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Mexico, our 51st state. CeeBee2 02/18/05
    The other day at the public library where I work, one of my volunteers, who is from Brownsville, TX suggested that adding Mexico as the 51st state (or make several states out of Mexico) would solve problems not only for Mexico but also for our country. What do you think?

Answered By Answered On
Yiddishkeit 02/18/05
The objection will come by the wealthy families that actually have the say in Mexico. Our US goverment is willing to look the other way and why do you think that is? The pay-off is so sweet! Secondly, there's still is an element of pride in Mexico to remain independent. Most illegal aliens will tell you they love Mexico and they prove it by wiring money back to their families that refuse to move. Many illegal aliens are actually here just temporarly, usually just a few years. Then they are relpaced by the next illegals...continously.

Now from the common public perspective this is a practical idea and a winner, not only because the new tax revenues generated, but this solves immigration problems since we all would be under the same minimum wage law. Good for the Mexican worker to be paid a decent days worth and good for the American worker because he doesn't have to worry about losing a job to the illegal alien or green card holder for that matter. Mexico has plenty of natural resources that could help the economy for both our countries and the US has the business savvy.

HOWEVER AGAIN...those wealthy families running Mexico do not want this to happen because it will dilute their future status by giving everyone else equal opportunities. You know the old saying, "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer." On our side of the fence....our US corporations really don't want this because, for example: Nike, can get the poorer Mexican worker to make shoes for less than ten cents on the American dollar. Outsourcing has become a larger issue every election and there are pros and cons to the issue.

If Mexico decides one day they really want to be part of the US...I will support the initiative.


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