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Iraq: thoughts and questions... Yiddishkeit 01/12/05
    According to Sec. of State Colin Powell, he believes that during 2005 our troops will gradually start reterning home. I hopeful that he is correct, but suspicious (more on this in the third paragraph)...what do you believe?

    I think the upcoming Iraqi election is as big an oportunity for the insurgent terrorists to give a blood bath as is for the law abiding civilians to cast votes. I hope the election day does not have any violence so perhaps it will hasten our troops return back to the States, if possible. We need to do a very good job securing perimeters around areas of ballot casting. Your thoughts?

    Now that the search for WMD's in Iraq has fairly concluded, does Pres. Bush need to explain to the America public why he was wrong...that is according to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Cal)? Should we start looking elsewhere? If so, would that mean that the troops currently in Iraq that Powell thinks could be coming home in 2005 would actually be re-deployed for another hot spot role?

    Here are some non-political orientated questions:

    According to the news we are going to blast away at a comet of ice. I forgot where it's location is in conjunction to the earth, but the blast is supposed to leave a crater the size of the Roman Coliseum for research purposes. The impact is scheduled to occur on the Fourth of July. But more importantly, and this is just my opinion, that our government is interested in knowing if we can deter any comet that may be headed our direction in the future (of course if needed on a larger scale using nuclear explosives). I believe they are checking for accuracy and impact analysis in such an event. I know that in the very recent past the planet Saturn was hit by comets and it was devestating. Your thoughts?

    Beltran has left my beloved Astros for the Mets. I was really hoping that we could re-sign him. Do the Astros have much of a chance of getting back in the playoffs next season?

    Now...on to my beloved Cowboys. Oh forget it! I'm just disappointed in them. I have the draft to look forward to. Here's a better subject: Superbowl! My guess is that if Vick stays healthy I think the Falcons (the NFC) and either the Colts or Steelers (the AFC) will be in the Super Bowl...what teams do you think will play in the Super Bowl and why?


      Clarification/Follow-up by labman on 01/12/05 9:26 pm:
      We HAVE found bits and pieces indicating he had WMD. See BS and friends never mentioned it,but we found quite a bit, which I am sure you are well aware of. No, no smokeing gun, but shell casings here and there. No, I am not going to waste time digging up documentation.

      Clarification/Follow-up by Yiddishkeit on 01/12/05 10:50 pm:
      I'm surprised you wasted time on this clarification. Why documentation? Because professionally speaking, the world is scrutinizing our reasoning and we have to document since we are doing the prosecuting. What we know is that the man gassed his own people. No doubt that he was a tryant and murderer! I don't have to be convinced that man is worthy of using mass destruction weapons...which is the reasoning behind MY CONJECTURE that he smuggled WMD's out of his country before we went after him. Personally, I believe we had more than enough justifcation to bomb the Iraqi government to oblivion...but the questionable point now is: should Pres. Bush need to explain why he did not find the WMD's regardless of Pelosi's biases. Pelosi's did not event this questionable notion. It's been around since we launched our envasion. She re-iterated the notion. L-rd knows if biases were removed from politics this forum would become a ghost site.


Answered By Answered On
labman 01/12/05
Nancy Pelosi is rehashing the same old crap for partisan purposes. It is hardly anything new to question our past intelligence failures. Ours and the entire worlds. Everybody, everybody, maybe even Saddam himself, thought he large stores of WMD. It is also likely there was much more than we have found, but it was move out of the country at the last minute.

I don't fancy Nancy continuing to blame Bush because he was left an incredible mess by the Democrats' hero, Slick Willie. The Democrats are continuing their rule or ruin stonewalling any attempts to clean up after Clinton. In my opinion, Pelosi isn't much.

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