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George Stops Funding For New Orleans Levee Bradd 08/31/05
    Tax cuts for his wealthy pals and huge budgets for his war in Iraq resulted in the Bush White House stopping funding for critically needed levee work in Lake Ponchatrain - you know, the lake that is now inundating New Orleans?

    The elimination of previously agreed upon federal dollars for the work stopped in 2004 amid warnings of possible disaster by those who were there. Specifically, work at the now broached 17th St. levee.

    Interesting story....

      Clarification/Follow-up by kindj on 09/01/05 9:42 am:
      Here's an article written way back in 2003.

      Read it before blaming Bush for things outside his control.

      Clarification/Follow-up by kindj on 09/01/05 9:45 am:
      Hey, here's another one. Looks like the levees were the primary responsibility of the STATE OF LOUISIANA, not the feds:

      Orleans Levee District
      Agency Description
      The Orleans Levee District (the District) was established by the State of Louisiana in 1890 for the purpose of operation and maintenance of levees, embankments, seawalls, jetties, breakwaters, water basins, and other hurricane and flood protection improvements surrounding the City of New Orleans. The Levee District is governed by a board of eight commissioners, six of whom are appointed by the governor. Two ex officio members are the Mayor of New Orleans or his designee, and one member appointed by the mayor from a list of three city council members selected by the City Council.
      The District is responsible for the maintenance of 129 miles of levees and floodwalls, 190 floodgates, 100 flood valves, and two flood control structures. To enhance flood protection, the District, and the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), participate and cost share in several joint flood protection projects relative to the Lake Pontchartrain and Vicinity Hurricane Protection Plan. The District is funded primarily by two millages: 5.46 mills authorize in the Louisiana Constitution and 6.44 mills authorized in a general election. The voter-approved millage will expire in 2015. In 1928 the Louisiana Legislature authorized the District to dedicate, construct, operate, and maintain public parks, beaches, marinas, aviation fields, and other like facilities. The District owns and operates the N.O. Lakefront Airport, South Shore Marina, Orleans Marina, Lake Vista Community Center, and Floodcomm. No revenues or expenditures have been budgeted to Floodcomm for several years.
      Found at:

Answered By Answered On
kindj 09/01/05
People at all levels have known that New Orleans was a disaster waiting to happen for YEARS. If memory serves correctly, funding for levee improvements have been on the federal "to-do" list for at least the last five administrations.

If it's time to start blaming, at least spread it around evenly.


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