. That’s why they get special dispensation in the form of the First Amendment.

    Now, you and I can argue about whether we should render prisoners to foreign countries for questioning. But there should be no argument about the press telling us about it. I know, some of you think they should only report “good” news.


Answered By Answered On
purplewings 04/28/06
It's not that they should only report good news - it's that they should report accurately, and sometimes that means including good news. They don't do that and if you doubt it, check out some of the newspapers and tv programs that have had their reporters come forth admitting they made up their stories. It only takes a couple of respected reporters making flawed reports to undermine all news reports.

Remember this?
Dan Rather said yesterday that he will end his nearly 24-year reign as CBS News anchor early next year, setting the terms of his departure instead of waiting for an investigative report on his rushed and admittedly flawed story on President Bush's National Guard service.

"Dan Rather did the Texas two-step, one step ahead of the posse," said Tobe Berkovitz, associate dean of Boston University's school of communication. "It was inevitable that Viacom and CBS were going to have to get rid of him."


And John Stossel under fire: ABC yanks footage of Stossel interviewing children on the environment after their parents cry foul. He accuses his critics of brainwashing.
Is Stossel just challenging the environmental
establishment, or slanting the news? We'll ask a strong supporter and an outspoken critic.

So many more....

All they need to do is tell the truth.


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