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Cheater's Proof QueenChoux 08/17/05
    "President Bush's campaign against what he once termed the "axis of evil" has suffered reverses on all three fronts in recent days that underscore the profound challenges confronting him 3 1/2 years after he vowed to take action.

    First, multilateral talks orchestrated by the United States to pressure North Korea to give up nuclear weapons adjourned last week after 13 days without agreement. Then Iran restarted its program to convert uranium, in defiance of the United States and Europe. Finally, negotiators in Iraq failed to draft a new constitution by Monday's deadline amid an unrelenting guerrilla war against U.S. forces."

    All the spin and lies and propaganda that the Republicans have pumped out over the last years have come back to haunt them by way of the old Sport's Adage, "Cheater's Proof". If you lie to win, you will eventually be exposed and humiliated.

    Ah, the good old days when Bill Clinton was President. Compared to now, that was Paradise!!

Answered By Answered On
Itsdb 08/18/05

I'm constantly amazed at how the anti-Bush types can whine about "the spin and lies and propaganda that the Republicans have pumped out" in the same breath as their own "spin and lies and propaganda." You and your source, which you failed to cite, do just that.

Oh for the good ol' days of Clinton when we just let people like Osama off the hook. Oh wait, we just had a bit of a Clinton renaissance when Sandy Berger stole and destroyed documents that were possibly related to the 9/11 investigation and he got off with an "I didn't realize I'd walked out with them." Yeah, that's what we need.

So what exactly are these "reverses" anyway? Has North Korea's Nuclear policy "reversed" its policy from what it was when they withdrew from the Non-Proliferation Treaty in 2003?

Just who knows what Iran's position is? On one hand they vow to press on with nuclear ambitions, but two days ago their chief negotiator said "We can reach a conclusion with a win-win situation defined for both sides.... We should try to solve the problem in a friendly way." That's a reverse?

On Iraq it doesn't matter what happens, folks like your writers from The Washington Post are ready to declare every Bush policy as failed...even though the American ambassador said Monday morning on Fox there will be no Sharia law, that it was a done deal. That sounded like a positive to me.

And you know what's really laughable? This is same group that said we should have solved the Iraq situation with diplomacy...but are now criticizing the president when terrorist/rogue nations don't seem to want to come to an agreement.


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