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Backfired? Choux 03/22/05
    Did Bush's and assorted Republican politician's grandstanding about poor Terri Schiavo backfire. Polls revealed on "Hardball" with Chris Matthews showed that 62% of Americans agree that Terri should be allowed to die in peace. Seventy percent think that this matter is none of the Federal Government's business.

      Clarification/Follow-up by powderpuff on 03/23/05 8:49 am:

      Yes Elliot, I CAN blame the President, that is unless he has no faith in our country's judicial institution. This case in particular has been heard over and over again in lower courts and higher courts of appeal, and presented to the State Supreme Court as well, previous to Congress and the President taking action. The FACTS have been presented in courts of law REPEATEDLY over the last 7 to 10 YEARS!, the FACTS have been determined in courts of law and ruled on in courts of law.

      Why should anyone respect a decision and order of the court if Congress and the President don't?

      As emotionally difficult as it is to accept the medical facts in this case, there are none-the-less medical FACTS. Ignoring the law based on EMOTION is WRONG. But hey, if its ok for the Pres, I guess its okay for all of us to ignore the law based on emotions?

      Clarification/Follow-up by powderpuff on 03/23/05 10:31 am:

      Hi again Elliot,

      Being that he is President, I would hope that he would or should be held to a little higher standard than us common folks. If he is willing to attempt to overthrough the judicial system of the United States, he should first learn the facts, at least in my opinion. Sad as they are, the facts are clear. Any strong argument for keeping Terri hooked up to an artificial nutritional support system is rooted in emotion or religion, not in medical science.

      I have spent many, many hours reading all the volumes of medical records that have been published and reviewed by countless doctors, as well all court transcripts of the many, many, many legal proceedings, and also the recommendations and pleadings from all sides, including Terri's court appointed GAL. It is not an easy task to strip the facts from the emotional aspects of this situation, however I do believe the Pres should have attempted to do just that before he rushed to undermine our judicial system.

      Congress and Bush are wrong.

Answered By Answered On
powderpuff 03/23/05
Hello Chou,

It backfired with me! I am more disappointed with Bush, Congress, and the Republican party than I have been over any of the other issues facing our country, including the war in Iraq.

It is NONE of the Federal Gov's business! This is a private family tragedy and it is bad enough with all the legal wrangling that has played out in court after court. There was NO need for the feds to get involved.

I am thankful that my son passed before any of my hostile ex in-laws had opportunity to take his situation into a court of law!


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