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Words of the New Press Secretary jackreade 04/26/06
    Copy and Paste follows:

    "The following are excerpts from a column that the new White House Press Secretary, Tony Snow, wrote for the Washington Times on October 26, 1989."

    "Post-Woodstock Americans have destroyed the old taboo about discussing sex but they haven't disturbed the taboo's essence, which is to avoid mentioning any of the important stuff. More words about sex probably have been printed since 1980 than in the previous history of mankind, but those words haven't added a pamphlet's worth of new truth.

    ...most of this verbiage and imagery concern nothing more than technique. There's no mention of sex's *weird* (?) emotional impact. There's no mention of passion. There's no mention of the fact that sex is *fun only when you do it right* (HUH?).

    This brings in the subject of relations between men and women, which is more complicated and *inscrutable* than the relations between interlocking body organs. If you want to make sense of real sex, you have to think about people's feelings, including the unexpressed and ineffable emotions that often give rise to sex. You need to admit that sex produces bewilderment, wonderment, fascination, confusion, elation, depression - virtually every imaginable emotion. Most of all, you need to screw up the courage to talk about love, if only to expose how shallow, pitiful, vicious and desperate loveless sex can be.

    ...Most studies now confirm that sex education has helped encourage sexual activity among youth. That's probably because the classes have focused on technique without addressing matters of the soul. If we really want to encourage people to behave sensibly when they're naked, why not dwell on the scary (and funny) aspects of sex - the late-night headaches, the early-morning heartaches, the vulnerability, the hilarity, the dangers of passions requited and unrequited?">>>Tony Snow *asterisks mine*

    "Great. We'll finally have press secretary who can explain how Bush is screwing the country. Was it fun? Did he do it right?">>Anon

    So, the above boxed in remark is one comment by an anonymous internet user on Huffington Post dot com, what do you think of the Tony Snow appointment?

    Also, bonus question, do you think he knows anything, anything at all, about adult sex?

      Clarification/Follow-up by tomder55 on 04/27/06 9:42 am:
      sorry Jack ;

      I thought the question was

      what do you think of the Tony Snow appointment?

      and the bonus question was do you think he knows anything, anything at all, about adult sex?
      Guess my comprehension aint what it used to be .

Answered By Answered On
tomder55 04/27/06
Tony Snow will be a fine press sec. In the coming days you will be able to find tons of quotes by him . He has been an opinionated commentator on radio ,television ,print ,and as a talk show host so I'm sure that there is plenty of fodder.I note that this one goes back to 1989 .I'm sure there are more recent comments to dissect.

Snow won numerous awards during his print career, including citations from the Society of Professional Journalists, The Associated Press and Gannett. His careers also includes service as an advocate for the Mentally Ill and Developmentally Disabled and as a teacher in Kenya and Cincinnati -- in subjects ranging from East African Geography to calculus. He is an avid musician (he plays guitars, alto sax, tenor sax, flute and alto flute).

As a opinionated journalist he has frequently taken the Bush adm to task and I'm sure you will see cherry picked quotes from him about the President when he was critical of the President's performance. Snow, in an Associated Press interview Wednesday, said: "It's public record. I've written some critical stuff. When you're a columnist, you're going to criticize and you're going to praise."

He is exactly what the President needs.Given his substantial background in politics and broadcasting, it's hard to imagine a better possible pick. That may be what has Democrats so up in arms over his selection.

Before he took the job on he had to get medical clearance because he is a colon cancer patient .He had most if not all of his colon removed last year . That hasn't stopped some moonbat lefty bloggers from taking cheap nasty swipes at him :

Snow has had a recent bout with colon cancer- (not uncommon for clench-sphinctered Republicans) which accounts for his hollow-eyed, narrow-foreheaded, Frankenstein look lately.

I guess it goes with the territory .
bonus question :do you think he knows anything, anything at all, about adult sex?

Who ? Tony Snow who is a father of 3 ;or George Bush who is a father of 2 ?

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