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Al Gore brings down the Sundance house Itsdb 01/27/06
    PARK CITY, Utah, Jan. 26 (UPI) -- One of the biggest stars and hottest tickets at the Sundance Film Festival this week was former Vice President Al Gore and "An Inconvenient Truth."

    The bigger surprise at the annual Park City, Utah, celebrity gathering is "Truth" isn't a comedy, drama or even a dramedy -- it's a documentary about global warming, the Washington Post reported Thursday.

    "Al is a funny guy," Larry David of HBO's "Curb Your Enthusiasm," told the Post as the buddies attended celebrity parties and mingled with fans.

    But Gore's film carries a very unfunny message -- humans may have only 10 years left to save the planet from the mass destruction of global warming.

    David's wife, Laurie, convinced Gore to make the film after watching one of his global warming presentations in 2004.

    The slide show "was his baby, and he felt proprietary about it and it was hard for him to let go," she said. Now they are hopeful a distributor will pick up

    David says the filmmakers are in discussion with three or four distributors, hoping for a sale.

    "This isn't about box office," David said. "None of us are going to make a dime." What is at stake, she told the Post, "is, you know, the planet."


    Isn't great, you know, that libs and dems of all walks can come together to save the planet? Nobody's going to make a dime on Al's "documentary" - now if Laurie would just give up her private jet she could contribute to saving the planet, too.

    Is Al insane or is he a first rate scientist? Has he been hanging out with Ted Danson?

      Clarification/Follow-up by Itsdb on 01/30/06 9:44 am:

      Did you catch Howard the Dean on Fox yesterday?

      WALLACE: I just want to ask you about this question of the Democratic involvement. I want to put up something from the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics. This comes directly from their Web page, and it says, "Here is a detailed look at Abramoff's lobbying and political contributions from Abramoff, the tribes that hired him, and SunCruz Casinos, which is a company that Abramoff owned since 1999."

      It lists recipients by the amount of money they received. Well, the top two are the Republican campaign committees. The third and fourth biggest recipients were Democratic campaign committees. And if you go down the list, Democrats received more than $1 million from Abramoff-related interests.

      DEAN: There's two points to this. First of all, actually, we — the DNC actually got $100,000-some odd. Now, I can assure you Jack Abramoff never directed that money. It is possible that some of Jack Abramoff's clients may have decided on their own to give Democrats money. The key is...

      WALLACE: I'm sorry, did you say, I'm sorry. Did you say that you're sure that Abramoff didn't direct them to give that money?

      DEAN: No, what I said was that it is possible that some Democrats got money from some of the — yeah. No, what I'm saying is that Abramoff may not have directed some of this money toward the Democrats.

      WALLACE: In fact, he did, sir. We've got evidence of that.

      DEAN: But the point is that not one Democrat either knew it or acted on it. Nobody got anything out of the Democrats from Jack Abramoff. No Democrat delivered anything, and there's no accusation and no investigation that any Democrat ever delivered anything to Jack Abramoff. And that's not true of the Republicans.

      WALLACE: So if we find — and I just want to — we have to wrap this up. But if we find that there were some Democrats who wrote letters on behalf of some of the Indian tribes that Abramoff represented, then what do you say, sir?

      DEAN: That's a big problem, and those Democrats are in trouble, and they should be in trouble. And our party, if the American people will put us back in power in 06, we will have on the president's desk things that outlaw all those kinds of behaviors. Right now it's a Republican scandal. Maybe they'll find that some Democrats did something wrong, too. That hasn't been the case yet.


      I almost wet my pants on that exchange. The look on Wallace's face when he interrupted with "I'm sorry, did you say...?" I think Dean gave about nine different answers, three in one breath. No - yeah - no. Then closing with a firm 'maybe.'

      Too funny, and too sad.


      Clarification/Follow-up by tomder55 on 01/30/06 9:58 am:
      yeah that is funny but I thought the topper this weekend was Cindy Sheehad saying that she wants to challenge Dianne Feinstein for her Cal. Senate seat. The left is feasting on their own ! Now Feinstein is going to have to waste valuable campaign resources to fight off this lunatic . Between George Soros ;Michael Moore ;and Hugo Chavez's petro-bucks I'm sure Sheehad is well funded .

      and it's all Chris Matthews fault :

      Matthews: "Are you considering running for Congress, Cindy?"

      Sheehan: "No, not this time. I'm a one issue person. I know a lot about what's going on in Iraq but I don't know anything about anything else. And I want to focus my energy on bringing the troops home."

      Matthews : "Okay. Well, I have to tell you, you sound more informed than most U.S. Congresspeople, so maybe you should run."

      Clarification/Follow-up by Itsdb on 01/30/06 11:30 am:
      Yeah, can't wait to see the Sheehan/Feinstein campaign :)

Answered By Answered On
tomder55 01/28/06
Didn't Gore have a poluting zinc mine on his property that netted him $ 500,000 a year ? more on Gore later .

must be a cunundrum for the lefties this week .They can't decide if they want to hang with the Hollywood types at Sundance or jet over to Davos to hang out with the billionaires at the World Economic Forum . Gore chose Sundance and Kerry was at Davos until he was summoned back to Washington by Michael Moore;the NY Slimes and the crowd to muster up a belated fillibuster attempt.When the slimes calls for some guts and a spine then Kerry be the man! 'God bless John Kerry,' said Don Stewart, a spokesman for Senator John Cornyn, a Texas Republican on the Judiciary Committee. 'He just cinched this whole nomination. With Senator Kerry, it is Christmas every day.'

they couldn't even keep white sheets Byrd in the fold . Did you hear his floor speech about the Alito hearings ?

“West Virginians who wrote to criticize the way in which the hearings were conducted used the same two words; they called them an outrage and a disgrace.”

and this was my favorite qoute :

Mr. President ,was it really necessary to subject Mrs. Alito to the harsh glare of the television klieg lights as she fled the hearing room in tears, fighting to maintain her dignity in response to others with precious little of their own?

I can't decide if he was ripping Ted Kennedy ;Joe Biden ;or Chuck Shumer but he nailed it !

Al Gore ,hmmm ;I guess he brought the house down with lines like :

"I used to be the next president of the United States," ...... "I'm a recovering politician."

LOLOLOL what a side splitter !! Would that it was true but I suspect that Gore's recent re-emergance coincides with another attempted run at the White House . He sees himself as another Nixon ;who lost the White House as VP in 1960 ;sat out the 64 election and re-invented himself in time for the 68 run .In Al Gore's case I guess the re-invention means that he has become king of comedy central . He thinks he has found his issue ;forget terrorism ;why worry about dirty bombs when the ice caps are melting ???

If Al Gore truely wanted to cleanse his soul then he should deliver this speech.

This lenghty speech does not even deal with Gore's national security breaches when he accepted large sums of political money from China through Buddhist monks who had taken vows of poverty ? He later claimed that his April 29, 1996 visit to the Hsi Lai Buddhist Temple was no fund-raiser.

Let's put Abramoff in perspective here . Johnny Chung was a front man for funneling Chinese money to the DNC .He is now serving jail time for his efforts . He admitted to knowingly taking funds from the Chinese government;that the DNC knew the source of this money was communist China. They accepted it anyway. The money is said to have been funneled through Chinese government official Liu Chao-ying then Chung and then to the DNC.Chung visited the White House over 45 times while Clintoon was President .Chung testified under oath to Congress on his admitted relations with the Chinese Commies and the ties to the President. Charlie Trie another link to the Chi-coms entered a guilty plea for his fundraising crimes and agreed to talk with investigators .John Huang , another Clinton cronie, pled guilty to funneling Chinese funds less than a week after Trie.

So he accepted laundered money as a campaign contribution from a foreign source ,that was bad enough ;what was the quid pro-quo ?

Essentially, Clinton and Gore gave military technology to Communist China. This information included satellite guidance technology and enough information for communist China to modernize their nuclear arsenal. Chinese missile weapon technology greatly improved due to Clintons "gift." A guidance chip was also found missing from an American satellite that crashed on take off over China. The crash site was blockaded for several hours following the crash - restricted to Chinese officials. Launching our satellites on Chinese rockets from communist China? Another Clinton policy.

This all came out just as Clinton and the Chinese dismissed investigations into the "China fund-raising Scandals" as groundless. I think Johnny Chung proves otherwise. The Cox report revealed that China was actively spying on the United States and had been stealing top secret nuclear weapons plans . Clinton was informed of the espionage problem years in advance of it breaking to the public yet did absolutely nothing about it and even continued to transfer other technology and pursue close relations with China! China certainly did get something in return for all the campaigning and donations they made to Bill's reelection.

When Bill Clinton and Al Gore came to power the United States was at the apex of its power. China was then a minor player on the world’s stage militarily . The Chinese had shocked the world by ordering the Army to open fire on pro-democracy students in Tiananmen Square in June 1989 and was still under the international isolation that followed. President Bush had issued an executive order cutting off military sales to China .When Clinton and Gore came to power, the Chinese had no modern air-defense systems; it lacked a military communications network; it had no modern command-and-control systems; it had no imaging or electronic eavesdropping satellites; its strategic rockets were unreliable and its missiles were at an infant stage of development.

At the time, no other nation on earth except Japan had computer capabilities even remotely approaching those developed by the U.S. . To protect our technological advantage, and to keep militarily critical supercomputers from falling into the wrong hands, the United States had an agreement with Japan to review each export before it occurred. The Clinton administration ramped up the limits on what could be exported to China and eventually did away with the agreement with Japan. By the end of 1998, the Cox commission found that more than 600 military-grade supercomputers had been shipped to China.

By the time the Clintoons were finished China had become a world class military that is now capable of directly challenging us. Here is some of the improvements they achieved during the Clintoon years :

A new generation of road-mobile, solid-fuel strategic missiles, including the DF-31, capable of reaching the U.S. heartland;

An encrypted military-communications system virtually impervious to electronic eavesdropping, coupled to a national command-and-control system;

A new generation of ballistic-missile submarines;

AWACS command-and-control aircraft;

Sovremenny-class destroyers, equipped with SS-N-22 nuclear-capable antishipping missiles;

SA-10 air-defense missiles and S-300 antitactical ballistic-missile systems, deployed along the coast facing Taiwan;

Several hundred improved M-11 (CSS-7 Mod2) attack missiles facing Taiwan, equipped with U.S.-built GPS guidance systems as well as hundreds of Su-27 and Su-30 strike aircraft and laser-guided missiles from Russia; and

Antisatellite weapons capable of blinding the United States’ early-warning and intelligence-gathering capabilities.

Clinton and Gore helped create a threat to our nation’s security which simply did not exist before their time . That to me was the only legit reason for impeaching Clinton ,and that should forever disqualify Al Gore from becoming President .

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