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The little rift! Erewhon 04/09/06

    "It is the little rift within the lute
    That by and by will make the music mute.

    It is the little speck in garnered fruit,
    Thaty slowly rotting inwards
    Moulder all.

    It is not worth the keeping,
    Let it go!"

    The little (?) rift (dishonesty) in Bush that I have long spoken of (and been mercilessly attacked for my honest outspokenness), is beginning now to be visible even to his 'friends.'

    The slippy slope just got a whole lot slippier.


    Will GW "Teflon" Bush be able to lie his way out of this one?

    Please keep your answers brief and to the point.

      Clarification/Follow-up by Itsdb on 04/10/06 7:45 pm:
      Oh, THAT little rift. Why didn't you just say so? Ronnie, what is there to lie his way out of? Even that most liberal of media institutions the Washington Post called it a "good leak."

      "PRESIDENT BUSH was right (never thought I'd read that here) to approve the declassification of parts of a National Intelligence Estimate about Iraq three years ago in order to make clear why he had believed that Saddam Hussein was seeking nuclear weapons. Presidents are authorized to declassify sensitive material, and the public benefits when they do. But the administration handled the release clumsily, exposing Mr. Bush to the hyperbolic charges of misconduct and hypocrisy that Democrats are leveling.

      Rather than follow the usual declassification procedures and then invite reporters to a briefing -- as the White House eventually did -- Vice President Cheney initially chose to be secretive, ordering his chief of staff at the time, I. Lewis Libby, to leak the information to a favorite New York Times reporter. The full public disclosure followed 10 days later. There was nothing illegal or even particularly unusual about that; nor is this presidentially authorized leak necessarily comparable to other, unauthorized disclosures that the president believes, rightly or wrongly, compromise national security.

Answered By Answered On
Itsdb 04/10/06

"The little (?) rift (dishonesty) in Bush that I have long spoken of"

Now if you would just omit the vagueness, the insults and attacks...

the arrogance...

the cheap shots...

the irrelevence...

"Past Zionist-Jewish Terrorism"

and the seeming aversion to facts presented in rebuttal, we might get somewhere.

(and been mercilessly attacked for my honest outspokenness)

On your recent Katrina post you personally attacked me in saying "You stand on the bodies of the dead" for presenting facts in rebuttal and agreeing that waste is waste.

Speaking of 'honest outspokenness' you listed this as one of Bush's lies:

"Tying Saddam Hussein to the 9-11 Terrorist attack on the WTC"

I asked this on the board and you didn't respond so I'm asking you now. Can you furnish the quote where Bush tied Saddam to 9/11? That's all I'm asking for now, prove this one lie that you've been honestly outspoken about.

Now to your question:

Will GW "Teflon" Bush be able to lie his way out of this one?

Remember how I mentioned vagueness?


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