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Wow! kindj 01/13/06
    The copy of the letter which follows, to US Representative John Murtha (D - Pennsylvania) from an attorney and Army Reserve officer, was received today. Someone called Mr. Stark's office to verify this letter has been sent. It has. December 2, 2005

    Law Office of Christopher Stark
    1615 S. Ingram Mill Road, Building F Springfield, MO 65804

    Via FAX to: Representative John Murtha P.O. Box 780 Johnstown, PA 15907

    Representative Murtha:

    During the dark days of the American Revolution the Commanding General, George Washington, seemed unable to win any victories. There were wholesale desertions, troops were starving, the fledgling government was sporadic with money, food and ammunition in short supply. Out of this darkness emerged a genuine American Hero. This officer brilliantly led his troops in combat and though seriously, and almost mortally wounded, won victory after victory for the desperate and beleaguered American Continental Army.

    After helping to turn the tide of war in the favor of the Americans, this officers fame grew as did his prestige, but his prowess on the battlefield, his courage under fire and indeed all of his life, is forgotten because of one act. His name is now synonymous with traitor in the dictionary. General Benedict Arnold had a brilliant military career of courage, honor, and sacrifice. Like you, in my opinion, he was a traitor to his country and to his oath as an American soldier.

    It is indeed fitting that you are a member of the same political party as another traitor and seditionist, former Lieutenant John Kerry USN, who betrayed his country, not only on the very floor of the House of Representatives that you now serve, but also, secretly, in the presence of our enemies in Paris, France.

    Kerry is a self-proclaimed warrior, while you earned your decorations, but the pair of you forgot one important thing. The United States of America and indeed the world are at war. We are at war with an implacable enemy. An enemy of racist, bigoted fanatics whose sole goal in life is to destroy the people of the United States of America, their culture and their religion. More American civilians have died on U.S. soil in this war than died in World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, and Desert Storm put together.

    We are at war, Representative Murtha, and your actions and conduct give aid and comfort to our enemies. Just in case you have forgotten the definition of treason and sedition, I have attached Websters definition as Tabs A and B to this letter.

    A wise man once said, There are no former Marines, only dead Marines. He was wrong. You are not a Marine. You have lost the right to use that title.You have dishonored all of those who have fought and died up to the day you stood on the floor of the House of Representatives and demanded that we withdraw immediately. You lied to the press, when you said you did not make that statement. I watched you make that statement. Albeit your bill, submitted, which I have also read, added a caveat, as soon as practicable. That is pure horseshit and you know it.

    Yes, Representative Murtha, you have given aid and comfort to our enemies in a time of war. You have given them hope, which they have fast been losing, due to all of the victories and sacrifice by our sons and daughters on the field of battle in Iraq and Afghanistan. You have been honored by our enemies on the front page of Al Jezeera.

    No, Representative Murtha, you are no longer a Marine. Your soul is dead. Your honor is dead, and without a soul or honor, you are nothing.

    Be advised, my son is a Marine Officer. He has commanded men in battle through two tours and he is due to return to Iraq on a third tour. If he should be harmed in any way as a result of your actions on the floor of the House this week, I will do everything in my power to see to it that you are driven from office and that you are charged and tried for treason and sedition.

    The Marine Officer whose message was read on the House Floor by fellow member of Congress, Jean Schmidt, was right. You are a coward. Marines do not cut and run.

    Fortunately, your obesity prevents you from wearing your Marine Uniform with even a semblance of pride, but I know your face. In future if I am in a room when you arrive, you will not enter. If you are in a room, when I arrive, you will leave.

    It is as simple as that.


    Christopher J. Stark, LTC, Infantry, USAR
    Robert E. Mick
    Great minds discuss ideas
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    Nothing on about this. Sounds like it could be true. If so, hats off to Mr. Stark!

Answered By Answered On
ETWolverine 01/17/06
Mark Levin had Chris Stark on his program a few weeks back. The letter is legit. And well written.


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