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Very concerned !! ROLCAM 03/09/05
    What are you views about China's new attitude
    towards TAIWAN ?


Answered By Answered On
ETWolverine 03/09/05

What makes you think its a "new" attitude.

China has wanted to re-integrate Taiwan ever since it split off.

The question is whether China has the intestinal fortitude to press the issue in the face of international pressures against them.

The problem is that this time, they might. Not a good situation.

I agree with Bush's plan for multi-lateral negotiation, rather than Kerry's unilateral negotiations with China, because the multi-national plan shows China a united front of support for Taiwan. I believe that it puts pressure on China to back down. And I believe that it sets the stage for a multi-national military response if necessary.

On the other hand, China is NOT as powerful as people would have you believe. People talk about China as a nuclear power, but China's nukes are 2nd rate stuff that was considered garbage by the Soviets back in the 80s. They talk about China being able to field a million-man military, but fail to recognize logistical realities, like the cost of feeding, arming and supplying a million men over long distances. Not to mention the cost of transporting a million men to a faraway location to do battle. China is not a rich country (in fact, they are on the verge of their own S&L crisis), and they cannot afford those costs. Someday they might. But right now, China is NOT an equal to the USA in terms of military power. I'm not worried about being able to beat them if we have to.

The question is whether we are willing to stop China if they make a push for Taiwan. I suspect that Bush WOULD be willing to do so. But after Bush? Who knows? I would hope that the next president would defend an ally and trading partner like Taiwan from China. But who can be sure of what the political and military realities will be like a year or 3 years or 5 years down the line.

But fo now, I think that Bush will back up his position, and Ithink China knows it. China is making noise, but its just noise... I don't see the Chinese government beng crazy enough to wreck their own economy by making moves towards Taiwan right now. I think that the situation there will remain status quo for a while.


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