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Not civil war in Iraq? the arabs see it differently paraclete 04/08/06
    Iraq 'practically destroyed'
    From: Agence France-Presse
    by Sam Dagher in Dubai

    April 09, 2006

    EGYPTIAN President Hosni Mubarak has warned that Iraq was in the middle of a civil war that threatened the Middle East and expressed alarm about Shiite Iran's influence in the Arab world.
    "There is effectively a civil war underway now (in Iraq)," Mr Mubarak said in an interview with the satellite news channel Al-Arabiya.

    "If the Americans left now, it would be a catastrophe because the war will get worse and Iran and others will interfere and the country will become the theatre of an ugly civil war and terror will eat up not only Iraq but the entire region."

    A suicide car bomber killed six Shiite pilgrims south of Baghdad overnight one day after 79 worshippers were killed in a triple suicide attack against one of the capital's main Shiite mosques.

    "I do not know when the situation in Iraq will stabilise. I personally do not see a solution to the problem in Iraq, which is practically destroyed now," Mr Mubarak said.

    "If Saddam was more just none of this would have happened," he added referring to the dictatorial rule of ousted President Saddam Hussein.

    He said Iraq's situation was made worse by the mix of Shiites, Sunnis, Kurds and other groups living there.

    Mr Mubarak said the Islamic Republic of Iran exerted a huge influence over Iraq's majority Shiite population and Shiites living in Arab countries.

    "There are Shiites in all these countries (of the region), significant percentages, and Shiites are mostly always loyal to Iran and not the countries where they live," he said.

    "Naturally Iran has an influence over Shiites who make up 65 per cent of Iraq's population."

    Iraq's top Shiite political parties, the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq and Dawa, were based in Iran before the fall of Saddam in 2003.

    There are also significant Shiite populations in Bahrain, Kuwait, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia. In particular, Iran has close ties with the Lebanese party and militia Hezbollah.

    Tehran cut diplomatic ties with Cairo after then Egyptian president Anwar Sadat made peace with Israel in 1979.

    Receiving about two billion dollars a year, Egypt is the largest recipient of US foreign aid after Israel and Iraq.

    Mr Mubarak is not the first Sunni Arab leader to raise concern about Iran.

    Jordan's King Abdullah II warned in an interview with the Washington Post in December 2005 that Iran wanted to create "a Shiite crescent" linking it with Iraq, Lebanon and possibly Syria.

    "Even Saudi Arabia is not immune from this. It would be a major problem. And then that would propel the possibility of a Shiite-Sunni conflict even more, as you're taking it out of the borders of Iraq," Abdullah said at the time.

    Analysts and Western officials worry if Iran were to obtain a nuclear bomb it could spark an arms race between the Shiite and Sunni worlds. Iran denies its nuclear programme has any military purpose.

    It would seem the US attacked the wrong country?

Answered By Answered On
ETWolverine 04/10/06
So... because Hosni Mubaraq says that Iraq is in a civil war, that must be the case, right? And perhaps we should start believing every Arab leader who says the USA is wrong or losing or whatever. Maybe OBL is right, and America is too frightened to fight back against him. After all, he said so, so it must be true. And Baghdad Bob said that there were no Americans in Baghdad while there were American soldiers in the background.

Kind of ironic, isn't it, how everyone on the left thinks that Bush is a liar, but the Arabs are telling the truth... despite how often they are disappointed by their Arab "heros".

Since when did we start listening to the Arabs to determine our policies? Especially Arabs who want the oposition back in power because he shares a religious affiliation with them?

It seems funny to me that Mubaraq would call it a civil war, when the Iraqi people themselves do not.


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