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It gets dirty when Jesus get involved in politics? Mathatmacoat 03/16/06
    Jesus would vote for us, says Greens
    Thursday Mar 16 12:40 AEDT
    Jesus Christ would vote for the Australian Greens in the South Australian election, the party says.

    In a veiled shot at Christian party Family First, Greens candidate Mark Parnell said if Jesus was voting at Saturday's state election, he would not choose a party that discriminated against people on the basis of sexuality or religion.

    Mr Parnell also criticised Labor's policy to publicly name and shame young offenders and said Jesus would not support "simply writing them off as worthless reprobates".

    VOTE: Who would Jesus vote for?

    Nor would Jesus vote for the Democrats, with their dirty campaign tactics and undermining of others to get ahead in the polls, Mr Parnell said.

    "The politics of fear, division, bigotry and negative campaigning perpetrated by a number of the other parties are un-Christian and totally out of step with Jesus' emphasis on peace, love and compassion," he said.

    "The teachings of Jesus Christ stress compassion, tolerance, concern for the poor, non-violence and care for the earth.

    "These are the very same principles that underpin the existence and policies of the Australian Greens."

    The Greens decision to ask the electorate who Jesus would vote for follows a similar tactic by the Australian Democrats, who recently claimed former SA Labor premier Don Dunstan would vote for the Democrats - and not Labor - if he was alive.

    So the Question is would Jesus endorse any candidate?

Answered By Answered On
Itsdb 03/16/06
I can't imagine any candidate Jesus would either endorse or vote for. Think about it, if God said all have sinned and fall short of His glory how could Jesus endorse or vote for anyone? Sure, he uses imperfect people as HIS servants, but how could he vote for anyone that's less than perfect?

I'm always amazed by the causes that people claim Jesus supports.

>>he would not choose a party that discriminated against people on the basis of sexuality or religion.<<

Would he endorse affirmative action for gays, lesbians and transgendered?

>>The politics of fear, division, bigotry and negative campaigning perpetrated by a number of the other parties are un-Christian and totally out of step with Jesus' emphasis on peace, love and compassion<<

Really? "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law." Matthew 10:34-35

>>The teachings of Jesus Christ stress compassion, tolerance, concern for the poor, non-violence and care for the earth.<<

Where do people get the idea that Jesus was an environmentalist? Would he drive a Prius? What about that fig tree he cursed? Not much of a tree hugger then was he?

No, I can't imagine Jesus aligning himself with the Greens or any other party...and it's shameless to claim he would.


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