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Indications? Itsdb 11/04/04
    As many of you expressed, I hope for (but wouldn't bet on) a more unified country. In just checking again on the Democratic Underground today, the forums are back up...and they are a hoot. (see, we like to laugh)

    coloradodem2004 tells us, "I am seriously thinking about cutting Republicans I know out of my life.

    I am so resentful right now and many of them are heartless whiners anyway. They are so full of themselves."

    Some replies, or at least ones I could post:

    BUSHOUT (1000+ posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:46 PM

    4. Do it. They need to realize this is about more than gay marriage.

    This is about the health and safety of America and the world.

    It's personal.

    all_hail_gwb (892 posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:48 PM

    7. I already have!

    Old friends (husband and stepford wife) of about 15 years. Rabid 'pukes. I will never speak to them again.

    My in-laws. Haven't spoken with them in at least 2 years and now they get a 4 year extension.

    They'll be missed!

    The Great Escape (336 posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:48 PM

    8. I Agree...

    I can't cut my Mom and Dad out. I just can't. But the other aunts and uncles and cousins and the occasional co worker I'd share a beer with. Well, I won't make a big production out of it but I'll just let them slip away. Why should I waste my beautiful mind worrying about something like that!"

    reeree (38 posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:53 PM

    11. I take votes for W personally.

    I get really resentful of my Republican friends. Especially my female Republican friends. I just want to yell at them, "How stupid can you be? Don't you realize your party hates you because you're a woman?" I only have about two Republican friends I care to continue talking to... we just can't talk about politics ever.

    Thank god my dad hated W enough not to vote for him this year. (He abstained.) My mom voted for Kerry, specifically to avoid my wrath. Otherwise I would have had difficulty continuing to talk to my parents. It would have been like a personal blow, like they just hated me so much they decided to destroy the future for me.

    Gloria (1000+ posts) Wed Nov-03-04 11:56 PM

    14. I already don't talk to my brother or his fundie wife....and I'm now

    finding it almost impossible to talk to my freeper mother. I am to the point that I've lost all respect for her."

    Jen6 (1000+ posts) Thu Nov-04-04 12:22 AM

    34. I am. Every last one

    they are toxic.

    But hey, at least Jackie97 still wants to communicate...

    42. I don't think that's a good idea.

    I have mixed feelings between wanting to give them hell and wanting to stay friends with them.

    Here's the thing. Not communicating with them has gotten us nowhere all these years. Marching down the street and screaming at counter protesters hasn't made the situation better between us.

    I think one of the ways to change this country for the better is to keep talking to them when we have it in us to again. We've got to try to change their hearts and minds. All conservatives are not alike. Some are just fiscal, some are just social conservatives. I think there might be a way to get through to some of them that voting for somebody like Bush in the future is wrong.

    When Bush's hell comes down on us, they'll be right beside us. They'll need a shoulder to lean on, and it won't help us to push them away.

    I'm resentful too, but I think we need to keep talking to them if we can.

    Let's not let them chase us out of the country either. The last thing I want is a world superpower being controlled solely by conservatives.


    That's from the "Help and Support" forum...I haven't even checked out the "Fighting and Acrimony" forum - and they think we're full of ourselves?

    Do we just write this off as venting a little, or a lot of frustration, or is this an indication of things to come?

    Is this how the radical left really feels, willing to sacrifice friends and family over their agenda, unwilling to compromise but willing to tolerate anything but opposing points of view, unwilling to consider the notion they just might be wrong about a few things themselves?

    I for one will never, by the grace of God, cut people out of my life because we don't think the same.


Answered By Answered On
purplewings 11/04/04
That is just too funny!

Are Republicans supposed to all look, think, and act exactly alike now? Will we have to wear a Big R Letter on our forehead? Or a sackcloth? Something has to identify us or how will "they" avoid us? We don't even have to admit we are Republicans. Don't "they" realize it is a secret ballot?

This underground is properly named. They are so stuck in their rut that they've begun to sink.

I'm worried about this one: "Don't you realize your party hates you because you're a woman?"

I never knew! I might have to make some serious changes down the road. It wouldn't be the first time I've switched....parties, I mean, not gender.


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