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Howard Dean Choux 11/04/04
    It was just on TV that Howard Dean is in the running for the Chairman of the Democratic National Committee replacing McAuliffe who is out.

Answered By Answered On
tomder55 11/06/04
I heard this last night ,and then I said why Howard Dean for Chairman DNC when right in Chicago there is a Dem. who is sure to get out the vote by any means necessary;Richard Daley:

Mayor Daley said Thursday his beloved Democratic Party took a beating in Tuesday's election because they were "outfoxed": Republicans remembered that all politics is local, while Democrats became the "party of Washington" insiders and big money.

"We always thought the Republican Party was Washington, D.C. The Democrats are Washington, D.C., politicians. They don't reach out to a mayor, a governor, or the state chairman. There's no local anymore," Daley said.

"If you watch the Republican Party, they're to the people. . . . They're more grass-roots than Democrats. We think we are. The Republicans outfoxed the Democrats. They became the party of precincts, a county, a city. Their strategy was to go to the people and not to the money people. . . . We're supposed to be the party of the people. We're the party of the money. . . . We've become the party of the insider."

The Daley family;notorious in their ability to get out the vote ;living or dead;(no taxation without resperation)has had a history of delivering Ill.;with the exception of Cook County an otherwise red State ;to the Dems.(as noted by this CNN map if you open Ill.only Cook County is solid blue).
Why not give him a chance to work his magic in a national scale ?

Hillary may indeed be the candidate in 08,but first she will do a reality T.V. style extreme make over. First she will emphasis that in her heart she in not an elitist but is instead from the heartland ;Chicago ,Arkansas;God's country. She will be photo oped at every opportunity going to religious services.She will try to be seen whenever possible in the presence of Bill playing the part of the loving wife ;trying to convince the country that her marriage resembles George and Laura and not John and Theresa. The Dem. theme that she will gladly now adopt is one of how the Dem. platform (that will have another extreme makeover ,plank by plank is the one that really reflects traditional values(well at least those of the Roosevelt Dems.)
She will show that she can out hawk the hawks of both parties and try to convince us that the security of the nation will be safe in her hands.It should be very interesting to watch.

Her problem? Well just like John Edwards she will be a one term Senator without much accomplishment in spite of her high profile. Expect her to be busy in the next 2 years intiating a barrage of legislation.No longer will she defer to Shumer.He will have to share the platform when he makes his weekend chicken- little press conferences.Edwards will make a play of it in the primaries,but he is damaged goods.It should be evident to the Democrats by now that had they picked Gephardt they had a better shot of winning this election.It will be interesting to see if Gephardt is willing to invest the next 4 years to continue to be a player on the national scene.I kind of doubt it.

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